Chapter 472

Soon the news that Wuji City defeated the Tianting and Lingshan coalition forces was spread by Aoyu, and the news spread among the four continents at an unimaginable speed. Another master camel leader, another Jilei Mountain, a place of fear, another resort in the hearts of monsters, of course, the so-called tree big wind, many people have already set their sights on this place, of course they still dare not do it for a while Yes, after all, there is a Great Sage Equaling Heaven with a higher level of power, and the Infinity Emperor who scares away the two great Bodhisattvas. This Wuji City is enough to make people frightened.

Of course, all of this can't be hidden from Aoyu's eyes. As early as the beginning of the establishment of Wuji City, Aoyu's subordinates have been sent out by Aoyu. Of course, those foreigners were kept by Aoyu as guards. After all These people are absolutely loyal to him, having them is more at ease in Aoyu, after all, he himself has not seen Wukong's subordinates for tens of thousands of years, there is no guarantee that there will be spies inside, and Aoyu doesn't want to because of his momentary negligence And if something happens in Wuji City, that's not what Aoyu wants to see.

As for those Chinese subordinates, Aoyu is easier to deal with. There are about 7 people, of which 1 stay in the innermost city, and the remaining 33 were assigned by Aoyu a month ago. Their tasks are not other people. It is to gain certain rights in the secular world of the land world, to inquire about information for Wuji City, or to select elite candidates for Wuji City to enter, or to help Wuji City spread its reputation. In short, what they have to do is very simple, but also very complicated. That is, everything can be done with the interests of Wuji City as the criterion. You must know that this land is huge. From south to north, from east to west, I don’t know how many thousands of miles, and the population is extremely huge. The largest country, the Great Tang Kingdom has a territory of [-] li. Of course, it contains thousands of mountains and rivers, among which there are countless high-ranking people and monsters. It has a population of [-] million, which is no less than that of Wuji City. Of course, it is inevitable that Datang Kingdom can have such a huge force, and the support of the Taoist sects behind them is inevitable. According to Aoyu's knowledge, there are thousands of immortal sects in the territory of Datang. Among them, the powerful Shushan, Emei, Kunlun, Wutai, and Dongdong, these time-honored schools have branches even on the earth, let alone here, which of them has more than ten thousand disciples, especially Kunlun is huge, among them There are countless earth immortals who are unwilling to ascend to the heavens to serve, and their power should not be underestimated. There are also [-] overseas fairy islands, the gods of the three mountains and five mountains, and they are only stronger than the heavens.

And Aoyu's goal is to let these subordinates of his go to various countries in the world to take up official positions, or if possible, it is not impossible to divide the river and split the soil. Anyway, they are absolutely loyal to him, and their success is boundless. Don't underestimate the power of human beings for the success of the city. Although these human beings are weak, they may become the most powerful force in the Wuji City in the future.

And those monsters Aoyu did not fail to deal with it. He selected countless loyal little monsters, the 72-hole demon king, General Ba, Marshal Ma, and Aoyu to teach them the magic tricks and help them strengthen their strength. Of course, this had to be done. It is said that Aoyu left behind. After these people practiced this thing, I am afraid that the target of loyalty will change from Wukong to Aoyu. After all, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others, even if you are a brother. .

I believe that in the past few months, Wuji City will become a monolith. At that time, Aoyu can really flex his muscles. After all, the space on the earth is undoubtedly too narrow for Aoyu, and this is where he is. The place to pursue, this is the place where he can display his true talent, and this is where Aoyu can truly feel the feeling of fighting wits and courage.

Not to mention what will happen in the future, at least Aoyu's current life is very satisfactory. When it's okay, Aoyu and the gang of beautiful wives are very happy, and when they are busy, they just train the little demon soldiers and guide themselves Those underlings who watched Wuji City grow day by day, Aoyu lived a chic life, but some people were not chic, such as those two from Lingshan and Tianting.

The two Bodhisattvas Wenzhu and Puxian on Tathagata's side were frightened away, and they ran away without any real action. For Western Lingshan, which has hundreds of millions of Buddhist soldiers, this is nothing, but it still makes Tathagata feel a little heartbroken, because these Buddhist soldiers are all elite, seeing none of them come back, this makes Tathagata's heart ache. They were all bleeding, and what made him even more helpless was that after such an invincible image of Lingshan was broken, the loss of Lingshan was immeasurable. Unexpectedly, it would be such a failure that made Tathagata feel ashamed. The always gentle monk also became active this time, and scolded Wenzhu and Puxian so badly that he asked them to go back. Face the wall.

Although he was more angry than Wenzhu in his heart, Puxian didn't dare to say anything, so he had no choice but to leave here. Sometimes they all imagined how majestic the Twelve Immortals of Kunlun were when they were enshrined in the gods. After entering Buddhism, it turned out to be like this. Wenzhu and Puxian felt a shadow in their hearts at this moment, and it was doomed that Lingshan's fate would not be peaceful in the future.

In contrast, the life of the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court is even more difficult for Rulai. Big, completely unable to compete with the Tathagata, but the Heavenly Court is different. Although his Jade Emperor position seems to be stable and no one is robbing him, but the rights in his hands are very few, like Yang Jian, Nozha, etc. He is a member of the Yuxu sect, although he obeys his orders, he is not sure when Yuan Tianzun will immediately attack him with a dharma decree, half of the 28 stars above the heavens used to be members of the Jiejiao sect, they are absolutely dissatisfied with themselves If it weren't for their souls being suppressed by the Conferred God Stage, I'm afraid they would have rebelled a long time ago. Every one of the Sifang Heavenly Emperors stood on the same line with themselves, and they listened to the announcement and didn't listen to the tune. Don't put yourself in the eye, the five heavenly soldiers can control a thunder department by themselves is already the limit, and the gods of the three mountains and five mountains, the 33 overseas fairy islands, and the earth immortals in the land boundary, I want to invite them Getting out is harder than ascending to the sky. I am a majestic Tianzun, the Jade Emperor, and I have to beg them in a low voice before they will make a move, let alone the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Those bastards are simply perfunctory. One of the seven great sages in the Youming Prison Sea, the Overturning Sea Great Sage Demon King, is not clear about how much he can control himself, only God knows, what he, the Great Heavenly Venerable, has done is not real. , This is also the reason why the Jade Emperor kept ordering his subordinates to fight for monsters. One is to establish his own prestige, and the other is naturally to subdue some powerful monsters for his own use. He has done enough. This right is limited The Jade Emperor, his desire for power is stronger than anyone else, that's why this happens.

In the past, when Wukong made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor's face was naturally shamed, so he invited the Western Tathagata, but he didn't expect to make an exception because he was not human, which made the Jade Emperor always jealous, but he didn't expect This damned monkey can be considered endless, and even ran out to make such a fuss again, and together with a powerful monster, made some kind of Wuji City, this time the Heaven Realm suffered a loss of soldiers, which made the Jade Emperor's status crumbling , has begun to waver, the Jade Emperor can't think of any other way to deal with it, the only way now is to remedy it quickly, otherwise his life will not be easy.

"Loves, this time we failed in the conquest, don't you know if you have a good strategy??" At this moment, the Jade Emperor was sitting on his dragon chair and said to the immortals below him helplessly. Obviously, he was thinking about this question by himself. There is no way to do it, so he came out and said it, although he himself didn't want to.

The people in the audience looked at me, I looked at you, but they couldn't think of a word. Finally, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but said to the people below: "Could it be that you can't think of a word just watching this monster rampant like this?" Is there a way? Are you just ignoring the majesty of my heavenly court? Does anyone else have a way to conquer the Promise Demon City?"

As soon as the Jade Emperor's words came out of the stage, the audience began to be in a mess. A group of people stood up and said a lot of things to the Jade Emperor. Of course, it was basically nonsense. The only meaning was to persuade the Jade Emperor to let go People's thinking, saying that the climate of Wuji City needs long-term planning and other nonsense. As for who will go to the expedition, they didn't say a single one. Of course, even Erlang God was injured. The powerful Wuji Emperor is a fool who would run over to make trouble. Although there are people in their fairy world who can subdue them, those two have already opened their mouths to ignore the affairs of heaven for the time being, so they will not be so stupid as to say it at this time, they The nonsense I said was carefree, but the Jade Emperor on the stage was so angry that he was half dead, but there was nothing he could do. The Jade Emperor could only sigh silently, but he couldn't find any other way to deal with this matter. Neng shook his head helplessly, gave up the idea of ​​another crusade, and found a better way out to restore his dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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