Chapter 496
"Master, do you think we can find that hero?" At this moment, a young Taoist said next to an old Taoist.

"Yes, of course. Didn't you see that the other sects are all heading towards the middle of the mountain? Yingzhao must be there, let's go there quickly." At this time, the old Taoist said to his apprentice, obviously he was guessing about himself Said so confidently to his apprentice.

But they didn't realize that there was a young man in his twenties behind them standing on a big tree behind them watching them leave, and then there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, talking to himself Said: "Central? Hey, it looks like something interesting."

After speaking, the boy disappeared into the night sky.

It didn't take long for Aoyu to appear in the middle of the Shiwanda Mountain. Of course, at this moment, Aoyu could feel a layer of strange light covering the place within this range. A three-meter-long and 1.5-meter-high A pair of huge tiger-like monsters with fleshy wings are lying there, and under its body is a seal the size of a jade seal that emits light. With Aoyu's eyesight, you can clearly see the appearance of the five heavenly emperors on it. Of course, it is the ancient Wufang Heavenly Emperor, not the current Jade Emperor and the others. Aoyu can clearly feel that the power above is a special kind of life energy that strengthens the body. It made Aoyu very happy to know that people like him who specialize in physical strength like this kind of treasure the most. Of course, Aoyu didn't go down immediately to grab the seal, but sat in a seat where he could fully observe the surrounding environment. Looking at everything around him, Aoyu not only wants that Yingdong seal, Aoyu also wants this heroic move, Aoyu can feel that this heroic move has been nourished by the Yandong seal for so long The power of his body is already quite strong, not as simple as those guys from the Kunlun School said.

It didn't take long for a pair of people to rush over and surround Yingzhao to the center, but seeing them standing in different directions, it can be seen that they are obviously not in the same camp. It is a sect of Chanjiao, but it is separated again. Emei belongs to Buddhism, while Kunlun was founded by Jiang Ziya, a disciple of Yuan Tianzun, who was in the battle of the gods, and Tongtong was founded by Guangchengzi, one of the twelve immortals of Kunlun. Founded, of course, this Guangchengzi is not too ancient. The great sage Guangchengzi is not the master of the Yellow Emperor. With his cultivation base, anyone in the God Realm can crush him to death with his fingers, but Shushan is a little further away.

At this moment, they saw the arrival of the other party, and there seemed to be no way to give in to each other. Obviously, neither of them wanted the other party to get the treasure and the heroic move.

"Everyone, our Kunlun faction discovered this thing first, and I hope you don't come to snatch it from us." At this moment, Ling Xuzi, the head of the Kunlun faction, was very angry when he saw so many people coming here. If he wanted to say that this thing was from the Kunlun faction I discovered it first, but I don't know what link leaked the news that all these people came, which made Ling Xuzi very angry. If it wasn't for his limited strength, Ling Xuzi would definitely not mind killing all these guys.

"Ling Xuzi, why do you Kunlun sect want to occupy the so-called treasures of heaven, earth, treasures and virtue? This thing is not from our Kunlun sect." As soon as Ling Xuzi's words came out, the Duan teacher of the Emei sect opened his mouth to him. Said, these guys of the Emei Sect are naturally at odds with explaining the teachings based on Buddhism and Taoism. Naturally, they are not polite at this time. If it was in the past, no one would support her, but this time it is different. Received the support of the Dong School and the Shushan School.

Faced with the support of the three masters, Ling Xuzi was really helpless. Although he also had treasures like the God Whip and the Overturning Seal, he had nothing to do with them. After all, the other party was not weaker than him, and the treasures were not only his own. Yes, others have too. Seeing them, although Ling Xuzi wanted to kill them, he suffered from lack of ability, so after thinking for a while, Ling Xuzi said to the heads of the other three factions: "Well, since you say so, then we each rely on our own abilities."

"Okay, then let's each use his own ability." After finishing speaking, the three of them led their disciples to call Yingzhao who had stood up and looked at them on guard without saying anything. It wasn't that Yingzhao didn't want to leave but this At that time, the entire central valley had already been set up with a formation, and it couldn't go even if it walked first. Seeing the Taoists approaching, Yingzhao immediately went up to meet them. It took a lot of money.

However, after those people began to suffer in order to compete for the capital of Yingzhao and Xitong Yin, they took out their own housekeeping treasures one by one. Immediately fought out, of course, accompanied by Ziqing double swords, as well as the treasures of various factions, Yingzhao wanted to avoid such a scene, but he didn't have the ability to know that although these masters had not yet arrived But the land boundary is an out-and-out fairy level, and it is too simple to use such a powerful magic weapon to deal with a beast. Yuxu Xinghuangqi claims to be the first in defense, and it is difficult to break through the first move Deng Tian, ​​seeing that Fan Tian Yin was about to call, Ying Zhao felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart at this time, but there was no other way.

When Yingzhao closed his eyes, he only heard a sound of "ping", like the sound of gold and iron. When Yingzhao opened his eyes again, he found that the earth-shattering seal that had already become as big as a mountain was at this moment. He was being played with by a handsome black-haired boy, and the purple and blue swords had fallen to the ground. Yingzhao felt like he was reborn after death.

And the thousands of disciples of the sects over there and their heads are completely dumbfounded. They have never seen such a powerful person who can hold the Fantian Seal with bare hands. Of course, this is not really considered to Aoyu. Why do you know that with his current cultivation base and the original Tianzun being on par, and with the backing of that powerful body, it is not a big deal to do this. After all, Fan Tianyin is just a toy in his eyes.

"Hey, you guys hurt me, now it's time for me to beat you." Aoyu turned around at this time and said with a smile to the group of people from several sects. After speaking, he grabbed Xing Huang Qi threw the Fantian Seal out again with one hand, and instantly the Fantian Seal was smashed down like a mountain. The Fantian Seal was originally cultivated by Ling Xuzi, but it was not fully cultivated, so it was instantly erased by Aoyu The connection between the two was refined and then thrown out after changing hands. In an instant, those people uttered miserable cries, and hundreds of disciples were crushed into pieces by the Fantian Seal.

"Who are you? Why do you want to do something to us? You want to let us give you the Yingzhao and the seal. Even if we admit defeat today, please give us the magic weapon." Ling Xuzi is also a smart person. When the opponent's hand is not enough for all the people on his side to add up to one finger, it is perfectly correct for him to choose to give up.

"A magic weapon? Hehe, if you want it, I will give it to you? You think too highly of yourself. Let me tell you that this treasure is mine once it is in my hands. My name is Long Aoyu, Lord of Wuji City. If you are not convinced You can find me in Wuji City." At this moment, Aoyu looked at several people and said with a smile, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"What? You are Emperor Wuji?" Ling Xuzi said to Aoyu in surprise at this time, not only him but everyone beside him looked at Aoyu with surprise and fear. Tianzun contended, and the Wuji Emperor who led the seven sages of the monster clan naturally knew that they had no choice but to face such a person, and they had no way to fight against them regardless of their status, they could only recognize it.

(End of this chapter)

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