Chapter 498 Invitation from the Heavenly Palace

Aoyu rode back to Wuji city majestically on Yingzhao. Of course, when Aoyu entered here, he was on a rampage. Those monster soldiers were happy to see Aoyu riding this beast back here from a distance. cheered, and then immediately knelt down, Aoyu nodded and flew in directly. Aoyu has a thorough understanding of the dot formation method in Wuji City. If he flew in on a rampage, he would be finished. Even if he passed the five-element formation at the beginning, he would definitely not be able to pass the nine-dragon seven-kill formation, which was arranged by Aoyu himself, using Kunlun mirror, one of the top ten artifacts.

As soon as Aoyu arrived at the place, Niekov rushed over. As Aoyu's only one of the two foreign generals who brought the mountains from the earth, Niekov was in charge of all the defenses of the inner three cities. When Aoyu came back, he immediately walked up to Aoyu and said respectfully: "Master, just now hundreds of heavenly soldiers from Taibaijinxing came to see you, and now Miss Xia Xue is looking for him."

"Oh? What is he looking for?" Aoyu said to Niekov suspiciously at this time. In the beginning, Aoyu and Jade Emperor had the intention of forming an alliance and did so, but now it is not the same as before, it is different now It’s the past, and now I don’t have to be the Jade Emperor. He is nothing in front of me, and he is no longer qualified to be my ally. Of course, Aoyu didn’t say this, after all, maybe someday he will be able to Using him, as the saying goes, "everything stays on the line for future success", so Aoyu didn't do it so badly. Now that Taibaijinxing came, Aoyu couldn't figure out what this old guy was going to do, but he left anyway. go in.

"After entering at this moment, I found that Xia Xue was pouring tea for Taibai. Xia Xue is good. After so long, this girl still can't change her habit when she was on Earth. She has hired so many girls to order her around, but she just doesn't need it. At this time He also poured water for Taibai himself, completely treating him as a guest, Aoyu smiled helplessly at this, but this Aoyu woman poured water for Taibai, which made Taibai so excited that he stood up quickly, extremely respectful But in my heart, I am flattered. The Emperor Wuji poured water for himself, and he can brag about it no matter where he goes. Even if he had the guts, he didn't dare to take this cup of tea, because Wukong would definitely beat him into a pig's head without hesitation.

"I said old man Taibai, what do you want from me." At this moment Aoyu walked in from the outside, Aoyu didn't say much about what Xia Xue did Well, as for the matter of face, it's not as important as your own wife. Of course, it's better if someone dares to speak nonsense. Aoyu will never make it easy for someone who dares to speak ill of his wife.

Taibai Jinxing held the cup of tea in his heart, and when he heard Aoyu's words, his whole body trembled, and he almost threw the tea out, so that the emperor could see that he would not survive if he asked the imperial concubine to pour tea for him. Here Taibai was sweating all over his body, but seeing Aoyu holding Xia Xue in his arms, Taibai let go of his heart a little bit, and there respectfully said to Aoyu: "Dijun, the Pantao Conference held once every 3000 years It's started, I'm here to invite you to come by the order of the Queen Mother."

"Oh? Pantao Club? Hey, please, I don't know if I can take someone with me in the past. You have to know that I can't keep my wives at home." Aoyu said to Taibai with a smile.

"That's natural. The emperors and concubines are also invited. Naturally, they can go to the heavenly court. I just came to inform you and the emperors. It will be the Pantao Conference in three days. Please be there on time." Taibai Jinxing respectfully He said to Aoyu, the identity of the other party is different now, he is no longer the powerful demon king a few months ago, he is now in command of hundreds of millions of demon clans, the ghost emperor of the five directions, the infinite emperor, his identity is natural It is high, and if it is said that its strength is even higher than that of the Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing is naturally extra careful when speaking.

"Well, by the way, who did the Jade Emperor invite?" Aoyu asked curiously to Taibai Jinxing.

"Well, the Jade Emperor also invited 33 masters from Immortal Island, the Great Immortal, the Tathagata Buddha, the Three Great Bodhisattvas, (Ksitigarbha died), Maitreya Buddha, the Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, the Sifang Tiandi, the Barefoot Immortal, and Zhenyuan Zi Daxian, the Dragon King of the Four Seas." Taibai Jinxing's memory is pretty good, and whenever Aoyu asked him, he said everything one by one, and answered Aoyu fluently.

"Oh? So many people have been invited, I don't know if my grandson and my elder brothers have been invited?" At this moment, a voice suddenly came in and said to Taibai Jinxing, the owner of this voice was at the door, could it be Qi Tian Who could the great sage Sun Wukong be?Of course, there are six armored demon kings behind him who are the Seven Great Saints of the Monster Race. At this moment, they are staring at Taibai Jinxing one by one.

Seeing their terrifying eyes, Taibai Jinxing immediately replied: "Of course there is, of course there is."

In fact, do you want to say that there are these great saints?That's not at all. The Tianting Pantao Society generally never invites people from the monster clan, but now that the world has changed and the monster clan is strong, the Queen Mother has already told him when Taibai came down. If you want to come, then please invite them by the way, after all, they all belong to Wuji City now, no matter what, they have to show Aoyu face, of course, it is best to be able to refuse, but how dare Taibai Jinxing, look at this Guys, the Bull Demon King and the others are better off. Did Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace last time because of the Pantao Society? Eat up one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in one go, these people are not to be provoked, for them Taibai Jinxing can only follow their wishes, so how can they dare to be against them in the slightest.

The great sages nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, and sat on the high chair below, looking at Taibaijinxing, his whole body was chilled, wishing to leave here quickly, but he couldn't just bite the bullet and sit down. There he endured the sharp eyes of the Seven Great Saints.

Aoyu smiled slightly when he saw this scene, but Xia Xue beside him couldn't help laughing at him, and said to Taibai Jinxing, Don't be afraid of Taibai Daxian, they won't do anything to you, Wukong and the others Although he is a little scary, but he is a very good person.

Taibai Jinxing smiled awkwardly after hearing this, but he was thinking in his heart that those great saints might only treat you well. You didn't see them when they were fierce, but naturally he didn't dare to say such things. So I could only smile awkwardly.

"I said that in Taibai's previous years, the Pantao Festival held once every 3000 years should be opened next year, so why is it coming back earlier this year?" The Ventilation Great Sage Macaque King casually said to Taibai Jinxing at this time, as one of the Seven Great Sages The smartest, most scheming, and the best at dealing with others, the macaque king naturally has his own advantages.

As soon as he said the words, the other six of the Seven Great Sages stood up immediately, and the fiery Wukong turned around and rushed to Taibai, pulled his collar and said to him: "Say, why is it suddenly early today? Isn't there some conspiracy to kill my brother?"

" No, how dare I, Da Shengye, you forgot that tomorrow the Ten Thousand Tribulation Thunder Formation will be ineffective for three years, and the once-in-ten-thousand-year war between the East and the West will begin. It is to discuss this matter." Taibai Jinxing said hurriedly at this moment.

Hearing this, Wukong rolled his eyes a few times before he believed that he let go of Taibai Jinxing, and returned to his seat. Before leaving, he tidied up Taibai Jinxing's clothes with a smile, and said to him: "Brother Taibai Don't be afraid, my old Sun Gang was just joking."

Although Taibai Jinxing didn't believe his words, he still nodded to show that he knew, after all he didn't dare to offend Wukong.

At this time Aoyu finally spoke, he smiled at Taibai Jinxing and said: "Don't worry, I know for three days that I will definitely go to the Pantao Conference, and then I must visit the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother and discuss with them This matter of the war between the East and the West, hehe, I still have something to do with those guys in the West, so I just took this opportunity to settle it."

Hearing Aoyu's words, Taibai Jinxing was relieved. He knew that his mission was finally completed, so he hurriedly resigned, and then left here as if fleeing for his life, because he found that this Wuji City was gone, except for a few imperial concubines. They are all demons, people who can't be provoked, he doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

After Taibai Jinxing left, Wuji City naturally began to pack up and down, each of them was busy to death, of course it was for clothes or something, speaking of Aoyu now still has a decent dragon robe, which does not match his status as an emperor, And his women naturally have to prepare, after all, they go to the sky, because women love beauty, they don't want to be compared by those fairies, especially in front of Aoyu.

All of a sudden the whole Wuji City started to get busy, of course, Aoyu sat there alone and began to study the matter of the war between the East and the West, Aoyu unconsciously put on a smile, he had long wanted to give those bastards in the west a little bit Lesson learned, it’s just that his previous strength was limited, but now Aoyu has the absolute strength and power to allow him to do it, so Aoyu has already begun to think about how to torture those bastards to death, especially Zeus and Posei Dong these two bastards, of course, have to find a chance to repay the favor of Hades, the king of the underworld, after all, Aoyu doesn't like to owe people favors.

(End of this chapter)

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