Chapter 502
"Hehe, it's not a pity for such a rebellious son to die, so don't think too much about the emperor, the Peach Walking Party is about to begin, let's go together." At this moment, the Jade Emperor said to Aoyu with a smile on his face, but it is possible for everyone Everyone understands that the Jade Emperor's mood at this moment is probably about to go crazy. Everyone knows that the Jade Emperor has only six sons under his knees, and this youngest son is very precious. Kill, he is already proficient in accidents without going crazy, and it is even more curious to be able to say such words.

"Okay, let's go to the Peach Club." Since the Jade Emperor doesn't mind, let alone Aoyu, he naturally pretends that nothing happened, and kills him there, but what exactly is he thinking? Only he himself knows.

Aoyu, Jade Emperor and the others came to Yaochi mighty and mighty. The preparations here are complete at this moment. Aoyu finds the best place to do it without any hesitation. Of course, he brings his own subordinates with him. , and Xia Xue and the others all returned to Aoyu's resting place because of the fright they had just received. Of course, they were accompanied by Aoyu's 66 demon kings. They would enjoy flat peaches there, after all, according to Aoyu's words It is not easy to get such a good thing if you don't eat it for nothing, panacea, and holy fruit.

After Aoyu finished, Tathagata with a livid face also took his Lingshan people to sit down together. Of course, their seats were opposite to Aoyu. At this moment, he looked at Aoyu with a complicated expression. Obviously he didn't What mood did you go to hold this flat peach meeting, and Wenzhu Bodhisattva was there with a frowning face, after all, all the guilt must be borne by him, what he hopes now is that the Tathagata will not hand him over, otherwise he will die or live Only God knows, but Wenzhu also understands that the chances are too small, at this moment Wenzhu really wants to give herself a few slaps, if not because she wants to help the sixth prince and the others to leave a good fortune for the Jade Emperor With something like today, Wenzhu really regrets it at this moment.

Soon the Pantao Party was held, and they started to eat, drink, and make noise as usual. This can be said to be the kind of Spring Festival party that belongs to the heaven, but this kind of party only happens once in thousands of years, and it is also much more advanced. That's all, of course, the main event, the flat peaches, was also brought up at this time, and the big and small immortals got different flat peaches according to their grades. Of course, the Seven Great Saints of the Monster Race and Aoyu are naturally from those 9000 years. According to the stingy personality of the Queen Mother Originally, she was going to give away 3000 years, but she looked at Wukong behind Aoyu and dismissed the idea. She didn't want Pantaoyuan to be visited by Wukong again, and it was too late for her to cry.

This year's Pantao Festival is still so lively and noisy, but the atmosphere is obviously not as harmonious as before. After all, there is such a huge power this year.

"The reason why today's Pantao Festival is one year ahead of schedule is because we will have to deal with the threat from the West next year. The Western Heaven Realm will start to attack next year. The Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array that blocks the connection between the East and West Celestial Realms will be on this day next year. It has been ineffective for three years. At that time, the West will inevitably invade on a large scale. In the past, they could not pose any threat to us. Even if they were all dispatched, we would not be afraid. But this year is different. I don’t think I need to talk about it. What is the reason? Both the Western Buddhist world and the demon race have suffered major losses, especially the Buddhist world, so we have to sit together and discuss how we can face the attack of the Western heavenly world in the future." At this moment, the Jade Emperor Sitting on his dragon chair, Lan Sheng said to the people below.

"Good, good, that's exactly the case. My Western Buddhist world has suffered a great loss. Eight hundred arhats pinched their pans, and the four sides died. Thousands of ancient Buddhas died in battle. Hundreds of millions of Buddhist soldiers were martyred. Eight dragons disappeared. The backbone of my Buddhist world The loss has been exhausted, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was killed, and now the Emperor Wuji wants me to be Manju Bodhisattva, I am afraid that my Buddhist family will be powerless this time." Tathagata said to all these people at this moment, obviously he said this to tell others that the Buddhist world is already dead. Without power, we will not fight the East-West Celestial War.

"Really? That's it, hehe, since you are powerless in the Buddhist world, you can give us Xiniu Hezhou to Wuji City. Anyway, you are useless there." Aoyu grabbed Tathagata without any face. He spoke to him, obviously Aoyu didn't buy his way, Tathagata honestly shut his mouth on the spot as soon as the words came out, because he knew that it was useless to say anything else, the other party asked him to give up Xiniu Hezhou It is absolutely impossible, because there is the foundation of their Buddhist world, and they must not give up.

The Jade Emperor, who wanted to speak comfortingly, closed his mouth at this moment when he heard Aoyu's words, but instead he said: "The western heavens are menacing and powerful, and we cannot resist alone. Fang Tiandi, and the Gods of the 33 Immortal Islands and the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains overseas will face off against the Western Angels and Demons, and I will leave the rest to everyone."

When Tathagata saw Jade Emperor, he immediately stopped the not-so-powerful Tianshi Clan and Demon Clan in his arms, fearing that he would accidentally pick up the two big hot potatoes of the Olympus Protoss and Titan Protoss, and rushed to everyone Said: "My Western Buddhist world is willing to exterminate the Nordic Odin Protoss and make a contribution to my Eastern Heaven."

Who knows that the Nordic Odin Protoss has sunk in the dusk, and what is left is just some priests and high-level berserkers, and there is no strong power. The troops in the Hall of Heroes are obviously not the powerful opponents of the Buddhist world. This is undoubtedly Choose the soft one, and let all the immortals look at Tathagata with contempt, but Tathagata is obviously a thick-skinned guy, and after he finished speaking, he didn't feel a bit embarrassed and still sat there with a smile on his face. Everyone seemed as if nothing had happened. To be honest, it was quite shameless.

"Oh? You finished the selection? Hehe, so you just left the Olympus Protoss and Titan Protoss to my Wuji City? Hehe, everyone thinks highly of my Wuji City, right?" Ao Yu didn't Instead of showing his inner thoughts, he said with a smile there.

"Who doesn't know that you, Emperor Wuji, have profound skills. You command hundreds of millions of demon clans, and over ten thousand demon kings. In addition, you have the seven great saints of the demon clan and the five ghost emperors at your service. If you can't defeat them, let alone us At this moment, Emperor Donghua said to Aoyu, obviously the person Aoyu just killed was his nephew, he was quite annoyed at this time, naturally he wanted to do everything possible to push Aoyu into the fire pit.

Aoyu laughed even more after hearing this, he laughed happily, his smile was so bright that others thought he had agreed to this matter, when the Jade Emperor and Tathagata were about to toast, Aoyu Suddenly his face changed and he said disdainfully: "Hmph, you guys let Wuji City face the two big protoss alone, you really think highly of me, let's be honest, our Wuji City can't beat them, so this matter We don't care."

Aoyu's words are obviously playing a scoundrel, but others really have nothing to do with him, after all, Wuji City can be said to be monolithic from top to bottom, no one would want Wuji City to send out a single soldier without Aoyu's order, without Wuji With the approval of the city, no one in the world would dare to touch the monsters. Aoyu's words in disguise represent the meaning of the two worlds of monsters who occupy an important position in the world, which makes everyone else look pale.

"The emperor forgot that you put the overall situation first, this invasion of the western heavens..." Tathagata began to talk about the big truth to Aoyu.

But he was interrupted by Aoyu immediately when he was halfway through speaking, and said to Ru: "Stop him, you think I'm a fool, sir, if you say that, we will go to Wuji City to deal with Aoyu The old, weak, sick, and disabled of the Ding God Clan who are sinking in the twilight, you Buddhist circles, go to deal with Mount Olympus and the Titan God Clan, and tell you that you want me to go to Wuji City in front of the cannon fodder."

One sentence made Aoyu and the Jade Emperor next to him shut their mouths. They knew that what Aoyu said was true, but no one said it, but Aoyu who said it in person had never seen it before. , Now such a sentence made Tathagata extremely embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do about Aoyu, it was really helpless to be able to look at him eagerly.

Suddenly the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing, but no one spoke. In such an atmosphere, the three big bosses naturally couldn't turn to the people below them to speak, so they could watch helplessly, but after listening to Aoyu's words They really despised Tathagata a little bit, and the seven great sages of the monster race behind Aoyu even showed the momentum of facing each other with swords if they disagreed with each other.

"However, things are not without discussion." At this moment, Aoyu saw that the atmosphere on the court had reached the level he wanted, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he turned the topic and said to everyone, obviously at this moment Aoyu had already I thought of a plan, but I didn't say it.

"Oh? I don't know what it is?" The Jade Emperor said happily at the moment. Obviously, he tried his best to facilitate this matter, and let Aoyu be the cannon fodder. Facing the two powerful gods, you must know that the two powerful The protoss are not something they can easily face, let alone what they want to face, so these two powerful races must be handed over to Aoyu. It also meant to weaken Promise City.

(End of this chapter)

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