Chapter 506 Bet
The immortals next to them couldn't help trembling when they saw such a cruel scene. Although they had seen cruel scenes after living for so long, they had never thought of such crazy torture in this simple world, so they looked at Aoyu's eyes were full of fear, and they swore in their hearts that if they had the chance, they would never fight against Wuji City, even if it was a strong advantage, because their methods of treating the enemy were so cruel, so cruel that they Some are unacceptable.

But at this time, they have no strength to stop such a cruel act, they can only sigh helplessly there, look at Wu Qu Xingjun with pity, and watch the departure of this celestial hero, they are ready to help Wu Qu Xingjun take over His beautiful wives and daughters, thinking of his beautiful wives and daughters, his wife, these people are salivating.

Seeing his subordinates die like this, the Jade Emperor looked at Aoyu helplessly, his expression a little downcast.

"Hey, Tathagata Buddha, let's talk about our problems now, take off your pants for everyone to see, and I will let the golden-winged roc come out for you to see how it is." Aoyu is that at the moment I have made up my mind to be this rogue, everyone knows that Aoyu is actually cheating on purpose, more likely to delay time, but they have nothing to do with him, after all, the opponent's powerful and vicious methods are there, so If it’s not good, it’s the same fate as Wu Qu Xingjun, then the gain outweighs the loss. This is not what they want to see, so they shut their mouths one by one, looked at Tathagata Buddha, and supported him infinitely spiritually, of course. As for other aspects, it is better to avoid it or not.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Tathagata's face turned dark purple, and he said to him after a long time: "How can such right and wrong be confused, the only one in the world who can half do it according to what the general said that day is the golden-winged roc Bird, if it wasn't for him, the poor monk really couldn't think of who it would be, so he asked the emperor to let him come out to be a witness, which can be regarded as repaying his innocence. As for the emperor's request, the poor monk naturally couldn't agree. "

What the Tathagata said is reasonable enough to make everyone next to him nod their heads. It looks like they are all on the same line as the Tathagata. If it is a different person, they will definitely not be able to withstand such pressure, but this person is arrogant. Yu, looking at him, he didn't look like he was under any pressure. Zuo looked at the group of gods who were talking there and smiled faintly, and then said to them: "That's what I said, But how can you say that you are my subordinate? Is it based on a word from you Tathagata Buddha? How big is the world and how many species are there, so you must be the work of my subordinate Golden Winged Roc? Why, but there are countless golden-winged rocs in ancient times, so you can guarantee that they must be my subordinates? Why do you say that?"

Aoyu said it was obviously a sophistry, but he also stood three points rationally, which made those immortals who were originally scumbags rush over and more than half of them came. The man said: "My Tathagata has been in Zhangling Mountain for tens of thousands of years, and what I say is of course proof. If the emperor wants to prove his innocence, let the king of the Golden Wing Dapeng come out to see him. If it is not for the poor monk, he should apologize."

"Huh, since you Lingshan Buddha said so, then I, Wuji City, command all the demons in the world, and there are more than billions of demons under my command, and people are devastated by waving their hands. I also think that you Lingshan Buddha stole the treasure of Wuji City and hid it in your pants. I know if you dare to take it off in public and let us see, it shouldn’t be a problem to prove your Buddha’s innocence, if I’m wrong, I’d rather apologize to you, what do you think?” Aoyu’s mouth hangs A trace of smile said to him, obviously Aoyu was deliberately playing tricks on him.

", me, and me." Tathagata was so confused by Aoyu's rascal behavior that he really didn't know what to say, so he could only be there for a long time without saying a word.

"Hey, of course, if you don't want to take off your pants to prove your innocence, we can use other methods, as long as you agree to one condition." When Aoyu said this, the corner of his mouth hung up unconsciously. In addition to his habitual smile, anyone who knows Aoyu knows that Aoyu's smile means that someone is going to be tricked again. Of course, this person is obviously not someone else. Who else can there be except our great Tathagata Buddha?
"Okay, what you said, no matter what conditions you have, I will agree to you, as long as you let the golden-winged roc come out for everyone to see." Tathagata Buddha said to Aoyu immediately without any hesitation. Afterwards he regretted it. He swore to himself that this was absolutely not intentional, it was a conditioned reflex, an absolute conditioned reflex, but at the same time he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to go back on his word now that he had said it.

"Hey, is that right? That's good. In fact, my request is not too much. As long as I can prove my innocence, then you let Guanyin come to me and be my subordinate, how about it?" At this moment, Aoyu faced Tathagata's tiny Said, looking into Guanyin's eyes but not hiding the naked desire at all, making everyone around look at the two of them with ambiguous eyes, probably thinking that the two of them are related.

What you say is water that was thrown out, and there is no way to change it. Tathagata also knows this. It is impossible for him to repent now. Not only will he fail to achieve his goal, but his majesty will be completely wiped out. How others will think of Lingshan in the future is a problem, so Tathagata knows that he must not retreat, so he bites the bullet and says to Aoyu: "Okay, I will bet with you."

When the Tathagata said this, the expression of Avalokitesvara next to her suddenly darkened. As one of the four great Bodhisattvas, she is not revered by thousands of people wherever she goes, but now she is about to fall into the position of being someone else's bet, which really makes her a little sad Injury, but Tathagata's words cannot be violated, and she has nothing to do. Fortunately, Guanyin still believes in Tathagata, probably out of trust and pressure, so she didn't say much, and Tathagata is quite confident in herself. The preparation of the heart made Aoyu look embarrassed.

Seeing Tathagata like this, Aoyu laughed triumphantly, just at this time the Peng Demon King behind him came to Aoyu and whispered softly, after which Aoyu sat there again and said: "Okay, now to prove the innocence of this emperor, then I I will let you meet my golden-winged roc king."

As soon as Aoyu finished speaking, a man in black robe came out behind him, took off his clothes, revealed a bird face, turned around and changed, and a huge golden-winged roc appeared above Yaochi, where After beeping a few times in a low voice, it changed back again, and stood there triumphantly looking at the Tathagata Buddha with provocative eyes.

"How is it is it possible...impossible. Impossible." Tathagata obviously couldn't accept this news at this time. According to his understanding, the only one in the world who can do this is the golden-winged roc. Aoyu is secretive; Tathagata definitely thinks that the other party is attacking. Of course, in order to prevent that guy from coming back, he has secretly waved his hands to let his subordinates guard Yaochi together with the heavy soldiers from the heaven. Tathagata believes that Yaochi is big, but it has its own people. It's just that a fly can't get in. Originally, he was confident and slow. Although he was very angry with Aoyu, the more Aoyu was like this, the more he felt that the other party was guilty, so he was full of confidence, but suddenly appeared The Golden Winged Roc King made him feel a little nervous, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Actually Tathagata thought well, but there is a person in this world who is proficient in all kinds of changes, and the speed is extremely fast, that is Wukong behind Aoyu, the purpose of Aoyu just doing this is actually very simple, that is to attract everyone's attention Otherwise, Wukong with a dull expression would definitely be discovered by Aoyu. When the Peng Demon King came up just now, Aoyu knew that the original god that Wukong was sure of must have returned, so he said it so proudly to the Tathagata. Obviously This is a case ready for Tathagata to drill.

"Hey, don't say anything else, let me tell you, old man Tathagata, you can send Avalokitesvara here, hey, she is my subordinate now, haha, thank you for sending me such a good subordinate." Aoyu smiled happily When he got up, his smile was so bright, but Tathagata's face corresponded to his, a bitter melon face, a flat peach would make him lose the two great bodhisattvas under his command, he really didn't want to see Aoyu any more Every time I see him, I will be unlucky. As for Aoyu, there is nothing else about the coming Guanyin. As long as she comes to Wuji City and becomes his subordinate, Aoyu will naturally have a way to make her serve him Of course, looking at her snow-white body, of course it would be better to dedicate everything.

Avalokitesvara looked at Tathagata and sighed helplessly, followed the Buddhist principles to him, and walked behind Aoyu, she knew that her identity had changed from this moment on, she would be from Wuji City, what kind of Avalokitesvara is she? Smart, since she changed sides, she immediately changed masters. She would never sacrifice her life for Lingshan. After all, she knew how to choose between a declining Xitian and a powerful Wuji City.

(End of this chapter)

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