Chapter 515 Heavenly Father Ularos
At this moment, they truly felt the terrifying power of Aoyu, which made them feel fear in their hearts. They didn't understand why such a powerful power that should not appear in this world would appear at this time. The top experts all turned their attention to that terrifying area, that frightening area among the thunder formations of myriad calamities.

And the only one who can make everyone happy is the Tongtian leader who is far away in the Biyou Palace in Luzhou, Beigu, because only he is on the same front as Aoyu, and only he understands the meaning of that powerful force Who is the source, only the man who has an unusual relationship with him.

"Master, there is a change in the place you asked me to pay attention to today. A powerful force has appeared. The power of the other party is definitely not mine and Tong Tianxia. It should have surpassed us, but I don't know who he is." Above the holy heaven in the west, the benevolent and supreme God Jehovah is kneeling in front of a shining golden bronze mirror and speaking respectfully to the bronze mirror.

"Really? Who is it? He was able to escape my eyes. It seems that this person is not simple. You have to pay attention to me. You must monitor it closely and stop playing. I let you stay in the lower realm. You played there, put away your game, quickly occupy the entire heaven, at that time I will remove the damn thunder formation, the person in it should be almost the same after ten thousand years, at most he will die within a year Now, at that time, the Thunderbolt of Myriad Tribulations will disappear, gather all your strength to complete the mission I entrusted to you, and put away your fearless game." A long and deep voice came from the mirror, facing the Lord He said in a stern tone, obviously with an orderly tone.

Hearing the words of the man in the mirror, the Lord shook his body and said respectfully to the mirror: "Yes, my almighty and great master, I will immediately gather the strength in my hands to destroy all enemies, master, but it is far away in the east. The Tongtian has a strength comparable to mine, and it is really difficult for me to defeat them."

"Hmph, the reason I let you and Tongtian take Yiwei snake for so long to force you to make an agreement with him not to use power beyond the critical point of this world is to prevent him from making a move. Those people in the Eastern Heaven Realm don't know that this agreement is true. It's ridiculous to think that Tongtian can't beat them, but this is good, so that they have the courage to destroy it. Tongtian's power in the east has been completely suppressed. You just need to be good at using it to wipe out all his power at that time. Tongtian can't make any big waves. If he really doesn't know what is good or bad, then the divine weapon I rewarded you before can deal with him. Tongtian is definitely not its opponent. You can rest assured. Although this may lose my identity, but at that time It doesn't matter, but you must not use it unless you have to know it?" At this moment, the illusory voice said to God after thinking for a while, obviously he was also very cautious, and he didn't want others to know his identity, otherwise he would come That trouble is not small.

After hearing the man's words, the Lord was overjoyed, and immediately responded to the voice, saying respectfully to the voice: "Yes, I will definitely do it."

In fact, Yahweh has long disliked Tongtian, but the strength of the two is equal and neither can do anything to the other, so there is a stalemate there. Later, it was agreed that the two should not use power beyond the critical point of the heaven, otherwise Tongtian would not be able to do anything. Only a small area of ​​Luzhou in Beigu will be suppressed by the Three Sects. In fact, the real Tongtian has at least the power of a demon king. He is definitely an invincible powerhouse in this world. Jehovah and him also secretly wanted to fight a lot. They don't like each other anymore, but no one can do anything about it, otherwise, there will be something to play with. Now that I heard my master's words, the Lord is radiant, and I am very happy. I immediately stood up and walked out, obviously Ready to plan your own big event.

Turning to Aoyu, in fact, there is a reason why Aoyu has improved so fast. Just relying on the power of constant destruction and rebirth, Aoyu will not be able to improve so quickly. It is mainly due to one person, one People who conspire to kill themselves.

Half a month ago, as if the lightning defenses in the entire purple minefield had been ordered by someone, they all bombarded Aoyu, wave after wave, and Aoyu, who was already able to resist, was hit hard again. At the beginning, he couldn't resist, the meridians all over his body were shattered, and his strength began to disappear slowly. If it wasn't for the powerful life force of Qi Dongyin, Aoyu might have returned to the west, but this also made Aoyu feel a little bit broken. It is no longer possible for Aoyu to rely on his own strength to face it, so he used the emperor's holy cloth that he hadn't used for a long time, the holy cloth that Hades penetrated into his body, the emperor's holy cloth As expected, Aoyu began to resist the thunder and lightning, but at this moment, Aoyu's will was at its weakest, and he almost fell into a deep sleep.

Just at this time, a voice came: "Hey...haha, I have been waiting for more than a year, and finally let me wait for the opportunity. This body is finally mine."

Aoyu, who was on the verge of falling asleep, finally woke up when he heard the voice, but at this moment he had no strength to control his body, and of course he didn't need him to control it at this moment. He started to say to the voice with his own consciousness: "Who are you? Why did you appear in my body?"

"Haha, haha, who am I? Boy, it doesn't matter if I tell you. I am the great heavenly father, the founder of the Olympus protoss, the great god Uralos." That voice was in Aoyu's sea of ​​consciousness He laughed crazily, and said to Aoyu.

"Ularos? You are Ularos? Then why did you appear here? How did you appear in my sea of ​​consciousness?" Aoyu said to Ularos in a panic at this moment.

"Haha, why did I appear here? Hehe, thank you dear son, that idiot who believes in the existence of family love Hades, haha, it's ridiculous that Hades, the Hades who is known for being cold-blooded, would be my three The only one among the two sons who values ​​feelings, haha." Ularos laughed arrogantly, with a somewhat desolate tone in his tone.

You must know that no matter who is betrayed by his own son, he will not be happy. The founder of Mount Olympus, but Uralos is also notoriously brutal, so he is the most unreliable person. The cold-blooded and ruthless Uralos will kill his son without hesitation, which is why The reason why Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon resisted him, because if they didn't resist him, they would be killed by him sooner or later. They didn't want to encounter such an encounter, so they acted first.

However, Uralos is not such an easy-to-conquer character. No one knows the origin of Uralos, but only knows that he and Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, existed at the beginning of the creation of this heaven. Yu Tongtian leader and the power of Yahweh were only poisoned by his three sons with the poison of prohibiting the gods, and then killed him, but even so, they could not destroy the soul of the mighty Uralos and his mighty The emperor's holy clothes can only be imprisoned in the dark underworld under the care of Hades, firmly shrunk in the deepest part of hell.

"Aren't you dead? Why did you come out again?" At this moment, Aoyu was talking with Ularos in his consciousness, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that although Aoyu's tone was pretending to be scared, but In fact, there is no fluctuation in the heart.

"Haha, die? How could I die? My great heavenly father, Ularos, will not die, little guy, do you know? I told that kid in Hades that my soul will be imprisoned in hell forever, that is My sin, but I hope he can send out my emperor's holy clothes. When you entered the western heaven and fought with Poseidon, I valued your strong body. He is suitable for me, so I will treat him Having said that, I didn't expect that kid from Hades to believe me, haha, I guess when he returns to the underworld, he will find that his father, who he thought he had corrected, lied to him and ran out, and you boy, I'm watching You haven’t had a chance to do it for such a long time, haha, now your strength has been destroyed and you are exhausted. If you don’t have my emperor’s holy clothes, you will die. You are going to die anyway, so give me your powerful body. My great heavenly father, Uralos, has a body like yours, then I will be the greatest existence in this world, haha, this heaven is mine.” At this moment, Uralos is greedy and mad at this proud Yu said, obviously he has not been hanging on to Aoyu's body for a while, but he has not found a suitable opportunity, even in the last time in the underworld, but this time it is different. He felt the strength of Aoyu's whole body Completely destroyed, the limbs are basically crippled, even with the strong recovery power and the baby with strong vitality, it is impossible to recover quickly, and Aoyu's consciousness has fallen into the brink of collapse. It is really good for me to make a move at this time. , so Uralos, who has been hiding for a long time, will appear at this time, and walk out from the dark corner, trying to use his own power to occupy Aoyu's powerful body to fulfill his ambitions, I have to say that Uralos It's really insidious enough. Being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years has darkened his irritable personality. This kind of Uralos is obviously more difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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