Chapter 522 Legion of Fallen Angels

"Are you here just to say these things? We all know these things. Tell us your solution. I think since you told us these things, there must be a solution. Of course, tell us what you want by the way. I know There is no free lunch in this world, no matter who you are, you will not help us for nothing." At this moment, Lucifer interrupted Michael before she was about to speak, and said to Aoyu, obviously Lucifer is better than Mi Caleb understood the world better, and said frankly to Aoyu.

"Oh? Hehe, it's rare to see such a frank person like you. To be honest, I admire you, Lucifer. A person like you deserves to be the Seven Lords of Hell, and let more than 1 million fallen angels swear their allegiance to you. Not bad. , I appreciate a person like you, simple enough, decisive enough, but in fact, it’s nothing. How about you withdraw to the eastern heaven with me and I will guarantee your safety?” Aoyu said to Lucifer.

"Oh? You asked us to withdraw to the eastern heaven? But where should we go when I get there? Are you from the Buddhist world? Or the fairy world? As far as I know, neither the fairy world nor the Buddhist world will accept us. You must know them Treat us as heretics, want to kill us day and night, I can't let my minions follow me on adventures, if we are wiped out by heaven or hell then at least my minions have a chance to survive, whether it is Satan Even the Lord will not waste such a huge combat power in vain, but if we go to the East, I can hardly guarantee that some of my men will survive." Lucifer asked Aoyu, obviously Lucifer, an old fritter, is very important to the East. Tianjie also knows everything well, otherwise, he would not ask Aoyu like this. He also understands the views of Eastern Tianjie towards the West, and understands that if he leads his men there, the whole army may be wiped out, but he did not say anything dead Apparently he was giving Aoyu a chance to speak, and he also wanted a way out to see if Aoyu could convince him.

"Hey, I'm not those bald donkeys from the Buddhist world, or those hypocrites from the fairy world. I'm from the demon world. You should be satisfied with this answer." Aoyu said to Lucifer with a smile.

His words really made the eyes of Lucifer and Michael brighten. If you say that the only people in the East who can accept them are monsters and monsters. If Aoyu is a person in the way of demons, you can try it, but turn to them. The two were dejected again. Although the two monsters could accept them, they also understood that the two monsters in the east were too busy to take care of themselves and had no spare time to help them.

"You have to know, my dear friend, even if you belong to the way of monsters, but you have to know that the two ways of monsters are not dominant in the east. If I remember correctly, you are too busy to take care of yourself. The Buddhist world suppressed the monster race One of the Seven Great Sages, the Monkey King, and the three religions have jointly expelled the Jiejiao representing the evil way, and the monsters on the earth are scattered. If we go to the east, it will be difficult for us to survive, and it will be difficult for your evil way to accept us." At this moment After being silent for a long time, Xifa said to Aoyu, although he was a little disappointed, but obviously at this moment he already had a good impression of Aoyu, even his tone of address changed.

"Hey, that was in the past, and now the Demonic Dao is in charge of the land. In two years, the Demon Race has risen again, and the disciples of the Jiejiao have returned to the Demonic Dao. Some time ago, Lingshan was almost wiped out. Emperor Wuji and the leader of Tongtian fought against the four great leaders. Now that the monster clan is in charge of the land and orders the world, there is nothing wrong with you guys joining the demon way. How about it? Think about it?" Aoyu said to Lucifer with a smile at this moment, obviously Aoyu was determined to bring Lucifer under his account, and of course his 2000 million fallen angel army, Aoyu was going to eat it all in one bite.

"Oh? According to what you say, the two demons in the eastern heaven have re-emerged? Wuji City? Wuji Emperor, hehe, it is not easy to become a man with this transformation in two years, so if you say that, brother, you will speak for him Are you a guest? If that's the case, tell us your conditions." Lucifer said to Aoyu with a smile, and the address was a step closer, obviously Lucifer heard the news and hope was ignited in his heart.

"Hehe, it's very simple. I want you, Lucifer, to swear allegiance to my Wuji City, to the Promise Emperor, and of course there are 2000 million fallen angel legions outside." Aoyu said to Lucifer with a smile. Aoyu is full of self-confidence, he knows that Lucifer has no choice but this road, he will definitely agree to himself.

After listening to Aoyu's words, Lucifer began to ponder. Indeed, as Aoyu thought, Lucifer had no other choice. Don't look at the 2000 million powerful army of fallen angels in his hands. The strength is not small, but the problem is His power is still too weak compared to Heaven, Hell, and several major gods. What's more, they lack masters. Besides him, there are only Michael, and the angel of the moon, Sally. The protoss are obviously too weak compared to them. Under such circumstances, they can only build a big tree that they can rely on early, and the current Aoyu is obviously his only choice at the moment, and it is also the most correct choice, but Lucifer But there is another concern, that is whether the other party is really as powerful as Aoyu said, what if it is a trap?You must know that he doesn't really care about Aoyu, at most it's because of Michelle's relationship, but Lucifer doesn't think that a woman can influence Aoyu, so he has concerns.

"Wait, why should we believe you? In any case, it is impossible for us to believe you just because of your words. You must know that this is related to the lives of hundreds of millions of us. You must not be joking. At least you have to show Let us believe in your evidence." At this moment, Michael stood up and said to Aoyu, obviously Michael knew what he was thinking when he saw Lucifer's appearance, so he stood up to help him and told him out.

Aoyu was not angry when he heard Michael's words, obviously Aoyu could understand Michael, after all, no one can pay attention to this kind of thing for a while, you must know that this is related to the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, it is absolutely not Aoyu himself understands that he can make a joke, so he doesn't blame Michael, and after looking at her with a smile, he said to her: "Hehe, if you ask this question, but do you have any other choices now? ? I think you have no choice but to take my word for it."

Aoyu spoke confidently and slowly, but one sentence hit the hearts of the two of them. Indeed, the two had no other choice. Lucifer gritted his teeth and said to Aoyu: "I, Lucifer, use my soul here I swear, as long as Wuji City can accommodate us and protect my fallen angel army, I, Lucifer, will always be loyal to Wuji City and Emperor Wuji."

Seeing that Lucifer was like this, Michael had no other choice and said, "I, Michael, hereby swear by my soul, as long as the Everlasting City can accommodate us and protect the integrity of my fallen angel army, I, Michael, will forever Allegiance to Wuji City, allegiance to the Emperor Wuji."

Seeing the performance of the two, Aoyu laughed in satisfaction, and said to the two: "Okay, since you have already pledged your allegiance to Wuji City, then I will make an exception and give you some evidence you need."

Speaking of which, Aoyu cast a barrier in the room instantly, and then the aura of his whole body began to rise crazily, but for a moment, Michael and Lucifer felt as if there were ten thousand mountains pressing down on them, and let themselves go again They were also out of breath, and suddenly they broke out in cold sweat all over their bodies, one couldn't hold on and the two knelt down one after another. Seeing this scene, Aoyu nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and withdrew the momentum of his whole body, leaving Next, Lucifer and Michael looked at Aoyu gasping for breath, obviously they didn't expect Aoyu to be so powerful, so powerful that they couldn't face it, which made Lucifer and Michael Michael felt the trembling in the depths of his heart. They swore that they never felt this way even when facing the angry Jehovah. This made them look at Aoyu with fear and excitement, and their eyes were full of hope. and awe-inspiring light.

After a while, Lucifer finally calmed down and said to Aoyu: "If I guessed correctly, you are the Promise Emperor, right?"

Aoyu stared blankly and said to Lucifer: "How do you know?"

"Dijun, you underestimate me too much. There are few masters in this heaven, and there is no such thing as Dijun. Even the Lord is not as good as you. If a person like you still works for others Will you believe it? And when I heard you mention Wuji City just now, I was a little skeptical, but now that you are powerful, I think you are the Emperor of Wuji. It is impossible to know the affairs of the western heavens, unless they are people left over from the previous war, but there was no Wuji City at that time, so only a master like you can pass through the retrograde silently The channel has not been discovered. Now that you think about it, you know where the retrograde channel is, and you are able to help Wuji City take charge of such a big matter without authorization. I don’t think there is anyone on your side who dares to do this except Wuji Emperor. Solicit us There are hundreds of millions of foreigners, so I think you must be the emperor of Wuji." At this moment, Lucifer analyzed a little bit to Aoyu.

After hearing this, Aoyu didn't speak. A smile hung on the corner of his mouth and he nodded his head. It was his acquiescence. In fact, Aoyu had no intention of hiding it at all. Lucifer was one of his subordinates who knew about it. , so it is the default.

In this way, Aoyu passed his personal visit and recruited Lucifer and his powerful army of fallen angels, as well as Michael and her imperial guards. Although the people outside did not know the news, but with Lucifer Who dares to say no?So this matter can be regarded as ironclad.

(End of this chapter)

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