Chapter 525 Camp
Of course, Aoyu didn’t leave Lucifer’s camp during this time. Aoyu got familiar with the place and had to admit that Lucifer’s fallen angel legion is really elite. Seraphim leads, and every twenty legions are handed over to a holy angel to lead, Lucifer is in charge, Salier is the deputy to manage, and now Michael has also joined the management. You must know that these fallen angels were originally read as heaven. The current Fallen Angel Legion was formed after the angels followed Lucifer's rebellion, and Michael was their leader in the past, so it was naturally much easier to manage. These people turned out to be tight and even in strength, with excellent cooperation, which made Aoyu quite satisfied. I secretly conceived that after I went back, I should hurry up and start building such a team. You must know that although Wuji City can be regarded as the leader of the world's monsters, these monsters and demons are all lazy and free. Although the people of Wuji City are right, they usually have Training, but it is still not a formal organization, and it is inevitable that it is not easy to command, so after returning, Aoyu decided to organize all these people, so that he can contribute to his own road to domination in the future, and his ancestors let him Don't worry, then you don't need to worry, the people in the heavens are enough for your future foundation, you must know that whether it is the gods or the demons, their foundations are in this heaven, as long as you control this place, one day this world will still be your own .

"I think it's time for me to go to Mount Olympus. I need to charge some interest for some things." Tian Aoyuzuo said to himself in his chair, and then explained the way The news that Xifa himself is about to leave, let them go to the Eastern Heaven Realm when the Myriad Tribulation Thunder Array disappears, and he will send someone to kill them at that time. As for the plateau city where Lucifer and the others are now, Aoyu has a lot of decorations. The immemorial killing formation is to prevent someone from attacking here.

After Aoyu left here, his first goal was not elsewhere, but Mount Olympus, which is also in the western heaven. He wanted to go there to collect some interest and come back. Last time, that damned bastard Zeus almost killed himself. With Aoyu's character, if he returns without charging some interest, he will never let it go.

Soon Aoyu flew to Mount Olympus. Of course, this time Aoyu sneaked in secretly. At this moment, Aoyu will not talk about benevolence, justice and morality with Zeus and the others. You must know that there is hatred between Aoyu and others. People are very vengeful, and at this time, they will never be lenient when it comes to revenge, so he wants to sneak in secretly, in order to facilitate the opportunity to deal a fatal blow to Zeus and the others. Of course, Aoyu There is no plan to wipe out the Olympus protoss at once. Their existence naturally has their uses. It is not the time to wipe them out.

Mount Olympus is quite spectacular. The mountains rise and fall into the sky. The entire Mount Olympus is more than ten thousand miles in radius, all of which are bluestones. A broad road leads straight to the top of the mountain. From the foot of the mountain, there are hundreds of saint warriors stationed. The only passage on Mount Olympus is tightly blocked and airtight. When you go up and rush to the middle, you will see Athena's golden zodiac coiled on the road that must be passed up the mountain. The twelve golden saints Their mission is to guard Mount Olympus, and the gods of Mount Olympus live on top of them. There are countless palaces on Mount Olympus. The Gods of Mount Peas, and their tens of thousands of servants, this is the location of Mount Olympus, one of the most powerful forces in the entire Western Heaven. Of course, there are also the palaces of Poseidon and Hades, but The two of them don't come here very often, after all, their relationship with Zeus is not very harmonious, especially after Aoyu's incident, the relationship between Hades and Zeus is even more difficult.

It was already late at night when Aoyu arrived here. In the silent night, the gods of Mount Olympus maintained the habit of sleeping. Unlike the practitioners in the East, the gods of Mount Olympus had the It is born with no need for any cultivation, but it is also doomed that they cannot eat, drink and sleep like the oriental practitioners. Although such a protoss can live forever and have great power, but in essence It’s just a group of people who have no detachment, a group of people with great strength, and sleep is also essential for them. Of course, sometimes they may not need sleep for many years, but that also has to pay a certain price. Obviously this price is not what they are willing to pay, so for many years the gods of Mount Olympus have maintained the habit of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, which also gave Aoyu a great opportunity to sneak in, of course even if It was Aoyu who came in in broad daylight, even with the current strength of everyone in Mount Olympus, they couldn't find him.

"Ares, I can't stand it, honey you know I love you, you take me out of here, I don't want to live in this messy place anymore, I can't stand it you know? Let's go? Let's leave this hateful place, shall we? Ares!" At this moment, when Aoyu passed through the defensive magic circle of Mount Olympus, passed the guards and entered a Mount Olympus. In a secluded garden, Aoyu heard a beautiful female voice say.

Following the sound, Aoyu saw two people, a man and a woman. The man had long golden hair, handsome appearance, a burly figure and a majestic armor. Although he may be a little worse than Aoyu, he can definitely say that She is extremely handsome in appearance, not to mention that woman, with a fat waist and fat kidneys, a plump body, a hot figure, and a beautiful smile. Long, not to mention how beautiful she looks, after hearing what she said, although Aoyu didn't know who she was, he also knew that the man should be Ares, the so-called god of war on Mount Olympus.

"Ares, why don't you talk? Don't you love me? Do you really have the heart to watch me suffer? Do you know how much Zeus has worked so hard to get me? How can I have such a father? In order to get his daughter's body, he did whatever it takes. He asked me to marry the ugliest god of fire, Hiphistes. I did it for our love. In order not to be punished by him, I let him get me as he wished. My body, but Ares, now Zeus is tired of my body, he wants to use my body for greater benefit, he asked me to go to my uncle Poseidon, and use my body as bait to give up my seat Shaka worked his life for him, and he took it for granted, you know? Ares, I really can’t stand it, can you take me out of here?” the girl said sadly, tears streaming down her face.

After a moment of silence, the man said to the woman: "Aphrodine, you know, we can't escape from here, you have to be patient, you know? As long as you are patient, I believe that one day we will There is a way, Zeus can kill the heavenly father Uralos and become the king of the gods, so can I, believe me."

Hearing this, Aoyu pondered for a long time but couldn't figure out who Aphrodine was. Suddenly seeing the beautiful face of that woman, Aoyu suddenly realized that there is no other beauty in the Western Heaven except Venus. Such a beautiful woman, Aphrodine is the real name of Venus, it’s just that others called Venus so much that Aoyu couldn’t remember it for a while, and Aoyu also read it from a book when he was on the earth. It seems.

After hearing this, Aphrodine slapped Ares on the face and yelled at him like crazy: "You bastard, Ares, you bastard, how long will you let me endure? How do you let me endure? Do you let me endure until I become a tool of Zeus? You bastard, I only realized today that everything you said before was a lie to me, and everything you did was for You yourself, I am really blind to fall in love with you, Ares, you really let me down, you despicable villain, you do not deserve the honorable title of God of War."

After hearing this, Ares' face suddenly became ugly. He has to say that what Venus said was also what he thought in his heart. He really liked this beautiful goddess, but that was in the past, since she After marrying Vulcan, Ares' love for her disappeared. All Ares wanted was her beautiful body. Of course, for his own future, Ares did not hesitate to design her The long-awaited Zeus got her, of course, all this was because Ares told her that Zeus knew about their adultery and wanted to kill himself.

"Say it, talk, why don't you say it? I got it right." Venus yelled at Ares crazily.

As Venus kept beating Ares's face became more and more ugly, and finally pushed Venus away and said to her: "Okay, Aphrodine, let me tell you, I don't care at all. Everything about loving you is a lie! Let me tell you that it is impossible for me to give up my everything for anyone, my rights, my reputation, and it is impossible for me to give up because of you. If you want to leave Here, then go find someone else, I think there are quite a few people willing to take you away with your beautiful body, but this person is not me."

After Venus heard what Ares said, her complexion changed instantly. She looked at Ares foolishly. She couldn't believe that her former lover, the gentle and elegant Ares who had shown herself in front of her, would actually be able to show her true colors. In this way, she really couldn't accept that the person she had given everything to would treat herself like this. She didn't realize that Ares had left here, but she just stood there stupidly, her eyes were dazed, and her tears had disappeared. Unconsciously across her face.

"I, Aphrodine, swear here that if anyone can help me kill Ares and take me out of here, I will be a slave for life and be loyal to him forever." At this moment, Venus was stunned for a moment. Then she swore to the sky, of course it was just an oath, and she herself knew how elusive the realization of this oath was, but she still said it, it could be regarded as giving herself a little hope, she didn't have any resentment towards Ares , When he said those words, Venus' heart to him was dead, and all that was left was hatred, the hatred that wanted Ares, a despicable villain, to die forever.

Aoyu didn't even bother to pay attention to the crap about the Olympus Protoss. You must know that the Olympus Protoss are basically the product of incest. The brothers and sisters of Uralos and Gaia, Hera She is the younger sister of Zeus, and the rest of the protoss are basically the children of Zeus, but there are often incest incidents between them, just like Ares and Venus are brothers and sisters. Aoyu of the Protoss of Piss doesn't want to comment, the only pure one among them is probably Athena, but Aoyu can't help but come out to help after seeing such a thing, after all, Venus is also a poor woman, For the beautiful woman Aoyu has never been stingy with his kindness.

"Hehe, is that right? My beautiful goddess, let me help you realize this wish." At this moment, Aoyu's voice sounded around Venus.

"Who? Who? Come out!" Venus at this moment shouted towards the empty garden around him with a heart skipping a beat when he heard the voice.

"Hehe, hello, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Long Aoyu, and I am here to fulfill your wish just now." As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely handsome oriental face appeared in front of Venus. Si is even more handsome, with evil rays of light shining on his body, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. If it weren't for the fact that Venus had passed through Ares at this moment, he would have given up on all men. The appearance is enough to make her a little bit excited.

Of course, it’s different now. I don’t know why the handsome man Venus has already felt guarded and disgusted in her heart. When she saw Aoyu, she felt terrified, and said to Aoyu: “Who are you? You can really Help me kill Ares and get me out of here?"

"Hehe, that's natural. I will do what I say. I will definitely help you kill Ares and lead you out of Mount Olympus in a fair manner." At this moment, Aoyu smiled at Venus. Said, that smile is full of confidence.

"No matter who you are, no matter what you want to do, as long as you can fulfill my wish, I will be yours, and I will definitely fulfill my oath." Venus looked at Aoyu for a while after hearing this, Then she suddenly showed that fascinated smile and said to Aoyu, Venus is a smart woman, she understands that everything has a price to pay, and all she can exchange is her beautiful appearance and moving body. She couldn't think of anything other than her body.

(End of this chapter)

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