Chapter 533
"Hahaha, yes, yes, Puxian, you have a future, yes, I like you like this, you can follow Cihang from now on, and I will give you all the Buddhist powers that you have collected before or in the future The two have managed it." Aoyu stood up happily and said to Pu Xian with a smile, Aoyu is not afraid that this guy is dishonest, he has the ability to kill him at any time, and will also train him in the War Demon Art. Afraid that this guy will be disobedient?

Immediately after hearing this, Puxian was overjoyed, knelt down on the ground and felt happy for his wise choice.

The news that Puxian joined Wuji City was spread by Aoyu and the others the next day. Tathagata, who was so angry that he was far above Lingshan, cursed Puxian when he was sleeping, and vowed to hack this boy to death, but But he didn't think about the fact that Puxian has come to this point, and he has to say that they have contributed a lot. If it weren't for their performance as Puxian, he wouldn't have taken refuge in Wuji City so easily. In the final analysis, all the sins The root cause of this is him Tathagata and the people of Lingshan. If they can really be as great as the Buddhist scriptures say, I am afraid this world will be much more peaceful.

But at this time they don't have much time to think about this issue, because the real enemy has already arrived, and the Eastern Heaven Realm has always been a place of benevolence and righteousness. Every time the Celestial Realm Wars have not taken the initiative to enter the Western Celestial Realm, they just repel them. This is obviously the case again, the gods of Mount Olympus in the west have already started to act, 1000 million holy fighters led by the sun god Apollo as the vanguard, and 2000 sea fighters, and 5000 saint fighters led by the blood ancestor Cain The 500 million angels led by the Ten Thousand Blood Race and Bacarel, the 20 million berserkers led by the Thor who woke up from the dusk of the Odin Protoss, and the [-] Titans who came from the huge Titan Protoss have already They started to march towards the Eastern Heaven Realm, and their primary goal was of course Xiniu Hezhou, the base of the Buddhist Realm, the main battlefield of the Celestial Realm War since ancient times.

Under the leadership of Yang Jian and others, the people from the heavenly world also began to gather 6000 million heavenly soldiers, as well as [-] million Buddhist soldiers from the Buddhist world and the kings of the five directions. Under the leadership of the Seven Great Sages of the Yaozu and Zhao Gongming, the elites of Wuji City from the eight legions stationed in the eight cities marched towards Xiniu Hezhou. The commander-in-chief Tongtian Jiaozhu and all the horses of the eight dragons, Pu Xian, also passed through. , Guanyin and Guanyin are no exception.

"I said, brother, didn't the LORD say that he would cooperate with us? Why is the target still Xiniu Hezhou this time? Could it be that he wants to break the contract?" Zhunti asked his brother, who was still in the underground palace of Lingshan.

"Junior brother, don't trust Jehovah and don't pin your hopes on him. We rely on ourselves. Jehovah is not reliable. Although he has strength, once he has no opponent, he will be more terrifying than Wuji City. Wuji The city may accept your surrender, but all Jehovah needs are slaves, so we should not have too much hope for this cooperation. Of course, we still have to put on a show. It doesn’t matter if we break the contract. This time you can see clearly that the West is aggressively attacking. If they dare to step into my Buddhist realm, we will let them see how powerful we are. The Lord also restrains us. He is Don't dare to act recklessly, all we need to do is to increase the benefits we can get." Jieyin said to his not very accomplished junior.

After listening to Jieyin's words, Zhunti nodded in conviction. Zhunti and the master who received Zhunti died two years after accepting Zhunti. Ti this guy has a vicious personality, and he is not convinced by anyone, but he is extremely convinced by the senior brother who is also a master and father. As long as it is said by Jie Yin, Zhun Ti will definitely listen, which is why people like Zhun Ti will The reason for being willing to be a servant.

Xiniu Hezhou, where blood flowed into rivers a year ago, once again ushered in the horn of war on this extraordinary day. On a piece of land bordering Xiniu Hezhou and the Western Heaven, after the disappearance of the thunder formation, this place became the Western Heaven. In the garrison zone of the heavens, the vanguard troops of the western heavens arrived one by one. After everyone arrived, Poseidon also brought his seven golden sea fighters here. As the highest status among all, Olympus As a matter of course, Poseidon, one of the three giants on the mountain, took over everything here and began to prepare for the army, while Tongtian on the other side also started his own operations. After arriving here, he began to prepare and led his men to line up troops there. Formation, Tongtian's clinging here, no one dares to stop, those heavenly troops obeyed his dispatch more honestly than anyone else, the four great masters also acquiesced to this behavior, and the early battle became Tongtian and Bo Seidon's contest.

"Master, you said that we will take the initiative to break through Poseidon's defense and enter the west tomorrow?" The Bull Demon King said to the leader of Tongtian in a surprised tone at the moment in Tongtian's big tent. Obviously, what Tongtian said exceeded beyond his imagination.

"That's natural, that's what the emperor meant. We in the Eastern Heaven Realm have tolerated too much for so many years, so that these bastards in the West don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and come to harass us all day long. The battle of the Heaven Realm once every ten thousand years will kill people. It's all because of the result of these years of patience, the emperor has decided to prepare for the expansion of the western heavens, and he must teach them a lesson and conquer them if necessary." Excitement flashed in Tongtian's eyes and he looked at the seven monster clans under him. Sheng and Puxian, Guanyin and Zhao Gongming said, look at him, he has been suppressed for too long in order to wait for Chi You to return, now Tongtian doesn't have to think so much, he can do whatever he wants, to experience himself If you want to enjoy the battle to your heart's content, then again, which of Chi You's subordinates is not easy to fight?Tongtian is no exception.

"Hehe, Dijun is amazing. I have long seen that those bastards from the West would not be delayed. If I hadn't had a chance, I would have killed them a long time ago. Now that Dijun agrees, my old cow must be the first to rush over." The Bull Demon King said excitedly, and the people around him also had happy expressions on their faces, apparently they also quite liked doing this.

In the silent late night, under the leadership of Tongtian, without notifying the troops of the heavenly and Buddhist realms, the legions of Wuji City rushed straight to the territory of the Western Protoss. It was tricked by a fool, and the demon soldiers rushed in one by one. Among them, the masters of the magic way changed their appearance and became the heavenly soldiers of the heaven. When the Western Protoss killed them, Tongtian never thought that he would not be able to complete this task by killing the power in their own hands. After all, there were too many opponents. All Tongtian had to do was harass and sneak attack. Tongtian didn't want to lose himself. Too many people working on the tasteless stuff.

Under the leadership of the seven great sages of the monster clan, tens of thousands of elites from Wuji City rushed over in one go, and left here after the wind swept away like fallen leaves. Of course, some armor used by heavenly soldiers and generals and some Buddha The Buddha Bead Zen Staff of the World.

"It's not good, Your Majesty, the Eastern Protoss just attacked us, and we suffered heavy losses. The major protoss are blaming each other, and they also said that it was because of your command that the Western Protoss was defeated so badly at the beginning. Miserable." A sea warrior rushed into Poseidon's tent after the battle and said to him.

"I see, let's go right away." At this moment, Poseidon had just put on his clothes, and when he was making out with his favorite concubine there, suddenly there was a loud noise outside. He also wanted to rush out to help, but he had no choice but to When he put on his clothes and rushed out, the enemy had already rushed back like a gust of wind, leaving only dead bodies and nothing else, which made Poseidon very angry, but he couldn't do anything about it, after all, he couldn't do anything As shameless as his brother Zeus, he can rush out to fight with people naked.

When Poseidon walked to the front of the tent, he heard the constant quarrels and accusations of the major protoss vanguards inside. Poseidon touched his forehead, hesitated for a moment and walked in helplessly, although he did not want to enter. , but he has no choice in this kind of thing, if he does not enter, he must enter. Who makes him the biggest here?

"Let me tell you, everyone, stop arguing. Just now our people counted. Although we were attacked by surprise in this battle, our losses were not very large. Don't blame each other here. What you want to think is not these , but if we should take revenge, you know? We should take revenge." At this moment, Poseidon walked in and said to everyone. The Western Protoss went to face the East with the same hatred, instead of fighting among themselves here.

Poseidon's words really had an effect. The vanguards of the major protoss who were going to wait for him to accuse him all turned their eyes to the distance. That is their goal, the beautiful and rich east. The fact that the Eastern Protoss dared to take the initiative to attack them was a provocation to them, so they immediately became angry, completely forgetting that the Eastern had the strength to provoke them.

"Kill them, kill them, we must conquer the east, avenge our soldiers, conquer the east... conquer the east." All of a sudden, those gods came from the camp of the Western God Race coalition. With the roaring sound, the whole earth began to tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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