Long Teng Yu Nei

Chapter 56 The Economic Genius from China

Chapter 56 The Economic Genius from China
Aoyu said: "Sister, I read your profile, and I decided that it would be more appropriate for you to manage this company. What do you think?"

Lin Yan said proudly: "I absolutely believe that I can manage the company well."

But then she seemed to remember something and said, "But I still can't stay here."

Aoyu asked: "Why?"

Lin Yan said: "I offended the young master of the Bill family, so I can't stay here. It's fine if it's someone else, but I don't want to hurt you brother!"

After hearing this, Aoyu smiled and said: "Others are afraid of the Bill Group, but I, Huanyu, are not afraid of it!"

Lin Yan hurriedly said: "Brother, you are still too young. You don't know that there are many evil things in society. The Bill family is one of the five major mafia families. They will kill people!"

Aoyu said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, I know it well, hehe, you can go to your work boldly, as for Bill's family... Hehe, I really hope they will come to trouble me, but just I don't know if they dare or not."

Lin Yan heard Aoyu's words, although she didn't understand very well, but she had a special trust in Aoyu, and she always felt that this little chairman's brother gave her a very safe feeling, so that she would not be afraid, so she chose believe him.

Aoyu continued: "Sister, what do you think Gain would think if he knew that you had joined Huanyu Group and took the position of general manager? Would he be furious?"

After listening to Aoyu's words, Lin Yan's heart was quite moved. He hated Gai En so much these days, she would be very happy if she could do this, and she also wanted to be angry with Gai En, it would be best if he pissed him off , but she is still reasonable, and she said: "This is not easy, it will cause trouble for you, why not forget it, as long as he doesn't come to harass me!"
Aoyu laughed, and said: "Sister, you don't have to think so much, you just need to say whether you want to do it or not, and I will handle all the consequences!"

Lin Yan nodded affirmatively, and said, "Of course I do, it's a lie to say I don't want to!"

Aoyu said: "In that case, let's talk about it, hehe, there is nothing to be afraid of. After speaking, I pushed the phone on the table to Lin Yan. Finally, Lin Yan couldn't stand the temptation and called Gain. !"

After a while, Gain's voice rang on the phone: "Baby, how did you figure it out? Haha, I said that without my words, no company would dare to take you in. Come back and beg me now, haha!"

Lin Yan hit him without giving him face: "You bastard, I have already found a job. I am the general manager of a company. What can you do?"

Gain immediately became angry when he heard it, and he roared: "Asshole, which company is it? Do you dare to say it? I'm going to kill his whole family!!"

Lin Yan was still a little scared and dared not speak, Aoyu took the phone and said: "Hehe, hello, the young master of Bill's family, we are Huanyu Group, if you have any dissatisfaction, please come to us, but I remember what you said just now about destroying our whole family!"

When Gain heard that, he immediately softened and said: "You may have misunderstood, how could I say that about you, I meant someone else, I'm really sorry to make you laugh!"

Aoyu smiled and said: "Hehe, it's fine if you're wrong. I don't want it to be true. By the way, Miss Lin Yan will be the general manager of our company in the future. I hope you will be more respectful in your words in the future, and don't seek Please trouble her, otherwise we will consider you to declare war on us!!"

Gain quickly replied: "That is, that is, I will definitely pay attention to it, and I will never dare again in the future!"

Lin Yan was listening in a daze and didn't know who Aoyu was talking about, but she was sure: "Gain is very afraid of the younger brother of the chairman in front of him, and he won't make trouble for him in the future"!
(End of this chapter)

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