Long Teng Yu Nei

Chapter 78 The price of madness

Chapter 78 The price of madness
But any victory has to pay a price, of course, the victory of iron and blood is also, but their price is not reflected in casualties, but more in Comrade Knekov.Our great Comrade Niekov is paying a terrible price for his crazy behavior at this moment. He is being banned by Aoyu at the moment, and he is pulling a large number of large transport vehicles from New York, USA with pure physical strength. Departing from the city, he will go through most of the streets of the United States, and then heroically pull the contents of the car across the Atlantic to the base in Hawaii.His perverted body is also a great torture. It seems that our Comrade Niekov is about to die, but he still works hard to move forward, because when he stops, he will become more disturbed. Who knows what Aoyu will give him? Arrange something else to do.Aoyu is currently giving political lessons to several other people in the office to prevent them from making the same mistakes as Niekov, and Aoyu said with an angry face: "Jikov, this bastard, actually used an intercontinental missile to hit Russia , This bastard, did he think it was a world war? I asked him to fight a mercenary organization, did he think it was the Kremlin? This bastard, I don’t know how much trouble I have caused... This time, thanks to the skeleton Someone who will help, otherwise it will be really difficult to explain to Russia... Does he want us to hide around like Ben Denden?".At this moment in Russia, several senior military and political officials of the country were called to the Kremlin for an emergency meeting.

At this moment, Russian President Machiyev was roaring in the conference room, and he only heard him say: "You idiots, are you idiots? You have been immersed in the glory of the past all day, and this time the American missiles hit our country , What do you say? If you don’t give me an explanation today, I’ll send you all to prison.” General Mori Ranfu, the commander of the Russian Defense Forces and also the Minister of Defense, is the most stressed at the moment, after all, his time this time He was responsible, so he said: "Your Excellency, you also know that we are no longer in the past, our technology has lagged behind the Americans, but this incident, I think it is an exception, after all, our defense The troops did not expect such an incident to happen. I think it will never happen in the future.” Maqiyev roared loudly: “Bastard, dare to say that there will be a next time, this time I will let you go first, if there is a next time , Hmph...it's not that simple anymore, you guys are ready to sit through the prison.

"Then he attacked Matarn, the commander of the General Intelligence Agency. Maqiyev has long been dissatisfied with this guy. This guy is his political enemy. Compared with the Minister of Defense who is closer to him, he is different. Of course, Machiyev would not give up such a good opportunity, so the interrogation against Matarn began without a doubt. Machiyev said: "Now let's deal with the intelligence department, General Matarn, Please explain, what does the intelligence agency you control do for food?Why did the American missiles hit us and you still didn't respond at all?I think everyone here needs a reasonable explanation from you. "Matarn has greeted all the female relatives of the Americans who launched the missile several times at this moment. He was not at odds with the president, but he didn't know that such a thing would happen. It seems that he is doomed. At this moment, he can only hope that the president will He suddenly showed kindness and let himself go, but obviously this possibility is not very high, especially because the Minister of Defense Mori Ranfu may have fallen into a well in order to evade himself, and in that case he would have no chance of turning over at all.

However, he still reported the last ray of hope and said: "This time, we can't blame the intelligence department entirely, because the other party came too suddenly this time. According to the military report, the missile launch point this time is in Hawaii. According to our intelligence, there There is no missile base for the US garrison, and this land was sold to the famous American underworld organization Zhetian as their mercenary station, so we didn't pay attention there. After all, no one thought that a mercenary group under the underworld Will dare to do such a thing." Machiyev said: "Then Mr. Matarn, can you explain to me why a gangster wants to challenge us? Have we influenced them? But they are far away in the United States. Or maybe they are terrorists who hate us? But as far as I know this organization is a pure underworld gang, they only want to make money, I really can't think of a reason why they fired missiles at us, and this is the most advanced US government Missiles are impossible for ordinary people to get. I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation. Don’t tell me that the U.S. government is so incompetent that a mafia organization is in charge!” Matarn said impatiently: “I’m sorry Mr. President, according to intelligence, their target this time is the Polaris mercenary group, mainly to receive an order from a rich man in the Middle East.

Moreover, Zhetian has indeed been able to influence the existence of the government in the United States. According to intelligence, the Skull and Bones, the authority in the United States, has already compromised with them. "President Machiyev obviously didn't want to let him go like this and continued: "So can you tell me, since they are such an important organization, why didn't your intelligence department pay attention to it?Why don't we have any news about such an important matter? "Matarn was questioned by Machiyev this time, because it's not that he didn't notice Zhetian, and it wasn't that he didn't spy on the intelligence, but the people he sent were either traitors, or they were all killed. Such a blow It made him unbearable, and in the end he could only give up the monitoring of Zhetian, so they really knew nothing about Zhetian's actions. The president insisted on this, and he really had nothing to explain. At this moment, Mataen Speechless, he could only open his mouth and close it again. He didn't know how to answer. Maqiyev was very happy at this moment, and finally got rid of another opponent, which would make his rule more powerful, but he still didn't Showing it, he just said sternly: "Since you can't explain, then I announce now, General Mataen, that you have been relieved of all duties and are ready to wait for the government's trial. "Mataen was struck by lightning when he heard this sentence, and he was stunned on the spot. Although he knew that the president was going to deal with him, he never thought that the other party was so decisive that he would not leave any room for him. He was ready to kill him and control the intelligence by himself. This important place in the department.

(End of this chapter)

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