Long Teng Yu Nei

Chapter 89 The Cunning Werewolf

Chapter 89 The Cunning Werewolf

But the other end of the battlefield is not as good as here. The battle over there was quite brutal. Although the rebels also drew power from the forward position to defend the airport here, they were even stronger than the left line. But the werewolves did not reserve their strength. Under the leadership of the werewolf elder Fink, the werewolves gathered all their personnel for this operation, about 1400 people, including 1000 middle-level werewolves, 300 high-level werewolves, 50 top-level werewolves, and the leader of the team. It is Fink, the elder of the werewolves. He is the master of the werewolf tribe after the patriarch David, and has the power equivalent to the blood prince. Their strength this time can be said to be quite a strong lineup.In the words of Elder Fink, it is a waste to use so many werewolf fighters in such a battle, but because of David's insistence, the elder had to lead so many people.This made Elder Fink very depressed, and finally couldn't help the doubts in his heart, and the instigation of his subordinates, and asked David the reason for using so much power, David said helplessly: "This time, other mercenary groups are I don’t have the ability to challenge us to join forces with Tulip, even if it’s Shengguang’s damned lackeys of the Holy See and the Long family from Dongfangna, but things are not that simple. I was very relieved at first, but the one established some time ago Iron Blood makes me uneasy. If these guys participate in our victory, it will be difficult to say, so I asked you to bring more people just in case.

"Elder Fink said depressedly:" Why?Will our powerful werewolves not be able to defeat those lowly humans?I don't think there is any power we can't defeat, except for those hateful bastards of the Holy See, even the self-righteous guys of the blood race. "David said: "It's the vampires, you know?The non-Lifu family of the blood clan has already submitted to the iron-blooded superior organization, covering the sky, I think they may intervene in this battle, so I ask you to bring some troops, just to be prepared. "Elder Fink nodded, but he still had some doubts about bringing so many people with him, and said: "So many people?I think all of our forces can wipe out the Feilifu family.Can't use it?What's more, we still have the Tulip gang. "For Elder Fink's question, David seemed very helpless. Werewolves are good at everything, but their intelligence is not very high. These guys don't know anything except fighting. Elder Fink is already a very smart werewolf. , would ask such an idiotic question, other things can be imagined, David has even begun to wonder if he took the wrong task this time.

Even though he thought so, David still tried his best to explain to Elder Fink patiently: "Elder Fink, you must know that although our relationship with the blood clan guys is not very good, I have to say that those guys are very smart. Think about it, how powerful the organization that can subjugate the non-Liqui family, which is known as the number one blood race, and how powerful the person who can make that old guy Hawke work desperately, what we have to face is a terrifying I think its power may have surpassed that of the parliament. I doubt whether the godfather there is the great Lord Demon God. I really can’t think of anyone else who can make these proud blood races surrender so much. "Elder Fink said in surprise: "What? Lord Demon God? Then why does he help those damn blood races, why doesn't he help us to eliminate those scum of the Holy See?" David said helplessly: "You must know the thoughts of Lord Demon God It is impossible to figure out, and there is no one who can take the position of Demon God who is not selfish and self-reliant. They will only help those who are loyal to themselves. I can't think of anyone other than Satan and Lucifer in the Demon World. They obediently dedicated themselves to the dark world, so if it was him, it was very likely to do so.

"Elder Fink said: "The subordinate of Lord Demon God?So what should we do?Are we going against them? "David said: "I don't think we need to be afraid even if he is the subordinate of Lord Demon God. As long as we don't harm the interests of Lord Demon God, I don't think he will embarrass us for these useless guys. If our strength is improved under the hands of Lord Demon God, then we will be in danger. "Elder Fink said: "Then what should we do?Encounter them and kill them? "David gave the loyal werewolf elder a blank stare and said: "I asked you to bring so many people just for the sake of safety. Go and see. If the strength of the other party has increased significantly, it will prove that the object of their allegiance is the Lord Demon God. , even if it’s not that, it’s still a powerful existence. We werewolves have to try our best to catch up with this line. If they are still the same as before, then we don’t have to be polite, and send these hateful blood races to see God, that old guy alright. "After speaking, David smiled sinisterly. Elder Fink also laughed cooperatively. He seemed to have seen the scene where he ravaged the werewolf, and he seemed to have seen the eyes of Lord Demon God appreciating him.

David is still very satisfied with his arrangement. At least this arrangement makes him invincible. I believe that with so many werewolf masters, even if the opponent's strength is greatly improved, two more princes and his group can also He retreated completely, but obviously his calculation was wrong. The opponent sent six more at a time instead of two more. This caused heavy losses to the werewolf, and David also regretted it.So Elder Fink followed David's instructions and brought a large number of werewolf masters to the battlefield in Congo. Soon the werewolves showed their prowess, and they quickly broke through one enemy stronghold after another. Soon they got the news Said that Iron Blood has accepted this mission and will be here soon.For this reason, Elder Fink was also very happy. In his opinion, he had such sufficient manpower this time that he could just teach the bastards of the blood clan a lesson, so he personally led the team to occupy the right-line airport in a short time, waiting for the blood clan coming, ready to give them a thunderous blow.But obviously Elder Fink's plan was about to fail. Just as they were all ambushing nearby to deal a fatal blow to the coming blood race, they forgot the habits of the blood race guys. In the dark night sky, these guys prefer Flying with their own wings, if they sit on the plane, they will feel uncomfortable all over, so without exception, this group of guys also came here this time.

But what is different from usual is that this time, their abnormal habit obviously saved them once from a sudden blow. When the leading silver bats flew over first, they immediately realized that something was wrong. There was no fighting at all near the base, and there was still a lot of dark aura. Obviously, this dark aura did not come from the blood race.Several blood princes immediately flew together and communicated with the blood clan. One of the leading blood clansmen said: "Werewolf, these guys seem to be preparing to surprise us. These stupid guys have forgotten the habits of our blood clan. What a shame!" It is a disgrace to our blood clan to help a guy with a low IQ and fight against such a guy." Several princes quickly echoed: "Enen, these stupid werewolves will pay the price for their actions.

"So several princes led the team separately, and gave the werewolves a counter-surrounding from all aspects. After the leading blood prince let out a long cry, he quickly launched a violent attack. The werewolves were still imagining the scene after their successful ambush. They were imagining the scene of trampling those nasty vampires under their feet. The sudden attack made them feel overwhelmed. However, the werewolves, who are naturally suitable for fighting, although they were attacked for a while, they spontaneously began to organize battles , The cooperation of one by one was very tacit, which surprised the nobles of the blood clan, and they sighed and thought: "These werewolves are really natural fighters.

"Elder Fink discovered the attack of the blood race, and immediately entered the battle. However, the strength of the blood race has increased significantly this time. He thought in surprise: "Oh my god, why are these guys so strong? Their strength has increased so much ?Are the blood clans ready to go to war with the werewolves?There are so many high-ranking blood clans, oh my god, thousands of earls, hundreds of dukes, let people live, have these loose guys finally united? "However, Elder Fink quickly vetoed his idea, because he saw the family emblem of the people coming. Obviously, these guys are all old enemies from the werewolves, not from the Lifu family," Oh my god, when did the Lifu family do this Strong?Did they hide their strength before?Or have they really pledged their allegiance to Lord Demon God? "The battle is going on quickly. The strength of the blood race is obviously higher than that of the werewolves this time, especially the number of masters of the blood race is much higher than that of the werewolves this time. Dozens of high-level werewolves have to face hundreds of blood marquises. A top werewolf is even more involved, basically ten to one, dozens of blood clan grand dukes are constantly attacking them, but these blood clans obviously have no real skills, they are more like playing in comparison, the werewolf body The number of wounds increased one after another, but the injured people of the blood race were extremely rare, and even if there were, they recovered after a while.

In terms of resilience, werewolves are completely disproportionate to the blood race. The resilience of these guys is simply super strong. In Chinese, they are Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. If you want to destroy them, you must crush their blood at once. Otherwise, they can recover, all they need is time.Seeing the vampires fighting against his subordinates as if they were playing, Elder Fink became angry, and he immediately used the werewolf's unique skill, "Frenzied" The strength of the werewolf after frenzied will increase by at least two times, but the side effects are also obvious , after using berserk, some of these werewolves will lose their minds, and some will collapse after the end of berserk, but he can't care so much about the current situation. After Elder Fink's berserk, all werewolves After being stimulated, they collectively went berserk, and the werewolf's combat power increased several times in just an instant, and those blood counts who were still fighting with low-level blood clans were wiped out in an instant.The high-level blood group couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly assigned half of the masters to help the low-level blood clans, and the battle was a draw. However, because the blood clans have so many masters at the moment, although the strength of the werewolf doubled after the madness, but overall it is still the blood clans Taking advantage, when Elder Fink wanted to help his subordinates, several figures appeared in front of him at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

A person in the lead said: "Fink, your opponent is us, don't worry about those poor children, you should think about what to do..." Fink knows people, they are from the non-rich family Grand Duke, it seems that the Feilifu family is planning to leave themselves and their subordinates here, but he is not worried, and he said confidently: "Hey, it turns out that it is the stinky bat of the Feiligui family. Do you think you can do it?" Can you stop me? Even the old guy Hawk can't do anything to me after I become mad, can you guys?" Indeed, even if these dukes fought together in the past, they were not Fink's opponents, but now The situation was different, and the old man who took the lead said: "Hey, you big wolfhound, your intelligence is really low. Are you not sure that we will deal with you?" Ke's face changed again and again. He knew the breath of the blood prince. After all, he had fought a lot before, but six princes came out all of a sudden and they were all from the same family. Fink couldn't accept it for a while. Fink asked with doubts: "Prince? Why do you have so many princes in the Feilifu family? Are you hiding your strength? Damn it, I should have thought that the old guy, Prince Hawke, would not be that simple.

"The princes didn't answer him directly, but the old man who took the lead said noncommittally: "Oh, no...no...Fink you said something wrong just now and I have to correct it. Please call me King Hawke from now on, you know ? "Fink said in surprise: "The emperor?No...it's impossible. There hasn't been an emperor in the blood race for thousands of years. How could that old guy Hawke be an emperor?If it was him, he should have informed the entire blood race. "The white-haired old man said: "Hey, congratulations, Fink, you answered correctly, that is our goal in the future, but before that, I think I'd better solve you first, hey. "After speaking, several blood princes moved together and attacked Elder Fink from several sides. Although Elder Fink's strength doubled after going berserk, he looked so pale and powerless in the face of six blood clans at the prince level, and could only dodge. They were constantly being attacked, but the princes were obviously playing for fun. Fink, they were playing a game of cat and mouse. Elder Fink was beaten so hard by their attacks that he had no room to fight back. The wounds on his body continued to increase, and the bright red blood It flows from the body. However, although the body has been rewarded heavily, Elder Fink has no mind to estimate. His only thought at the moment is how to escape with the elite of the werewolf tribe, facing the demon who has already loyal to the demon god. The adult's blood clan, they have no strength to challenge, he must go back and report the situation here, so that the patriarch can make a decision. But what makes him desperate is that he has no chance to run at this moment, which makes Elder Fink have to Despondent, but a moment later he finally sees hope.

(End of this chapter)

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