Chapter 194 was written by which costumer?

A person came out of the bathroom all day long, Yan Zhi was lying on his back like last time.

Si Jin suddenly felt a sore nose, lay down peacefully, did not dare to make trouble, obediently turned off the light, hugged him from the back, clung to him, and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the quiet night, only her aggrieved little murmurs.

"I'm sorry, Zhi, I was actually just playing a prank. Part of the love letter you wrote to me was obtained from the Internet. I'm so angry that I just want to vent it. I'll make you new clothes tomorrow, okay? Don't be angry with me." After Si Jin finished speaking, Yan Zhi turned around and hugged her tightly, cursing:

"Stupid, how can I be really angry with you, sleep well."

"Well, Zhi, good night." Sijin rubbed against his chest, and assumed a comfortable sleeping position.

Yan Zhi kissed her lightly on the hair, "Good night."

The first ray of sunlight in the early morning shines in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. After thinking about the curtains hitting the bed in pieces, Yan Zhi subconsciously hugs Si Jin, but finds that there is only one sleeping peacefully in his arms. little red dragon.

Why!Yan Zhi was mentally prepared long ago, so he didn't panic at the first time, and only gently touched her small body that was constantly shedding hair.

"Sleep well, no one will disturb you, my little Sijin."

Yan Zhi supported his head with one hand, and gently stroked Si Jin who was sleeping soundly with the other. He just watched her sleeping posture quietly, and only half an hour later went into the bathroom to take a bath and start his day's life.

Walking into the dressing room, his eyes fell on the seven suits, he took out the yellow suit, and said to himself: "Today is Wednesday, baby Sijin, when I wear all the seven suits, Are you awake now?"

Not to mention, when Yan Zhi put on that yellow suit, the color that heralds warmth, a warm feeling really arose in his heart.

Looking up at the excellent handwork, I thought that every stitch and thread came from Sijin's hands, and it doesn't matter how fancy the colors are.

What's more, he looks so monstrous, no matter what color he wears, it will only have the effect of icing on the cake, and it will not make people feel surprised.

So much so that when the morning meeting was held, he just sat there casually, claiming to be a beautiful scenery.

A few young executives looked at the president's clothes and sighed in their hearts: How the president looked at them today gave people a bright feeling. They only now know that a suit can be worn lively, not like theirs. So like a pool of stagnant water, God knows they are wearing black suits, and they have already vomited, that is called aesthetic fatigue.

There is even an executive who loves beauty. The first thing he does after work is to go to the mall to make a big purchase. He insists on looking for a yellow suit to look cool, but he has searched the entire mall, but he can’t find it. ah.

The next day, he wore a green suit in an ingenious way, and his whole body was as fresh as the tender green of early spring.

On the third day, he changed into a blue suit again. When he went out for a meeting, a young director opposite him admired his clothes all the time. Before leaving, he asked him for advice: "Mr. The cyan suit, which costumer did it? Ha, don’t get me wrong, I just think the color of this handmade is very creative, and I want to have one too, you don’t know, I’m so tired of wearing black every day .”

(End of this chapter)

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