Chapter 303 The Fox Steals the Book
PS: The second update, please subscribe, please reward!

The white fox screamed, couldn't hold back the desire anymore, and ran forward quickly, towards the place where the bookish spirit came from.

That bookish atmosphere was too strong, she couldn't restrain her instinct at all!
After a while, the white fox's figure flickered and merged with Bai Xue, hiding in a corner, carefully feeling the bookish atmosphere.

The book atmosphere is too strong, the book atmosphere contains the power of wisdom, soaked in the boundless power of wisdom, the white fox can only feel the warmth of the body, and the whole body is extremely comfortable, the power of wisdom is slowly improving, and the cultivation base is slowly improving. ascending.

In just a few breaths, his cultivation has improved a lot!

so comfy!

The white fox breathed and trembled all over.

At this time, she opened her eyes and looked at the scholar... Hey, could it be the dead scholar.

No, it's the scholar's son!
At that time, he was still a child, just an eight-year-old child, but now he looks handsome and handsome, with an elegant aura all over his body, and his bookish atmosphere is extremely strong, only a few great scholars can match it.

The book atmosphere is extremely pure, with a sense of purity, pure to the extreme, without a trace of dust.

In the bookish atmosphere, there is a vast atmosphere and strong wisdom, which makes people intoxicated and intoxicated.

"Husband, it's time to eat!"

At this moment, Jiang Yue'er spoke.


The boy put down his pen, held it down with a ruler, and turned to leave.

The young man left, but the white fox jumped onto the window sill, looked at the desk, and saw words written on it.

"The way of a gentleman is to cultivate one's morality through quietness, and to cultivate one's morality through thrift. Without indifference, one will not be able to show one's ambition, and without tranquility, one will not be able to achieve long-term goals. To study, you must be quiet, and to be talented, you must learn. Without learning, you can't broaden your talents, and without ambition, you can't achieve success." Learning. If you are obscene and slow, you will not be able to stimulate your energy, and if you are dangerous and impetuous, you will not be able to cultivate your character. The years pass by, and the will fades away with the sun, so you will become withered.

In the eyes of mortals, these words are just good-looking and beautiful; but when the white fox looked at them, he saw the words shining brightly, full of spirituality, and flashing with a sense of wisdom. up.

It seems to have forgotten the world, the practice of Taoism, the world, and everything. Only those words, only those words are eternal!

After a long time, the white fox woke up, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"This is a sage article, it seems to be a family letter used by a sage to warn future generations..."

"If you bring it to the fox cave and let fathers, mothers, older sisters, younger brothers and others read this article, they will definitely be able to open their spiritual wisdom..."

Excitement flashed in the white fox's eyes.

She got the chance to get rid of the muddled beast state, and gave birth to spiritual wisdom, but her parents, sisters and brothers are still wild beasts, and they are still muddled, not knowing how to cultivate.She thought of many ways to enlighten the spiritual wisdom of her relatives, but they all failed!
If you put this article in the fox cave, your loved ones will absorb the spirit of the book and greatly increase their wisdom. They will surely be able to break through the confusion, find the true self, and give birth to spiritual wisdom.

As he spoke, the little fox stepped forward, excitedly picked up the ruler, rolled up the article, turned around and left.


After eating, Wang Bin returned to the study, and suddenly found that the article had disappeared.

That is Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments"!

Could it be that the strong wind blows it away!
Wang Bin searched carefully, but still couldn't find it.

"Hey, it couldn't be the little fox who stole it!" Wang Bin suddenly remembered the little fox just now.

Just now under the window sill, there was a little fox with bright eyes, flashing spirituality, extremely cute, listening to him reading and writing.

That little fox is very shrewd, and has snow-white fur that blends in with the surrounding white snow. Ordinary humans have poor eyesight and really can't see clearly.It's just that Wang Bin's keen intuition discovered its existence!
And this little fox is very kind and has no malice towards him, and Wang Bin didn't drive him away either!

Looking at the little fox, Wang Bin always thought of his wife Bai Qian... Aiwujiuxia let the little fox listen and pretended not to see it.

It's just that after returning from dinner, I lost a piece of paper and an article.

"There are gold and silver thieves in the world. I didn't expect there to be book thieves... Beasts are also learning etiquette, foxes are also educated, and foxes are also learning knowledge. I have to work hard!" Wang Bin thought.Compared with Baihu's study spirit, Wang Bin was ashamed, but he strengthened his study spirit!


The little fox returned to the fox hole...

The fox hole is huge, and the location is extremely safe.

Don't be afraid of ferocious wild beasts, but be afraid of wild beasts with culture.

The fox originally had many natural enemies, and it could be said that it was precarious, but since the little fox was born with spiritual intelligence and its IQ increased rapidly, it relied on its strong IQ to overwhelm the former natural enemies.The so-called natural enemy could hardly hurt her anymore.

Even several times, she let those natural enemies suffer a lot!
And the fox cave, under her construction, has also become extremely strong, making it difficult for foreign enemies to invade.

At this time, a fox appeared, including her mother, father, and various brothers, sisters, nephews, etc.

The white fox waved its paw and stuck the article in the center of the fox hole.

The light in the cave is very good, and many foxes have seen this article.

The noisy foxes, who were originally noisy, immediately froze, looking at the article eagerly, seeming to fall into it, seem to be addicted to it.

Many foxes are in a daze, unable to understand what is written in the article and what it means. They only feel that the words in it are shining brightly and flashing with the breath of wisdom. There was a glimmer of light.

After a long time, these foxes recovered, but there was less confusion and more clarity in their eyes.

These foxes are still beasts, and none of them has given birth to wisdom.

From the beast to the birth of wisdom, the process of turning into a monster race is very difficult!There are still so many wild beasts in the world, but the monster race is extremely rare, which shows the difficulty of giving birth to wisdom.

In the past, in the cave, the possibility of these foxes being born with wisdom was almost zero.

But now that there is a sage article, and the spiritual wisdom is opened, there is a little more possibility.

Due to aptitude problems, some foxes with outstanding aptitude and strong spirituality will give birth to spiritual wisdom; while those foxes with stupid aptitude and poor spirituality may still not be able to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

But at least there is a chance, better than no chance in the past!

(End of this chapter)

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