Chapter 316 First Heard of Nie Xiaoqian!
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Time passed, and another month passed.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the sound of frogs and cicadas keeps going.It's just that the sky is still dry, and there is still no rain.

"This is another famine year!" Wang Bin said with a slight frown. "The year before was flooded, there was too much rain, and the crops failed. Today, there has been no rain for more than half a year. This is a terrible rhythm!"

Looking at the hot sun outside, Wang Bin was worried.

In the previous life, even if there were droughts, floods, insect plagues, etc., but the country had grain reserves and high-yield crops, the crops were just bad harvests, but people would not die of starvation.But in this era, productivity is extremely low. Once a disaster occurs, people will starve to death!
Jiangzhou is still extremely prosperous and has not been affected by the disaster, but it won't last long!
In Donghua Academy, however, the study atmosphere is strong, and the students here study hard, much more diligently than the college students in the previous life.College students in the previous life mostly fished for three days and posted on the net for two days, and went to college in a daze, and there were many people around;

But in Donghua Academy, you must study hard, otherwise you will have no future.

Some of these classmates are very young, only seventeen or eighteen years old; some are young and middle-aged, and their children are seven or eight years old;

Everyone held their breath, and if they didn't win the exam, they vowed not to be human; if they didn't win the exam, they would have no face to see their ancestors.

What's the point of living if you don't win?
It is already a lot of people's obsession to win the exam and be a master!

Legend has it that Pu Songling started taking the exam at the age of 16, and insisted on taking the exam until he was 72. He was still a scholar and failed to win the Juren Master.

Such an example is not a single case, but a common case!

But Wang Bin, who is only 15 years old, is eye-catching. After all, there are too few people as young as him who are selected as scholars!

There are less than five in the entire academy!
But many classmates are a little disdainful!
It's too late, but it may not be better when you're older!

In the imperial examination field, there are quite a few of them who are fifteen or sixteen years old and have not yet passed the examination. There are too many such outstanding talents!

"Brother Bowen, guess who I saw on the street just now?"

At this time, Bai Fu said excitedly.

Wang Bin said with a smile: "I'm not a god, how can I guess? Tell me, don't beat around the bush!"

Bai Fu said excitedly: "I was walking on the street today, and the breeze moved me from a distance. I opened the curtain of the sedan chair, and saw a stunning beauty sitting in the sedan chair. I just took a look, and I was dumbfounded!"

Wang Bin laughed and said, "So what, we just met by chance!"

"In spring, we went to the academy by car. A car broke down on the road, and a beautiful woman walked out... I thought I would never see it again. Unexpectedly, the beautiful woman in the sedan chair was the one I met on the road before. !"

Bai Fu said excitedly.

"It turned out to be her!" Wang Bin nodded and remembered: "Then you can go up and ask the girl's name!"

Bai Fu said dejectedly: "I would like to, but I don't have the guts!"

Wang Bin said with a smile: "But after investigating her identity, if she is elected in the next year, it's a good time to come to propose marriage!"

Bai Fu said: "Bowen, ever since I met that woman, I have not thought about food or tea, and I am sick with lovesickness! I will definitely pass the exam and come to marry her!"

That woman, at first glance, is from a family of officials and officials, and at first glance, she has an outstanding family background; while he is just the son of a mere local rich man, and he is considered a number one person in the countryside, but he is nothing in Jiangzhou.A typical toad wants to eat swan meat.

But if he wins the Juren, then he will propose marriage to the woman, there is a possibility of success.

"Woman, what is the origin?" Wang Bin laughed.

"He is Lord Nie's daughter!" Bai Fu said.

"Lord Nie?" Wang Bin also frowned and said, "This difficulty is not ordinary! Lord Nie, Nie Huaiyuan, was born as a censor. He was demoted only after offending Prime Minister Cai Song. Now he is the magistrate of Jiangzhou. It is said that soon , will be promoted to the capital again!"

"I don't know!" Bai Fu said, "It's just that I can't forget him. I can only try my best to pass the exam. I hope to pass the exam next year. If it's a few years later, Ms. Nie might be married long ago and have children. Already!"

Just thinking about Zhongju gave Bai Fu a headache.

He is not a genius, but an ordinary scholar. He has some talent for reading, but he is not very outstanding.

He started the scientific examination at the age of 13, took the examination eight times in a row, and only passed the examination of scholar at the age of 21; he also took the provincial examination twice, but failed to pass the examination.The previous two experiences told him how difficult it is to raise people.It is very difficult to pass the exam for the third time!
"What's the girl's name?" Wang Bin asked curiously.

"Her name is Nie Xiaoqian... I only found out after spending fifty pennies!" Bai Fu said.A woman's boudoir name is a big secret, and outsiders don't know it at all; in order to know the beauty's name, Bai Fu spent fifty pennies!

"Nie Xiaoqian!" Wang Bin was slightly surprised.

Nie Xiaoqian, isn't that the heroine of A Chinese Ghost Story?
Today, Nie Xiaoqian has not died of illness, nor has she turned into a female ghost. She is still a high-ranking Zhizhou daughter; as for the tree demon grandmother, she does not know if she is in Lanruo Temple.Is that bearded Yan Chixia still there?Is the Montenegrin old demon still there?

In the afternoon, Wang Bin flipped through the books, and suddenly a paper crane appeared on the window sill!
With the slight sound of "plopping", a paper crane flew in from the window, fluttered its wings, and landed on Wang Bin's palm. The paper crane flapped its wings very dexterously. , vividly, like a living thing.

On the paper crane, there is an illusion, and ordinary people can't see the existence of the paper crane.

Only Taoists who are also Taoists can see through the changes in the two worlds of Yin and Yang, and see through the true colors of paper cranes!

And on the paper crane, there is a trace of the power of Yin God.

A trace of the Yin God possessed the paper crane, as long as the power of the Yin God did not dissipate, the paper crane could continue to fly and reach the predetermined destination.

At this time, the paper crane spoke: "Teacher, ten miles outside the city, there is an altar, where the teacher casts spells to induce changes in the weather, call the wind and rain, and rain will come! This is the best place for you to learn Taoism. , come quickly!"

After finishing speaking, the power of Yin God on the paper crane dissipated and turned into a normal paper crane!

Flying Crane Passing Letters is one of Zhengdao's many small techniques.

Wang Bin has just entered the Tao, and his magic power is shallow, so he can't use it. Fortunately, he has experienced it once.

After calming down his ups and downs, Wang Bin packed his clothes, closed the doors and windows, and walked out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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