Chapter 468
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During the long period of time, many imperial scriptures were lost and could not be obtained at all.Some imperial scriptures are stored in the hands of great forces. As the foundation, there is almost no possibility of obtaining them with the mere realm of Immortal San.

However, the existence of Heavenly Tribulation made the impossible possible.

In the Heavenly Tribulation, the Dao of each great emperor, the method of each great emperor, and the secret technique of each great emperor are recorded, and they form phantoms to attack.

When confronting those great emperor phantoms, as long as they are not too poor in aptitude, they can learn the corresponding emperor scriptures.

If you want to learn a certain skill, you don't look through cheat books, but fight.

"Crossing Tribulation Heaven Skill, Nine Secrets, Emperor Zun Sutra, Swallowing Demon Skill, Immortal Sutra, Taihuang Sutra, Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, Xihuang Sutra, Fuxi Sutra, Nuwa Sutra, Void Sutra, Hengyu Sutra, Taiyang Sutra, Taiyin Sutra Classics, chaotic ancient scriptures..." Wang Bin's mind was wandering, various imperial scriptures were flashing, and they were circulating in his mind quickly.

Even some big forces may not be able to collect all these supreme imperial scriptures, but he obtained them easily.

These emperor scriptures were created by the young emperor when he was in the three realms of immortality, and they belonged to the initial creation chapter; they are far from the so-called perfect emperor scriptures after proving the way.

But that's fine!

Because it is an initial creation, it will not affect your own way.

He seems to have turned into a melting pot, throwing these imperial scriptures into it, and continuously smelting, removing the rough and extracting the essence, and smelting out his own way.

Three days later, Wang Binshen spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt his head was in a mess and he had no idea at all.

Learning too much may not be a good thing, the mind is messy, and it is difficult to see the future path...

Wiping the blood from his mouth, Wang Bin said: "I have obtained the Dharma, but I have almost forgotten it. The way of cultivation is to give up all kinds of things, and what is left is your own."

Next, Wang Bin no longer practiced, and continued to practice, but he couldn't get out of the train of thought, so he stopped practicing altogether!
What is Tao?
Some people say that only by embarking on the road of cultivation, constantly improving your cultivation, and finally proving the Dao Emperor, can you become the Tao!
But in fact, this way is too narrow!

When people live, they are Tao; when they eat and sleep, they are Tao!
Blindly cultivating, blindly improving strength, seems to be the way, but in fact it is difficult to prove the way.

"Abandoning cultivation, abandoning memory, abandoning all kinds, what remains is the Tao." Wang Bin waved his hands, sealed his cultivation, and sealed his memory, but left the beginningless Zhong defended the way at a critical moment.

In memory, he is just a scholar, a teacher!

In the blink of an eye, 70 years have passed, some mortals are beating gongs and drums, and an old gentleman is in my funeral!

This old gentleman, with profound academic knowledge, was a well-known Confucianist nearby, and his disciples were full of peaches and plums. However, the old gentleman was still old and died.

The old man was lonely all his life, without a wife and children, only his plum wife and crane son.

At this moment, a student was burying him in a tomb.

At night, the coffin shattered, and the dead old man climbed out of the coffin, opened his eyes, looked into the night and asked, "Who am I? Where did I come from? Where do I go?"

Ask yourself three questions in a row!

At this time, the white hair on his head disappeared, and those withered skin became younger again, rejuvenated, and became younger again.

"I am a teacher, and I am also without beginning..."

At this moment, two memories collided, one was me before the sealed memory, and the other was me after the sealed memory.

Two me, two memories collide together.

Hundreds of years have passed in vain.

For a hundred years, many monks have been searching for treasures in various ruins, or fighting everywhere to improve their strength; but for a hundred years, he has sealed his self-memory, sealed his cultivation, and wasted a hundred years in the time of mortals.

Martial arts, martial arts, if you don't practice hand looseness for one day, if you don't practice hand laziness for two days, if you don't practice for three days, your level will drop, if you don't practice for a hundred years... what will happen!
In a trance, the Western Emperor's Sutra was forgotten, the Huanggu Sutra was forgotten, and many Emperor's Sutras were also forgotten.

"Forget good, forget wonderful!"

Wang Bin was very happy: "If you forget all the knowledge, what is left is wisdom; if you forget all the imperial scriptures, what is left is your own imperial scriptures!"

At this moment, his mind is blank, and he has forgotten many imperial scriptures.

And this state is exactly what he pursues. Only by forgetting the law can he obtain the law.

Brush brush!
Taking out the brush, Wang Bin began to write, writing the "Never Beginning Sutra": "Tao has no end, no beginning and no end, the avenue has no end, I walk to the end of the avenue with my feet! What is the Tao, I walk The road I have passed is the Dao; what is the law, the traces I left are the law!"

"Take time and space as the axis, use cause and effect as the line, and use power as the pillar to melt all the ways and turn them into my way, and use my way to overwhelm all the ways. You can have no sky, but you can't have no self!"

Brush brush!
Wang Bin wrote quickly, writing the Sutra of No Beginning, the prototype of Sutra of No Beginning was completely formed.

At this moment, he got rid of the influence of his parents' avenue, and walked out of his own way - the avenue without beginning!
The Beginless Avenue, with the Avenue of Power as the core, combines the Avenue of Time and Space, and the Avenue of Karma to form a brand new Avenue.

In fact, most of the great emperors in this world walk the path of fusion of various avenues.

Emperor Void's Grand Dao of Void is a fusion of the Dao of Nothingness and the Dao of Space; the Great Dao of Ruthless Man is the fusion of the Dao of Devouring and the Dao of Immortality; , Yin-Yang Avenue, Five Elements Avenue, Power Avenue, etc., have evolved through fusion.

Every great emperor is a road, and each road is different.

Brush brush!
Between pen and paper, hundreds of words were written, which is the outline and core concept of the Sutra of Beginning Without Beginning.

At this time, the words flashed with brilliance, flashed with bright light, and exuded the breath of Tao.

Raising hundreds of scriptures in the furnace, forgetting the Dharma for a hundred years, and now I have finally become enlightened!

The cultivation base has been rising steadily, from the first floor of the king's realm, the second floor of the king's realm, to the ninth floor of the king's realm in one fell swoop, and there is only a small gap to enter the semi-holy realm.

Create your own way, practice smoothly, and have hope for proving the way!

"Next, it's time to challenge the Holy Land, geniuses from all walks of life!" Wang Bin is gearing up, only a bloody battle can verify his way and make up for his own lack of way!

(End of this chapter)

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