Chapter 479 Ask if there is reincarnation in the world?
"Emperor Void's primordial spirit is completely different from my present primordial spirit!!"

Huang Di said.

"It's different, so what!" Wang Bin said lightly: "The world is changing at any time. Today's me is different from yesterday's me, and tomorrow's me is different from today's me. I am changing all the time, how can there be no change! "

"Walking, walking, you will find that the body is changing, the soul is changing, and everywhere is changing. It doesn't matter what changes, what matters is that the ideal remains unchanged!"

Duan De buried himself again and again, and the Yuanshen had already been replaced nine times, but he still had the same personality, was still the same unscrupulous, and was still the same kind of courageous, willing to help his brother, but he still did not change his character.

However, Emperor Huangtian was besieged by a powerful enemy, and the Yuanshen died and was buried in the burial ground. After 50 years, the Yuanshen was reborn, which was different from the original Yuanshen, and the imprint of reincarnation only carried him. part of the memory.

But so what, it is still an invincible opponent in the world, spanning an era, killing the four dark quasi-immortal emperors, killing the corpse immortal emperor, and breaking through the ages!
"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?"

Wang Bin said: "Some people are obsessed with thinking about these issues, and they are a little dazed. But I am too lazy to think about it. I may be the reincarnation of someone's soul, or I am illusory and do not exist; or this world itself is false. But so what? Cultivating the Tao, cultivating the Tao, the body is not important, the soul is not important, the Dao is the most important, stick to your own way, even if the body dies countless times, and the soul is replaced countless times, but my way will never die , The way is in me, I am still me!"

With that, he left.

As for whether he can understand thoroughly, it depends on his luck.

Emperor Void is a proud generation of heaven, and he can be considered a strong one among the great emperors, but that's all. The vast world, the long years, since Cao Yusheng proved the Tao and gave birth to the first Tianzun in the age of mythology, now there are more than 1000 million people. years.

In the long history, hundreds of great emperors were born.

In the long history, Void Emperor is still inferior to Ruthless Emperor, Ye Tiandi, Emperor Zun, Duan De and others; even compared to Mythology Jiuzun, Qingdi and others, he is far inferior.

Then, Wang Bin walked forward. On this planet, he met Emperor Hengyu, of course, now called Shennong.

I met the Daode Tianzun again, he is now called Laozi;

And Amitabha, now called Shakyamuni;

On the earth, there are 99 dragon mountains in the age of mythology that can give birth to immortal cauldrons; they can also raise corpses and bury them here, and they can form the seal of reincarnation in the shortest time in advance.

The bodies of Shennong, Huangdi, and Li Er have great origins, and because they were buried here, they formed the seal of reincarnation, and the corpses were reborn with wisdom.

The same is true for Emperor Hengyu, who was buried on the earth after his death, and a "new spirit" was bred in his body, even though it was no longer himself.

Emperor Void is very complicated, buried in the universe, the coffin once fell to the earth, and raised the corpse in the coffin to become a spirit, leaving the name of the Yellow Emperor, and then opened the coffin and left.

Closed in the coffin all the year round, it is only because his physical body has suffered great trauma. Although he has developed spiritual consciousness and is a brand new person, his body is still the same. The coffin suppresses, nourishes, and even baptizes the flesh with the blood of the old enemy.

After all, he is still the Emperor Body!
They believe that they are no longer the great emperors and gods of the past, and have already severed their relationship with the age of mythology and the ancient times. They are all new individual lives.

In a sense, it is impossible for the Void Emperor and the Heavenly Venerable of the Age of Mythology to appear again!

These are just their bodies, not the real people of the past. The years have passed, the soul has died, and the "heart" born is completely different, only its shape.

Although these people obtained scriptures and handwriting imprints from ancient coffin relics, etc., it is still impossible to awaken the so-called past, and there is no possibility of reappearing "past lives".

Ask the world, can there be reincarnation, if you believe it, there will be, if you don't believe it, there will be no reincarnation!
What matters is not what the world looks like, but what you believe in!
These four people are all strong, and the strong are self-respecting in character. They don't believe in the past life, they don't believe in the future life, they only believe in the present.This kind of idea is good, but it is easy to fall into the self-separation, and the self of the past life and the self of the present life are in conflict with each other.

Because of the conflict, it is difficult to say it!
"They just learned Mingzun's method, but failed to comprehend Mingzun's way!" Wang Bin sighed: "Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die."

Can there be reincarnation in the world?
At least, the Ruthless Emperor believes in reincarnation!

The ruthless emperor didn't want to become a fairy, but just waited for you to come back in this world of mortals.

Why wait for you to come back?
Because Emperor Ruthless believed that his elder brother would come back from reincarnation sooner or later.

As for Ye Fan, he was originally the brother of the Ruthless Emperor, but in the endless reincarnation, he just forgot the past. She is waiting, waiting for his brother to remember everything in the past!
The ruthless emperor is the present body; while the little girl is the past body.

The present and the past are perfectly integrated without conflict.

"A mountain is a mountain, and a water is water; a mountain is not a mountain, and water is not water; a mountain is still a mountain, and water is still water!" Wang Bin said in his heart: "The four of them still exist in the second realm. If you can clearly realize the third realm, and realize that I am the Yellow Emperor and the Void Emperor, then you will not be far from becoming an immortal!"

The earth is huge, but there are many secrets, in his eyes, they are not secrets at all!

Going on, he discussed the Tao with Sakyamuni and debated the Buddha;

It was another debate with Lao Tzu about the Tao Te Ching.

Still observing Kunlun Mountain, observing the method of forging the Immortal Cauldron!
The more I observe, the more I am amazed by Di Zun's methods and Duan De's talent, but unfortunately the old man has passed away, Di Zun doesn't know where to nest, and Duan De doesn't know where to lie dead!
It's a pity that I can't discuss the world with those wonderful people!

Another ten years have passed, and the cultivation base has been rising steadily, reaching the ninth floor of the Great Sage, and then breaking the bottleneck.

Boom boom boom!
One after another thunder calamity, bombarded down again, killing fiercely!
"too weak!"

Wang Bin jumped up, punched one after another, blasted away, Lei Jie became more and more mighty, but it was useless.

All of them were scattered and turned into scattered energy!


As soon as Wang Bin opened his mouth, there was an endless calamity, like food, all of which were swallowed up and turned into nourishment to nourish himself.

Boom boom boom!
The bottleneck was broken, and he stepped into the quasi-emperor realm.

The water will come naturally, the first floor of Zhundi, the second floor of Zhundi, the third floor of Zhundi, the fourth floor of Zhundi... Only then did he stop slowly.

Wang Bin walked down slowly, his breath restrained, like a mortal.

"Fellow Taoist, you have the highest qualifications ever!" Lao Tzu said with a smile, "Looking at the long history, there are only a few people who can match it!"

"I don't know who it is!" Wang Bin laughed.

Lao Tzu inherited the body of Dao Da Tian Zun, and also inherited his memory. He is very familiar with the strong men of all ages in those ages of mythology, ancient times, and ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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