Chapter 493 Attacking the Ancient Mine in the Beginning
At this moment, Emperor Chaos Ancient was killing as much as he wanted, like a madman.

Not to become immortal, not to be invincible, not to rule the world, just for refreshment, for a moment of refreshment, even if you are beaten to death by a group of supreme beings in the restricted area, it is still worth it.

Immediately, the restricted zone Supremes who were present fled away one after another.

However, there were still two restricted area supreme beings, whose running speed was a bit slow, and they were chased and killed by Emperor Luangu, one by one with a sword, and killed them all!
At this moment, Emperor Chaos Gu was covered in blood, his bones were ferocious, half of his head was lost, his right arm was broken, and his body was cut off at the waist.

It's just that the supreme being in the restricted area looked at him, full of fear and fear.

This is a lunatic!
The fall of the four restricted zone supremes proved his strength!
Never fight a lunatic. If you win the lunatic, it means you are stronger than the lunatic; if you lose, it means you are not as good as the lunatic;

After just a few breaths, all the injuries on Emperor Luangu's body healed.

Then, Emperor Chaos Gu sat on the desolate planet, motionless, like a sculpture, falling into enlightenment, but no one dared to disturb him.

Chilling, endless chilling!

At this moment, less than a hundred years have passed since the fall of the Dou Zhan Saint Emperor, and the suppression of the Great Emperor still exists, but this man abruptly broke the suppression of the Great Dao, and forcibly proved the Dao against the sky, and achieved the position of the Great Emperor.

There is no protector, but he can kill the Supreme Being in the restricted area abruptly, and he is terrified.

Many restricted zone Supremes understand that as long as they dare to fight their lives, if two or three restricted zone Supremes continue to die, the Emperor Chaos Gu will inevitably fall to the street.

It's just that there is no supreme being in the restricted area who is willing to be a victim.

In the restricted area, there are the so-called Lords of the Immortal Tomb, the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, and the Lord of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, but these masters of the restricted area just entered it earlier than other restricted areas, and there is no order.In some small matters, there is the power to command.

In some big matters, it is impossible to order other restricted zone supremes.

They are against each other and compete with each other.

One year later, the Great Emperor Luangu woke up with a maddened expression, like a lunatic.

"Next, it's time to clear the restricted area!"

Emperor Luangu sneered, "Other ancient emperors, who are afraid of the supreme being in the forbidden area, will sign the so-called gentleman's agreement, but I will not. Kill, kill, let's see if you kill me or I kill you!"

With a flickering figure, he pounced on the ancient Big Dipper, and pounced on the restricted area of ​​life.


"I feel a dangerous aura, this Emperor Chaos Ancient is very dangerous!"

At this moment, sleeping in the forbidden zone, some ancient supreme beings woke up, some of them proved the Tao in the age of mythology, and some of them proved the Tao in the early days of the ancient times.

Don't hear it, don't see it, feel the danger and avoid it.

In the realm of the great emperor, he has a keen sense of danger, and can quickly perceive and dodge quickly before the danger comes.

"Run away!"

Immediately, some restricted zone Supremes chose to escape, fled to the wilderness of the universe, and hid themselves.

The tortoise lived the longest.

Most of the restricted area supremes can survive until now not because they can fight, but because they are good at adapting to the wind and running quickly.Once he escaped, the emperor would also have to catch him blind.

Back then, when Emperor Zun established the Heavenly Court and ruled the world, some forbidden zone supremes chose to surrender, and some forbidden zone supremes chose to run away.As a result, they didn't come back until the emperor fell and the heavens collapsed.

They are waiting for the road to immortality to open, so they can stop fighting.

But there are still some supreme beings in the restricted area, the old gods stay there and don't care at all.Because they used to be ancient emperors, with powerful cultivation bases, ruled the world, and developed a disdainful and arrogant character.There is reverence for Emperor Chaos Ancient, but not awe!

Fighting alone, one-on-one, none of the forbidden zone supreme is the opponent of the ancient emperor.

But if there are more than 20 or more than 30 restricted zone supremes, if they fight in groups, the emperor will have to stop.


"Look for soft persimmons!"

Emperor Luangu thought, "But I'm going to squeeze a hard persimmon!"

"Among the forbidden areas of life, the Taichu Ancient Mine has all kinds of Immortal Gold and various rare ores. Most of them belong to the ancient royal family. Among them, there are 32 forbidden zone Supremes. They are just equal to the Taichu Ancient Mine!!"

The Emperor Luangu's eyes were blood red, and he rushed towards the ancient mine in the early days.

Most of the so-called forbidden areas of life have long-lived substances, which can extend the life of the supreme beings in the forbidden areas; and in the forbidden areas of life, there are various rare ores, various elixir and so on.

After all, the predecessors ate too much, and the descendants had nothing to eat.

The great emperor who proved the way earlier took a lot of elixir, immortal gold, etc., to his home; , the universe where mice want to cry, the so-called elixir, fairy gold, etc., all disappeared.

Among the various restricted areas, the Taichu Ancient Mine is the richest and richest.

Boom boom boom!
In a few steps, Emperor Luangu stepped into the ancient mine of Taichu.

He didn't pretend to be aggressive, he didn't shout 666, and he didn't make a war announcement. He started the war directly, wielding a powerful force, and bombarded a sleeping Supreme Being in the restricted area.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

"You actually violated the agreement between the great emperors of all dynasties and the Supreme Being of the restricted area, and took the initiative to attack the restricted area!"

"You are looking for death. If you are outside, I can't help you, but here is the Great Emperor Formation, trapped in it, you will definitely die!"

"Kill, kill the chaotic body, devour its flesh and blood, maybe you can live another life!"

Immediately, in the ancient mine in the early days, the sleeping supremes woke up one by one, glaring at the chaotic emperor, wanting to eat him.

If it is outside, with the cooperation of the restricted zone Supreme, it may not be able to kill a great emperor. After all, he can't beat and run. If the great emperor concentrates on running and spending time, he will kill them all in the end.But the Great Emperor, if he didn't know how to live or die, entered the inner layer of the restricted area of ​​life, fell into the Great Emperor's killing array, and took advantage of the home court, it would be enough to kill a Great Emperor.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, the ten restricted zone Supremes joined forces and besieged them.

There used to be ten restricted zone supremes who came to attack when the Great Emperor Chaos was crossing the catastrophe. But at that time, they fought against each other and kept their hands. They only used half of their strength to attack, and the rest of their ordinary strength was used to prevent being attacked.

But now, the supreme beings in each restricted area no longer fight each other, and work together to besiege them.

"Chaotic Void!"

Emperor Chaos Gu waved his hand and made a move, and immediately the space around him collapsed, turning into the power of space devouring, constantly devouring the energy from the attack, half of the energy was immediately devoured by the space; only half of the power , hitting his body, his flesh was bloody and his bones were broken.

It's just that he didn't care at all, and swung his sword to kill him.

"One sword cuts the years, cuts!"

The long sword was like a ghost, beheading a forbidden zone supreme, and immediately the forbidden zone supreme lost a hundred years of life.


Unbelievable, the supreme being in this restricted area has gray hair, his life energy is exhausted and he dies!

(End of this chapter)

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