Chapter 518 Black Emperor
Chapter 516 Black Emperor

After dealing with the female Holy Spirit, Wang Bin restrained his breath again and wandered around on the ancient Big Dipper.

Another 5 years have passed.

During this period of time, Wang Bin opened the eighth world.

In the eighth world, everything is transformed into the master.

After opening the eighth life, Wang Bin cut off the body of the innate Taoist fetus and turned into a mortal body.

The so-called Innate Dao Embryo Saint Body is just a boat on the road of cultivation, and boats are needed when crossing the sea; but when you reach the shore, you should abandon the boats and go lightly, instead of carrying the boats and moving on.

"If you want to become a fairy, you must transform into a mortal. Different people have different ways of becoming a mortal. In the reincarnation of Duan De's ninth life, he cut off his memory, cut off his cultivation, and discarded all kinds of magic weapons. Everything Start from scratch. Nine generations of reincarnation, nine generations of mortals."

"Who would have thought that a tomb robber, an unscrupulous guy who fights with dogs, is the God of Transcending Tribulation in the era of Megatron Mythology; who would have thought that this unscrupulous Taoist priest is the teacher of the emperor and the founder of the underworld !"

The ancient emperors and great emperors of all dynasties ruled the world, and their reputation spread far and wide.

But Duan De was just a tomb robber and a fat Taoist priest who had been stripped of his clothes several times, leaving only his underpants.

If a certain ancient emperor, the great emperor, suffered such treatment, he would definitely be so angry that he would die with desperate rhythm, and he might have to lay down millions of corpses; but this one, skinless and shameless, stripped naked, still grinning.

Mortals, mortals!
Duan De will transform into the ordinary and evolve to the extreme;

"In the barren ancient forbidden land, there is a ruthless emperor; and outside, there is a little girl! To a certain extent, the little girl outside, walking in the world, life after life, is the real transformation."

"In the end, Ye Tiandi also sealed his own cultivation, sealed his memory, cast his dream through the ages, walked in the world, and experienced life after life!"

After cutting off the innate Taoist body and sealing his own cultivation, Wang Bin began to turn into a mortal, walking in the world, but he couldn't find any feeling when he just walked.

As the saying goes, dwelling and nourishing the body, transplanting and nourishing the qi.

What kind of status, what kind of environment, what kind of temperament and character was born.

He is the great emperor without beginning, who rules the world and looks down on the universe. He is a generation of ruthless people who kill Wushuang, a generation of great emperors.After the world sees it, they all have to address him as the Great Emperor, or Your Majesty.

For tens of thousands of years, he has a strong domineering, murderous, and arrogant aura. Even if he is self-appointed and turned into a mortal, these auras still leak out, giving people a sense of intimidation and deterrence. .

After walking for a hundred years, no one came up to step on his face, nor came to bully him.

As for those two idiots, they don't exist at all.

After all, when you are in the world, you need to observe the words and expressions, and you can see the details with just one glance, so as not to offend powerful characters and die unexpectedly.

And he sealed his cultivation base, but the overbearing aura, destructive aura, and imperial aura on his body still overwhelmed many people and made them breathless.This kind of breath is innate, no matter how restrained it is, it still exists in the body.Anyone with sharp eyes can see one thing or two, and they are all afraid.

As for stepping on the face, it's impossible!

"To transform into a mortal is not only to lose one's cultivation, but also to transform into a mortal mentality!" Wang Bin sighed, "Unfortunately, it has been too long to obtain a mortal mentality!"

What a tragedy, what an endless tragedy!

Walking and walking, Wang Bin came to a mountain village, his mind was a little messy, Hua Fan failed.

To transform into a mortal, the key is the heart of a mortal!

It's a pity that he can cut off his innate Taoist body, seal his cultivation, and turn into a mortal; but it is difficult for him to have the heart of a mortal and blend into the world of mortals.

If you don't enter the world of mortals, how can you become a fairy in the world of mortals.

"Otherwise, I would also cut out a divine baby and walk in the world. It's a pity, I don't have the persistence of the Ruthless Emperor!"

"Why don't you also learn from Ye Tiandi, seal your cultivation base, seal your memory, and dream forever. Unfortunately, I'm fighting for the Supreme Being in the restricted area, and the Emperor of Immortality... I dare not take risks!"

Wang Bin sighed while thinking.

"Wang Wang!!"

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang!"

At the entrance of the village, I saw some leftover meals thrown away.At this moment, a group of dogs are scrambling for food.Soon the leftovers were looted, and the dogs dispersed.

Oh oh oh!
At this time, a puppy fell to the ground, its hair was messy and dirty, it was whining, there was a wound on its fur, and blood flowed out.

During the robbery just now, those strong dogs grabbed the food and left; but the puppies were weak and pitiful, did not grab the food, but were injured during the robbery and were dying.

At this moment, in the cold wind, it was shivering and whining, extremely helpless.It has no dog father, dog mother, just a stray dog, and it seems that it won't last long.

"It's not easy being a dog. If there are no accidents, it won't be able to survive this winter!"

Looking at the little puppy, Wang Bin's eyes were a little wet, thinking of his parents. His father died early when he was young, and then he was sealed in Shenyuan by his mother.But when he woke up again, his mother had passed away, and the whole world was an enemy, every holy place and every family was chasing and killing him.

Those monster races also chased and killed him.

After defeating the younger generation, the older generation came after them again.

Typical, beat the small, come the old!

In order to avoid trouble, in order to avoid chasing and killing again and again, he simply killed the whole family, exterminated all the people, and killed a holy place. Naturally, no one would seek revenge and trouble him; trouble.

He has no parents, he is an orphan; the pup has no parents, he is also an orphan.

At this time, a beggar stepped forward, grabbed the puppy and left, wanting to eat dog meat.

At this time, Wang Bin stepped forward to push the beggar away, snatched the puppy, turned around and left!



The puppy couldn't speak yet, and was dying. Wang Bin performed secret techniques to heal it, and the puppy gradually regained its vitality.

Oh oh oh!
The puppy opened his eyes, and approached to hug his clothes affectionately.

"Haha, let's be companions!"

Wang Bin said: "I don't know how to name you, why don't I call you Xiao Hei!"

Wang Wang!

The puppy nodded.

Time passed, and a year passed, and the puppy grew up, turned into a big wolfhound covered in black hair.

Another year later, the big black dog can talk.

However, the aptitude of the big black dog is very poor, it is just a mortal dog, with zero blood talent and zero cultivation aptitude, it is a piece of trash.

But he doesn't care!
He is the great emperor without beginning, he pushes the past and the present, and has no opponent. Even if the big black dog has zero aptitude, he can still cultivate into a peerless genius and a supreme ancient emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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