Chapter 542: The Beginning of Dark Chaos!

In the wasteland, the Immortal King Wuending was contemplating something, and suddenly realized something.

I saw a sword flying towards me and landed in my hand, it was the fetus of Da Luo Sword, feeling the sadness of the sword and the small coffin sealed inside, Immortal King Wuending sighed: "Senior is still lost! "

At this moment, a wooden box also flew into the hands of Immortal King Samsara.

It seemed that they were not at ease, and they were handed over to them separately for safekeeping.

At this moment, the Endless Immortal King set foot on the boundary sea again, heading for the depths of the boundary sea.

In a temple, a mutilated corpse was found, which was none other than Immortal Emperor Chongming.

At this moment, he has already fallen away, the primordial spirit has disappeared, he has completely died, and no longer exists!

It's just that the black breath is eroding his body, and it is vaguely nourishing a new primordial spirit. Maybe a hundred years later, a new creature will be born.And this creature is no longer Immortal Emperor Chongming, but equivalent to a corpse change.

This newly born creature, corroded by darkness, contains endless evil thoughts, and will do evil to the world!

The three of them saluted one after another to send the funeral of the Immortal Emperor!

"I want to guard the tomb for a while for senior!"

At this moment, Immortal King Mieshi spoke.

"You want to absorb dark energy!" Wushi Immortal King asked.

"Yes! There is no good or evil in energy, I want to absorb dark energy to break the shackles..." Immortal King Mieshi said.

"But the energy contained in the black blood is extremely terrifying. Even the senior couldn't absorb it, and died unexpectedly. The risk is too great!" Immortal King Wuending was a little worried.

"I know, but I have to do it!" Immortal King Mieshi said: "We don't have much time left. Once the corpse changes, the world will be doomed forever. To restrain the dark energy, we must absorb it." Dark energy!"

"Besides, senior directly absorbed the black blood, went mad and died! But I just absorbed the diluted dark energy!" Immortal King Mieshi said.


At this point, Immortal King Wu Zhong couldn't persuade him anything.

Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

At their level, to get to this point, aptitude is already second, the key is to dare to work hard.

Black blood is dangerous. After being absorbed by Immortal Emperor Chongming, he failed to refine it, but fell. Now, Immortal King Mieshi wants to absorb dark energy to improve his cultivation. Although the black blood has been diluted countless times, the energy is very weak and very weak. Weak, but still contains endless danger.

Mere persuasion is useless.

The Endless Immortal King has left, and the Samsara Immortal King has also left.

Only Immortal King Mieshi guarded the corpse of Immortal Emperor Chongming, absorbed the dark energy, and comprehended the dark energy.


Back in the wilderness, Wu Mo was a little bit lost.

"I'm still too weak!"

Wu Zhong sighed, the half-step quasi-immortal emperor is still too far behind.

"No end, what are you thinking?"

At this moment, Xiao Hei called out.

In normal times, Wu Zong would have started fighting with Xiao Hei, but now he is not in the mood.

Seemingly seeing that Wu Zhong was in a bad mood, Xiao Hei turned and left.

After a while, Liu Shen came!

After the transformation, Liu Shen became a beautiful woman of a generation, graceful and heroic, even though she is a woman, she is not inferior to a man!
At this moment, Liu Shen is the peak of the Immortal King's cultivation base, and his combat power is so powerful that he is also among the top among the Immortal Kings.Wu Zong is often in seclusion, and his reputation is mainly because he is extremely prominent among the fairy kings, and he is called the No. 1 fairy king; but he is not well-known among mortals.

But God Liu has a great reputation among mortals, and is revered as the ancestor worship spirit.

Countless mortals offered sacrifices to her one after another, becoming the number one totem of the Immortal Ancient Era.

"Wu Zhong, what happened?" Liu Shen asked curiously.

"An immortal emperor has fallen, and a corpse change is about to happen!" Wu Zhong said, telling the story of Immortal Emperor Chongming.

"There are some things that I dare not tell Xiao Hei. Ignorance is happiness, and ignorance is happiness. Knowing too much is misfortune, and it hurts people's hearts too much... The future will be extremely cruel!" Sighed endlessly road.


Time passed, and another million years passed.

An era, 12 years.One era, another era, time is passing, and the waves are endless.

During the long period of time, too many true immortals and immortal kings were born.

After many Immortal Kings proved their way, they went to challenge the Endless Immortal King and the Samsara Immortal King, but they all failed.Many Immortal Kings were defeated if they failed to catch even one move.

But at this moment, the boundary sea, which was originally gray, exuded a trace of black, and gradually turned into a black ocean.

There are quite a few strong men, realizing that there is a great fortune in it, and went to the depths of the boundary sea one after another, but they never returned, and never came back.

In the depths of the boundary sea, the Mieshi Immortal King is practicing in closed doors while he is enlightening, absorbing dark energy, constantly tempering his soul and body, and his cultivation is increasing layer by layer. He has reached the quasi-immortal emperor realm, but he is still a little short.

Suddenly one day, Immortal King Mieshi woke up with a start, his whole body was extremely cold, as if being stared at by a wild beast.

The corpse of Immortal Emperor Chongming had a glimmer of life, his eyes opened, empty and cold, staring at him.

"Go to meet the living beings, sacrifice to this emperor, and this emperor will pass on your immortal emperor scriptures!" said the cold corpse.

"You are not Immortal Emperor Chongming!"

The Way of the Immortal King of Extermination.

"Latecomers, are you going to reject this Emperor?" The corpse said indifferently.

"You really aren't him!"

Immortal King Mieshi sighed.

Immortal Emperor Chongming has passed away, this is a brand new primordial spirit, a brand new creature!

"Those who do not worship the emperor will be punished!" The majestic voice came, the corpse seemed to be angry, and the eyes emitted dazzling light beams, like sharp swords, beheaded.


Immortal King Mieshi shook his body, he was attacked by the spirit, and a new will wanted to control his body and kill him.


Immortal King Mieshi took out the Purple Lightning Hammer, and struck it with a blow, the void exploded, and thunder and lightning blasted out.

"True Dragon!"

The corpse was extremely domineering, and he let out a breath with a wave of his hand, and evolved into a real dragon, killing and killing him, followed by the immeasurable dark matter, turning into a shocking storm, and impacting outward.

At this time, the rune chains tied to his body flickered, emitting a bright light, suppressing the power of the corpse, the power was reduced a lot, but it was still extremely terrifying and overbearing.

Boom boom boom!
The two sides collided, and after a fierce battle for a long time, the real dark dragon changed.

After a fierce battle, the true dragon that scattered the darkness changed, and then turned into a dark phoenix. The dark matter continued to change, and evolved into ten fierce treasures, and the killing was astonishing.

And Immortal King Mieshi suppressed and killed them one after another, but he was not happy, on the contrary he was extremely dignified.

Being bound by rune chains, most of the corpse's power was restricted, but it still burst out with destructive power, which was too terrifying.

The corpse opened its mouth to exhale, the dark matter spit out, the sea of ​​boundaries rolled, and the darkness began to invade some big worlds; at this moment, the essence of heaven and earth in some worlds was absorbed into the body one after another, as if some energy had been absorbed, and the strength of the corpse rose a little.

But at this moment, in the Immortal Realm, all the land in the state was eroded by darkness, and most of the living beings lost their vitality and turned into corpses; only a few geniuses survived, but their primordial spirits have been eroded by darkness, and their wills have been wiped out. In addition, a new personality was born.

(End of this chapter)

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