Chapter 568 People Eat People

In the fairy world, according to the realm, they are Zhenxian, Jinxian, Taiyi, Daluo, and Daozu.

"Now, I'm a mortal immortal. I don't know what level I am compared to the immortals in this world!" Wang Bin frowned.In many cases, it is difficult to make an accurate evaluation of the cultivation systems of various worlds, and it is necessary to play a game to distinguish the superiority.

"In this world, there is also a Daluo realm. I don't know which Daluo I define is stronger or weaker!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Bin began to transform the breath, transforming the breath on his body into the breath of the fairy world.

The same Da Luo, in the eyes of a thousand monks, has a thousand definitions of Da Luo.

"What is Daluo? Eternal happiness, immortality!"

"Big Luo, omnipotent!"

Closing his eyes, Wang Bin fell into a deep level of enlightenment, practicing exercises in different worlds, various secret arts, etc., all smelted into one furnace.

The art of fighting in the national art, the art of training qi in the mortal world, the cultivation system of the Liaozhai world, the ancient method of the world of shrouding the sky, the method of shrouding the sky, etc., are all smelted together, colliding with each other, confronting each other, conflicting, and completely difficult to integrate.

There are too many fields involved, the orientation is too broad, and the amount of knowledge makes him a little dumbfounded, it is difficult to be compatible, and he feels a little overwhelmed.

In different worlds, he created many exercises, such as "Five Emperors Sutra", "Qingdi Changsheng Jue", "Luan Gu Jing", "No Beginning Sutra", "No End Sutra", etc., each scripture flashed, Finally together, evolved into the "Great Compass".

It's just a sketch, it's just a draft, but it's still powerful.

"The Great Luo, eternally at ease, can cross all worlds! The Great Luo Wanyan Technique"

With a flash of mind, Wang Bin created the first spell after becoming a fairy - the Daluo Wanyan Technique.

Da Luo Wan Yan Shu can walk in different worlds, can quickly transform body strength, and transform it into a practice system in that world, so that it will not be rejected by this world.

Relying on the magic of Daluo Wanyan technique, in the world of douqi, one can transform body strength into douqi; in the world of magic, one can transform power into magical power; To cover the sky; in the perfect world, it can evolve into an ancient fairy method...

Let your own strength and this world fit together, so as not to repel each other and be suppressed by the way of heaven.

Brush brush!
Immediately, the aura on Wang Bin's body changed, and the aura of the Red Dust Immortal dissipated. The immortal who changed this world became a real immortal in just three days.

This is still unfamiliar, resulting in a lot of waste of energy.

After all, the conversion of diesel into power is still a huge loss, and it is from the power of one system to the power of another system.

After a month of painstaking training, Wang Bin stood up and said leisurely: "A man who doesn't return home is like a night walk in brocade clothes; his cultivation level has improved, and it's a pity not to pretend to be forced to beat his face!!"

Back then, every time Emperor Huangtian raised his cultivation to a higher level, he had to go to a foreign land to pretend to be face-slapping. Although he paid a huge price for this, he had to say that the feeling of face-slapping was very refreshing!

The fairyland is vast and boundless, even Dao Patriarch has no idea how big the fairyland is.

Those who have ascended from the lower realms, because they have no background and no background, have become targets of oppression.

Thus, the Slave Catching Squad was born!

When Wang Bin met the slave hunting team, he waved his hand and killed them.

This is called the turn of geomantic omen. In the past, the immortals captured the natives of the lower realm, but today he kills the natives of the immortal realm.

As for why this happened, it wasn't for justice, let alone doing justice for the heavens, it was just to hone one's cultivation.The strong are not cultivated, but fought and killed.Killing mortals and the weak is against his heart.

But killing those who are not long-sighted, and killing the strong, is a matter of peace of mind.

Ten years later, Wang Bin stepped into the golden fairy realm;
A hundred years later, Wang Bin entered the realm of Taiyi;
Thousands of years later, Wang Bin stepped into the realm of Daluo.

Another ten thousand years later, Wang Bin Daluo was at the peak, only one step away from entering the Daoist realm.

Daozu, in the past era, was also known as the Immortal Emperor.

In the mortal world, the "Five Emperors Sutra" he obtained is the practice handed down by the Five Elements Immortal Emperor.

"I have a feeling that stepping into the realm of Taoist ancestors is a great danger, almost a certain death!" Wang Bin sighed.

In ten thousand years, he has cultivated to the peak of Da Luo, and he is considered a genius among geniuses, while other Da Luo powerhouses have spent tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, or even longer.

"The so-called Da Luo realm is too weak! When it comes to combat power, it is only equivalent to the strong fairy king in the perfect world! The so-called Da Luo is far from the Da Luo I imagined!"

Wang Bin frowned and said, always feeling that this world is extremely weird.

It seems that the strong people here have more than longevity, but their combat power is weak-but in fact, the fairy world is rich in aura, and according to the world level, many strong people will be born with strong combat power, so they will not be so weak.Somewhat ridiculously weak.

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it, let's go to other worlds to get opportunities!"

Wang Bin made up his mind, cut off his cultivation base with a wave of his hand, and instilled all his cultivation bases into a puppet, so that the puppet would change into his appearance and bear some karma for him!
As for the deity who is running the Da Luo Wan Yan technique, he has cultivated himself into the state of entering the fairy world.

Running the Bi'an Bridge, Wang Bin's mind was running, a trace of soul was stripped out, and he entered a brand new world.


When Wang Bin opened his eyes, he felt that he was tied up and naked, and the wind was blowing, and the birds were trembling; besides, there was a fire burning, and a group of primitive people wearing animal skins, dancing around the fire.

In an instant, Wang Bin felt as if he had returned to the perfect world, as if he had just met a little boy.

Emperor Huangtian started in a primitive tribe, wild and ignorant, wild and simple.

However, Wang Bin soon stopped laughing.

Because a bonfire was burning in front of them, the men of the primitive tribe held a stick with a human leg in their hands and grilled it on the fire.

Wang Bin was a little deceived, and the next moment was endless fear.

Look carefully, the thing being roasted by the fire is really a human leg!
Looking around again, I saw a primitive man gnawing on a roasted human arm, while a human head was discarded aside, and there was a stone basin underneath, with human blood in it.

On the side, a primitive man was tied up like a pig, then his head was chopped off, dismembered, and he started to barbecue.

This is a primitive tribe, this is cannibalism!

Wang Bin's heart trembled, his fear was to the extreme, the fear to the extreme.

At the beginning, Wang Bin had no fear when he fought against the four dark emperors; later, when he was besieged by the Immortal Emperor and Tian Yuan Supreme, he had no fear either.

But now, for the first time, I am afraid!

Crossing is dangerous, so be careful!

If you crossed over and became a eunuch, and there were no birds below, you might as well commit suicide.If a man has no birds, what's the point of living.

If he crossed over and became Emperor Chongzhen who committed suicide in Meishan, no matter how much black technology he had, he would have to give up because there was no time;
It would also be a tragedy to transmigrate for a woman and transform into a stunning beauty.

If we talk about the above three kinds of time travel, it is a tragedy

But now, Wang Bin travels through hell.

He traveled to the primitive tribe, but unfortunately he didn't meet the little Huangtian Emperor, and he didn't meet Ji Ning in the Manghuangji, but met the primitive people and the scene of cannibalism.What is even more tragic is that he is the object of being eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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