Chapter 654 Xuanyuan Supreme
Boom boom boom!
The void exploded, the endless air of chaos flickered, the breath of destruction fluctuated, and bright rays of light came with supreme divine power to kill.

At this moment, the light and dark camps joined forces, and 26 top powerhouses joined forces to deliver a blow.

"Guardian of the Azure Dragon!"

This strong human race roared, and immediately a huge phantom appeared behind him, which was the holy beast Qinglong; and scales appeared on his body, which turned into a terrifying defense to resist the terrifying attack.

It's just that he knows that everything is in vain.

No one can resist the 26 main gods fighting together.

In other words, he was able to withstand five moves and was not killed, not because of his strength, but because the main gods were afraid of each other, only one level of strength was used to attack him, and the remaining nine levels of strength were used to guard against other main gods.

But now, he must die.

Boom boom boom!
The violent energy fluctuated, but it didn't kill him.

The man opened his eyes, and saw a white-clothed man appearing in front of him, with supreme imperial aura all over his body, like a born emperor, the aura was extremely powerful, terrifying to the extreme, the aura was so powerful that it was comparable to the main god .

No, stronger than the Lord God!
"Who are you?" Wang Bin asked, "Where is this place?"

Between life and death, the terrifying attack was blocked.As for the reason, because this man is a human race, there is a familiar aura about him.

"My servant, Ji Xuanyuan, is called Xuanyuan Supreme!"

said the man.

"Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, it seems that I saved the right person!" Wang Bin nodded.

In different worlds, there are different Xuanyuan Yellow Emperors.In Shrouding the Sky, Emperor Void fought fiercely against the Supreme Being in the restricted area, and the void was stained with blood. After his death, his body became psychic and turned into the Yellow Emperor. Finally, in the dark and turmoil, he shed the last drop of blood; Also a tragic character.

"Why are you fighting?" Wang Bin asked with a frown.

"Your Excellency, it is the supreme being of the human race... It seems that the retreat time is too long, and I don't even know it!" Xuanyuan the supreme said: "The first battle between gods and demons broke out, and the situation of our human race is not good. There are four supreme beings in our human race. The holy beast has the power of the main god for a short time; but the dark camp is dominated by demons, and there are thirteen dark main gods; the light camp is dominated by angels, and there are thirteen light main gods! Enemy...fortunately, I have a fellow Taoist!"

It turned out to be the world after ascension, and the first world in hell mode.

Wang Bin's heart moved, and he already understood the world he was in.

In the world of Shading the Sky, there are many restricted areas for doing things. Every once in a while, the prohibition of the Supreme is to harvest crops, and the entire universe can be said to be devastated;
In the perfect world, the four dark emperors launched dark turmoil again and again. The so-called true immortals and fairy kings are just harvested crops, and the tragedy has reached the extreme;
In the Yangshen world, the human race's aptitude is low, and they are domestic animals raised by the demon god, and they are sent to the dining table to be slaughtered continuously every day.

As for the world of Ascension, the human race also had a miserable life.

In the lower plane, after many human races ascended, they would ascend to the Immortal Realm and enter the so-called Primordial Realm.It's just the ancient world, not a beautiful world, but a hell for the human race.In the ancient world, the demons were rampant, the gods were fierce, and the human race was living a miserable life. It was only the end of food and slaves.

In the world of Shrouding the Sky, Ye Tiandi lived a very hard life. In his later years, he was even sieged by the Supreme Being in the restricted area, but at least he had comrades-in-arms Wushi, Ruthless, Duan De, and a small partner, accompanied by apprentices one by one. ;

In the perfect world, Emperor Huangtian was very lonely and had no comrades in arms, but in the end he resurrected his relatives and comrades in arms.

In the world of Yangshen, Panhuang lived a very hard life. In the early stage, he was hunted down like a dog, but in the later stage, with the emergence of human masters, the Yangshen was born, smashing the vacuum warriors, and forming a trend of gang-fighting the five god kings , had the last laugh.

In the later stage, the harem was opened and a nation was created, which is actually not bad.

But in the world after the ascension, as the protagonist, Fengyun Wuji, with three points of primordial spirit, finally became the main god, obliterating his own emotions, which is equivalent to killing himself.It can be said that he is the most tragic protagonist among the protagonists of all dynasties.

"So that's how it is!" Wang Bin said lightly, "Xuanyuan, step back!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After coughing, Supreme Master Xuanyuan was seriously injured, but he still said, "Let's fight together!"

"Integrated with the holy beast Qinglong, it exploded with strength comparable to that of the main god. After all, you are relying on external force. You are still too weak!" Wang Bin said lightly, and with a wave of his hand, he tore apart the void and threw Xuanyuan Supreme a million miles away. outside.

Xuanyuan Supreme has been injured, and if he continues to fight, he will fall.

As for Xuanyuan Supreme, his realm is equivalent to that of a quasi-immortal emperor. After merging with the holy beast Qinglong, he exploded with power comparable to that of an immortal emperor. Harmony, after all, is worse.

"Mortal, who are you?"

At this time, in the dark camp, a main god spoke up, and it was the master of conspiracy.

The master of conspiracy, who controls the laws of fate, is good at deduction and calculation, and has evolved the conspiracy to the extreme.

"I am Pan Huang, the terminator of gods!"

Wang Bin said lightly: "Shoot it, let me taste how powerful the gods are! Do you choose single-handedly or group fighting? Single-handedly, I will beat you 26 people alone; group fighting, 26 of you will beat me one person!"

The mouth is disdainful, but the mind is running, calculating quickly, analyzing the enemy's shortcomings and flaws.

This is a deformed world, and many top powerhouses have gained great strength by relying on external forces.

The thirteen main gods of the dark camp and the thirteen main gods of the light camp are equivalent to immortal emperors in terms of realm.It's just that in the perfect world, the immortal emperor is strong, transcending heaven and earth, powerful and terrifying; but this 26 main gods of light and darkness have integrated the way of heaven, and relying on the power of godhead, he has a power comparable to that of an immortal emperor.

But to activate the godhead requires the power of faith.

Motivated by the power of faith, the main god is extremely powerful and invincible; but without the power of faith, the main god is pitifully weak, and the Supreme Being can kill the main god.Throughout the ages, there have been so-called godslayers who beheaded the main god, obtained the godhead, and became the main god.

Today, the 26 main gods are no longer the original group of main gods, but replaced by many generations, and many of the main gods are former godslayers.

The godhead of iron, the main god of flowing water!
Between the main gods, wars are not easy to happen, because wars will consume the power of faith. Once the power of faith is lost, the main god will be very dangerous.The war between the two main gods will shatter countless planes and cause the death of countless creatures, which also objectively reduces the source of the power of faith.

Of course, the main god will encourage his demons, angels, etc. to fight with each other.

Because only war, only turmoil, the power of faith will boil; if the world is peaceful and the world develops harmoniously, whoever believes in gods.

(End of this chapter)

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