Chapter 683 The North Sea Prisoner
"In the ancient world, the traditional method of cultivation focuses on painstaking cultivation and accumulation of energy. After ascension, after countless years of retreat, the body has accumulated enough energy, and it is also the artistic conception of understanding boxing, sword, and sword. , you can enter the imperial realm!"

"After entering the emperor's realm, I have accumulated enough energy. After my body is saturated, I will be at the peak of the emperor's realm. After that, I will start to control the power of heaven and earth, and I can control the vitality of heaven and earth near my body, and I will enter the emperor's realm!"

"On the basis of understanding the power of heaven and earth, and understand the rules of heaven and earth, you can enter the realm of gods!"

"When you reach the peak of the divine realm, you have a deep understanding of the rules, and you can use the rules as a fulcrum to condense the domain!"

"If you can comprehend the rules perfectly, and turn the visible domain into the world, you will be supreme!"

"Above the supreme, the main god! Don't say it!"

Fengyun Wuji said: "The cultivation method I created is based on body refining. The spiritual energy absorbed has five or even seven layers. It is absorbed by the body, tempering the body, and evolving the body; Refining the soul, strengthening the soul."

"Essence, qi, and spirit are the three planks of the human body, none of which can be separated. Once there are defects, the foundation will be weak and the speed of cultivation will be slow!"

As he spoke, he began to talk about the mystery of Fengyun Wuji Jue, the method of exercise.

This set of formulas is only [-] words, easy to learn, easy to get started, it can be said that even a waste wood can get started quickly.

But in fact, rising up in the mortal world, and being able to cultivate to the realm of ascension, there are a few useless woods.It can be said that those who can ascend to the ancient world are all arrogance, aptitude and understanding, etc., are all extremely outstanding.

Soon, the warriors present compared the temple exercises with the exercises taught by Fengyun Wuji, and the result is that the more they comprehend, the more subtle they feel. It involves some tiny meridians, many acupoints, many of which are unheard of and mysterious. extreme.

Because the exercises are simple, many warriors quickly get started.

Immediately, the endless vitality of heaven and earth, like a tide, entered the body and was rapidly refined. Only a moment later, everyone felt the magic of this technique.

However, because of different perceptions, the speed of cultivation is also different.

Those with low comprehension can only practice at a speed ten times faster than those with high comprehension, while those with high comprehension can practice hundreds of times faster.

And this is only a short-term comprehension, after a long time, the deeper the comprehension, the faster the speed of cultivation.

It's a pity that only [-] to [-]% of the vitality of the world has been transformed into one's own true energy; most of the vitality is used to temper the body, enhance the potential of life, and evolve the human body.

In the words of the master, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood.

Accumulating true energy is chopping firewood; tempering the body and evolving the body is sharpening the knife.

Only when the body is transformed and the potential of life is improved, can more true energy be absorbed and the speed of cultivation be accelerated.If you blindly accumulate true energy without tempering your body, your cultivation speed will be very slow!

Then, Fengyun Wuji took out some medicinal materials and began to refine the elixir.

Pills can assist in cultivation and increase the speed of cultivation, which can be regarded as cheating tools for cultivation.

Body Quenching Pill, Soul Refining Pill, Tuomai Pill, etc. are mainly foundation-building pills. As for medicinal materials, they are like weeds, and you can find a large area at will.

In the ancient world, there are no alchemists and alchemy techniques, but he is considered to be the first.

Time passed, and another 500 years passed!
500 years is only a very short time for the ancient people who have a long life span and almost live as long as the sky and the earth.However, among the more than 300 disciples, all of them have entered the emperor's realm, fifty have entered the emperor's realm, and three have entered the god's realm.

The success of these disciples seems to prove that the success of the basic exercises is correct in terms of thinking.

Of course, it also shows that exercises are not omnipotent.

Some of the most aptitude late injury, the cultivation speed has reached [-] times; while the low aptitude is only a hundred times the cultivation speed.

In the early stage, the difference in cultivation was not big, but in the later stage, the gap in cultivation widened.The worst is only the middle stage of the imperial realm, and the strongest is already the early stage of the god level.

"The plan is correct, and it's time to go to Beihai..." Fengyun Wuji thought: "If you want to deploy martial arts in the world, the time is not yet ripe. You can first deploy martial arts at those high-level, those god-level masters, and first improve the strength of the high-level , and then upgrade the middle and lower levels!"

With a wave of his hand, all eight hundred disciples were released to the outside world.

"In the greenhouse, it is impossible to cultivate strong people, you should leave!" Fengyun Wuji said.

"Yes, Master!"

Despite some reluctance, they left.

It's time to start killing gods.Due to their limited strength, they can't launch it with great fanfare, but it's time to develop it secretly.


"It's time to go to Beihai, Beihai Xuanyuanqiu, I hope those Beihai prisoners are my allies!" Fengyun Wuji said, a little lonely, a little lonely.

The temple is unreliable, and more importantly, the ideas are inconsistent.

Different road non-phase plan!
If they are really together, they must be shopping together.Either he washed the temple with blood, or the temple destroyed him.

Go all the way forward, to the extreme north.

To the north of the ancient times, the land of the extreme north is the snowy area. Between the snowy area and the knife area, there is an area full of ice peaks. There are many evil masters there, and it is called Youming Peak. In a vast land covered with ice and snow, the ground suddenly rises a lot. At a glance, it is flat and mostly covered with thick snow.There are very few mountain peaks, and soul becomes the only color between heaven and earth.Snowflakes fly all year round.

Putting on the black robe, Fengyun Wuji embarked on a pilgrimage.

Xuanyuan Hill in the North Sea is the holy land of the human race, the only place where no fighting is allowed.

Looking at Xuanyuanqiu, Fengyun Wuji said silently: "Your Majesty, your unfulfilled last wish, we descendants will definitely fulfill it on your behalf, even if your body is smashed to pieces, you will not be afraid at all."

The farther you go, the more people you see, everyone is wearing a large black robe, with their heads bowed, just walking silently, meeting each other, and if they know each other, they just nod their heads slightly. He said hello, but more people didn't pay attention to the people around him at all, as if he was the only one left in this huge world.

Surrounded by many arched caves, there is a huge arched cave with a passage tens of feet wide that leads directly into the cave.

Around the tomb of the Yellow Emperor in Xuanyuanqiu, a petrified giant snake skeleton protruded from the bottom of the tomb. Around the tomb, pieces of shuttle-shaped mudstones of tens of feet protruded obliquely from the ground, forming a circle, surrounding the tomb of the Yellow Emperor.

Against the backdrop of the roaring North Sea, this place looks extremely desolate and desolate. There are whining sounds coming from around Xuanyuan Hill in the North Sea, which are the cries of repentance from ancient humans who came to pilgrimage.

Standing beside the man in black robe, Fengyun Wuji looked around at the thousands of people wearing black robes around him, and he heard bitter cries in his ears, and suddenly felt bewildered and helpless.

A series of whispers that shocked the soul came:
"Your Majesty, bless my people!"

"After a million years of hard work, I still haven't entered the supreme realm. Your Majesty, I am guilty!" The man bowed his head to the ground, his eyes filled with tears.

"Millions of our clan are suffering in the devil world in exchange for our clan's peace, but we can't do anything for them. Not only that, but now clansmen are fighting each other because of their different ideas. How many clansmen died in vain!..."

"Thousands of people point at it, ten thousand people scold it, I would like to be that infamous butcher, and I only hope that my family can prosper as soon as possible under the tempering of suffering."

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent. After so many years, I still stay in this realm. As a human race, I can't contribute my strength. I am guilty!"

"I'm guilty!"

"I'm guilty, I'm willing to die!"

"I'm guilty, I don't hesitate to die!"

Among the crowd, a person suddenly lifted his black robe, pulled out his long sword, and stabbed it into the heart. His body slowly fell to the ground, and the ground was stained red with blood.

"I'm guilty, I pretended to be a human race!" Another one fell to the ground, and fell down on this land forever.

"As evidenced by the sky, Xuanyuan Soul Mirror, if I can't step into the realm of the gods, my soul will be reincarnated, and I will never be reborn forever!" A person suddenly stood up, turned around resolutely, and left without looking back...

There were crying sounds all around. "My emperor, bless my people!"

(End of this chapter)

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