Chapter 718 Blessing God Stone
PS: Kawenka is going to die.Western Fantasy World is too difficult to write.There is no update in the morning, and we will update it tomorrow night.

On the edge of the pond, lay a young man full of noble spirit. At this time, he had exhaled a lot of breath and breathed in less. It seemed that he was not far away from death.

Amidst bursts of screams, many eunuchs and court ladies rushed towards this side.

"My son, don't scare mother!! What's wrong with you? If you have any troubles, how can you let mother live!"

At this time, a very anxious female voice came.

An imperial doctor said: "Madam, the Eighteenth Prince was just surprised, it's not a serious illness, as long as he takes the magic medicine, he will be fully recovered within a day."

The empress scolded: "Hurry up and give Thorne the potion!!"


The imperial physician took out a potion, put it into the water and melted it continuously, and put it into Wang Bin's mouth.

A little bit of magic flashed, entering the young man's body, nourishing his body.

Wang Bin opened his eyes directly, only to see a stunning woman with long blond hair, slender figure and handsome appearance in palace attire, sitting beside her, with a sense of impatience in her expression.

"I'm Merlin Thorne! I'm also Wang Bin!"

At this moment, Wang Bin digested the memory of this life and was familiar with all kinds of things in this world.

This world belongs to the world of gods.

The gods are high above, looking down on the earth.And on the earth, there is a human country, which can be described as a myriad of countries.Among these countries, there are empires, kingdoms, and duchies.The territory of the empire is the most extensive, and it governs a vast territory, and its supreme ruler is the emperor.

Under the emperor, various provinces were established, and various governors were set up.In addition, some meritorious officials and some royal lands were entrusted to different places, forming kingdoms and duchies.The owner of the kingdom is called the king; and the owner of the principality is called the grand duke.

Various kings, grand dukes, etc., surrendered to the king one after another and paid tribute.

Of course, if the empire is in decline and it is attacking the empire again, disputes and wars will continue.

In addition to the human kingdom, there are elf empires, orc empires, etc., and they are constantly at war with each other.

Within the human race, various empires are constantly at war; within the empire, various forces are constantly at war; and they are also constantly at war with other alien races.

On the mainland, war is the mainstream, peace is a respite, and there are wars all the time.

As for the so-called great unification, it never appeared because the gods did not allow it.

The faith of all living beings will boil if there are continuous wars. If there is peace in the world, the power of faith will inevitably decline.

In addition, there is a polarization on the mainland. People at the lower level live a life of ignorance, poverty, and hunger, and are in the middle ages; while at the upper level, they have developed brilliant magic technology, which is comparable to the level of technology in the 21st century, and even beyond.

In this world, magic is everywhere, fighting spirit is bright, and a terrifying civilization of cultivation has been deduced.

Magic focuses on the soul; battle qi focuses on the body.

However, whether it is magic or battle qi, if you practice it to the extreme, you will all reach the same goal by different routes. You must ignite the divine fire, condense the godhead, and turn into a god.

In this world, when one reaches the age of nine, one has to test one's cultivation talent. If the soul is strong, one can practice magic; if the physical talent is outstanding, one can practice battle qi.And whether it is to practice battle qi or practice magic, one must have cultivation qualifications.

At the age of nine, a sacrificial ceremony will be held to sacrifice to the gods.

On top of the sacrificial ceremony, those young people will communicate with the gods, thus awakening their cultivation talents.

At this moment, he is the prince of a small kingdom named Merlin Thorne; and the beautiful woman in front of him is his mother, Concubine Mei.

"Thorn, it's good that you're fine!! It's good that you're good!"

As soon as Concubine Mei saw Wang Bin open his eyes, she broke down in tears and murmured.

Wang Bin said: "Mom, I have nothing to do!"

Looking back on the memory, I found that he seemed to be involved in a court battle, but he was the eldest brother who didn't know who to start, or the fourth brother.

"There are still three days left before the test. We need to analyze the rules of this world and adapt to the rules of this world..." Wang Bin took a deep breath, and began to recall the basic meditation methods, and began to temper and transform his soul.

For the next time, Wang Bin hid in the room and continued to practice. With his knowledge, he easily modified the basic meditation technique in this world, and immediately changed the taste of the top-level meditation technique. Refining the soul.

On the day before the test, Concubine Mei came to Wang Bin's room and said, "Thorn, you come with me. Let's go to visit the queen and empress together, and ask her to give you the blessing stone!!"

Wang Bin said: "Yes! Mother!"

In this world, people in the world believe that having a talent for magic or fighting spirit is a gift from the gods.Therefore, some magicians performed secret techniques and refined the Blessing God Stone. According to legend, wearing the Blessing God Stone may get the favor of the gods when participating in the sacrifice, and awaken a higher cultivation talent.

The royal family, various nobles, etc., are extremely enthusiastic about blessing the god stone.

"Meet the empress queen!!"

After passing through many corridors, Concubine Mei led Wang Bin to the palace where the queen was, and made a big gift to the queen.

"Be flat!"

When Wang Bin took a look, he saw a beautiful woman dressed in gorgeous silk, elegant, extraordinary, and very beautiful, but she looked a little mean, sitting on the main seat of the palace.This beautiful woman is the queen.

The Queen spoke with alienation and indifference: "Sister Meifei, what is your business here this time?"

Concubine Mei said: "My queen, Thorne has grown up and is about to participate in the sacrificial ceremony to awaken his talent for cultivation. I also ask my queen to bestow upon him the God Stone of Blessing."

The corner of the queen's mouth slightly raised, with a cold smile: "I have prepared Thorn's blessing stone. But unfortunately, a few days ago, a blessing stone was broken... I will work hard to find a new one for Thorne." A Blessing God Stone!"

Concubine Mei's face turned pale immediately: "My queen, blessing the god stone is related to the fate of Thorn's life!!"

The queen said lightly: "I will try my best to find it!"

Saying that, some eunuchs stepped forward to drive Concubine Mei away.

Concubine Mei was a little unwilling, but she left anyway.

"Thorn, it's useless to be a mother!" Concubine Mei said sadly.

"Mother, without the Blessing God Stone, I can awaken my cultivation talent!" Wang Bin said lightly.Unexpectedly, just after coming to this world, there was a big drama of palace fighting and a legend of Zhen Huan, and it turned out that the most poisonous thing was the queen's heart.

Think about Snow White and the Vicious Queen, and what happened to him now...

It's a pity, I am a time traveler, I have a cheating device, no matter how vicious the queen is, it's just haha!

(End of this chapter)

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