Chapter 720 Frozen Maiden
The territory of the Merlin Empire is too vast to be effectively governed, so it was entrusted to some royal disciples and heroes; it has more than 80 kingdoms and hundreds of duchies under its jurisdiction.The population of these territories, combined together, has a large population, calculated in megabytes.

However, there are only less than a hundred people with holy qualifications.

It can be seen how rare holy qualifications are.

"not enough!!"

Wang Bin shouted.

Immediately, the altar flickered again, stars flickered one after another, huge divine power poured into his body, and immediately the purple light changed and turned into gold.

"This is a god-level qualification!"

"It's scary, this is the possibility of becoming a god!"

"The Eighteenth Prince's talent is so strong!!"

"God-level talent, that is a peerless genius that is rarely seen in a thousand years!!"

"The last emperor of the Merlin Empire was a godly talent!"

Immediately, everyone was stunned again and was speechless.

In each era, there are extremely few people with god-level talents, less than ten people.

Although talent is talent, cultivation is cultivation, and there are many people with god-level talent who have failed to reach the god-level, but god-level talent is god-level talent, which is extremely terrifying.

Possessing a god-level talent, he is also known as the son of the gods. He is favored by the gods and is born with great luck.

"God-level talent! Why do the gods love him so much!!"

The eldest brother, Merlin Joseph, had a grim and contorted face, clenched his hands, and drops of blood dripped from his hands to the ground.

"God level talent, if you don't fall, you can enter the holy level in the future, but it is difficult to step into the god level!"

Black Rock King commented, also speechless.

Under the endless starlight, Wang Bin's breath flickered, and a mark of a god appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the mark disappeared in the next moment.

Seeing this scene, the queen shrank her eyes slightly: "This son is very talented, but he must not stay!"

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

At this moment, Wang Bin's god-level talent has blocked the way of countless people and caused countless jealousy. He is just a humble prince without the power of his mother's family, and he will definitely become a thorn in the side of many people.

"I don't know, is it the fighting spirit talent, or the magic talent?"

Black Rock King asked curiously.

At this time, the void flickered, and a terrifying aura descended. A woman in a white dress descended on the main hall, appearing very abruptly.

The woman in white looked at Wang Bin and was very satisfied: "Not bad, not bad, God-level talent is enough to block my apprentice!"

As he spoke, while waving his hands, he grabbed Wang Bin's figure and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"This is the Holy Fa..."

The Black Rock King frowned and said, "This is the Ice and Snow Lady!"

A name quickly came to mind, an extremely terrifying existence.

It took only 500 years for the Ice and Snow Maiden to become a saint. She once relied on forbidden magic to destroy an army of millions. Three saints besieged her again, and she escaped.According to legend, she has already fallen, but she did not expect to be alive.

Obviously, the Ice and Snow Maiden made a move and robbed this god-level qualified son.

Boom boom boom!
At this time, three terrifying auras appeared in the void, which were the auras of the saints.

At this moment, the saints are fighting and fighting.

Obviously, at the moment when Wang Bin showed his god-level aptitude, some saints sensed it, and they took action one after another to rob the apprentice.

Fortunately, Shu fought in the void. If they fought on the ground, the entire capital might be destroyed.

After fighting for a long time, the breath dissipated.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!
At this moment, blood was dripping from the corner of the Ice and Snow Maiden's mouth, but she disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.

Heading towards the snow-covered plateau in the north, the climate is getting colder and colder. Snow wolves are running around on the ground, catching their prey.And gradually a tall tower appeared, about a hundred feet high, with a terrifying aura flashing, like a holy artifact.

This is the mage tower!
Only when you reach the magister can you build the mage tower.

Many magicians will spend their whole life's wealth to build a mage tower; after a mage tower is built, it can blend into the surrounding earth and mobilize the power of elements hundreds of miles around, which is extremely terrifying.

Relying on the mage tower, a magician can equal one to five, or even one to ten.

Relying on the mage tower, mages are invincible in the same realm.

Of course, the mage's tower is the root of the magician. Only those who are close to him can enter the mage's tower, and outsiders are not allowed to enter at all.Once outsiders destroy the mage tower, some key nodes will cause fatal damage.

At this time, the Snow Maiden waved her hand, and Wang Bin appeared immediately.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Wang Bin coughed and quickly analyzed his surroundings.

"Appreciate a teacher?" The Ice and Snow Maiden said indifferently: "This deity is the Ice and Snow Maiden, and my destiny is Cycia Tomelia!"

"Meet the teacher!"

Wang Bin immediately knelt down on one knee and began to worship the teacher.

He was extremely powerful in the previous life, but that was the glory of the previous life, but in this world, he is just a little scum, weak and pitiful, the pride of the past is not mentioned, everything starts from scratch, let go of the glory of the past, and be down-to-earth.

"Okay!" The Ice and Snow Maiden showed a smile, "Now, continue to test your talent!"

In fact, the talent test was only half tested, and it was only initially confirmed that it was a god-level talent. As for whether it was in fighting spirit or magic, it was still undecided.

When they arrived at the magic tower, they took out the crystal ball, and the Ice and Snow Maiden cast a secret technique, and the crystal ball was immediately activated.

Wang Bin pressed it with one hand, and immediately one after another of light flashed, and runes appeared one by one. These are specific data, not rough data like before.

"Battle Qi talent, god-level peak!"

"The Lightning element has the highest affinity, followed by the Fire attribute, and then the Ice attribute..."

Soon some detailed data appeared.

Theoretically, every human being is a magician of the whole department, or a fighter, who can calmly mobilize the power of various elements. It's just a way of cultivation, never looking at the average data, but looking at the highest data.

In addition, human beings have a limited lifespan, so we must focus on them, and we are doomed to not be able to study in multiple departments.

The so-called dual cultivation of magic and martial arts is doomed to be impossible. Firstly, there is not enough cultivation talent, secondly, there is no time, and thirdly, it is unnecessary.

The end of magic, the end of battle qi, all converge at one point, there is no need to practice more.

"This is "Thunder Fighting Qi", a holy-level fighting qi technique..."

As she said that, the Ice and Snow Maiden threw an animal skin roll, which contained a fighting qi technique.

Wang Bin immediately stepped forward and looked carefully.

Through this exercise, one can vaguely become familiar with the laws of this world and better adapt to the world.

"On the second floor, there is a library, which contains various classics, which can help you solve your doubts!" ​​The Ice and Snow Maiden said leisurely, turned and left, and continued to study magic.

Every magician is a mad scientist, most of the time is spent on researching various magic technologies, various potions, various forbidden magics, etc... The time of a magician is very busy, and he has no time to pay attention to all kinds of things in the world.

In other words, there are too few things that can attract their attention.

(End of this chapter)

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