Chapter 750 Sister-in-law Jiang Yan

"This world is divided into the world of mortals, the world of immortals, and the world of gods... In my opinion, it is extremely unreasonable. The three worlds should be the world of heaven, the world of humans, and the world of the underworld!"

Wang Bin used his means, and immediately the universe changed and turned into the Three Realms.

With a flickering figure, Wang Bin returned to the fairy world again.

In just 1000 years since he came to this world, he has cultivated to the realm of Tianzun. As long as the master of primordial mists does not make a move, he will be invincible.

"Life is as lonely as snow, invincible loneliness!"

Wang Bin complained, suddenly felt a familiar breath, it was Qin Yu's breath.That man possessed a sharp sword energy and the strength of a ninth-level golden immortal, and he was the puppet of his disciple Qin Yu's sword immortal.

"Qin Yu is really courageous. He controls the sword fairy puppet and dares to come to this place full of immortal emperors to trouble Emperor Yu." Wang Bin laughed, his figure flickered, and he appeared in the next moment. in front of Qin Yu.


Qin Yu saluted respectfully first, then went to an inn, talked with each other, talked about the experience after parting, and finally smiled wryly: "Master, my apprentice is dead!"

Qin Yu said, feeling extremely sad.

After arriving in the fairy world, he accepted his apprentice Liu Shuhan because his personality was extremely similar to his.But because he was implicated, the apprentice died.All this was caused by his poor consideration, if he had used a false name, this would not have happened.

"Take out the corpse! I will bring you back to life for the teacher!"

Wang Bin said lightly.

"Master, are you okay?" Qin Yu asked in shock.

"The gods are not omnipotent, but a teacher is omnipotent!" Wang Bin laughed and said, "It's just resurrecting the dead!"

Soon, Qin Yu took out a corpse, it was Liu Shuhan.

Wang Bin waved his hand and played the law of life. Immediately, his life was recovering, and he performed the secret technique again, and began to condense the soul fragments scattered in the sky and the earth.

After a person dies, his soul will fly away, but it will leave a soul imprint in the body. Some masters can use secret techniques to condense the souls scattered between the heaven and the earth, so that the dead monks can be completely resurrected.

After about ten minutes, Liu Shuhan opened his eyes: "Master!"

"Xiao Han, you are finally alive. Master saved you!" Qin Yu said excitedly.

"Greetings to Master!" Liu Shuhan said.

"Master, the transaction between Emperor Yu and the Blood Demon Emperor will be held in the Lanhuoyun Building three days later. It is said that the things to be traded this time are quite valuable. The strong men dispatched in the open are all existences at the level of the Immortal Emperor. There will be a more powerful immortal emperor secretly guarding, this is the most grand event since the transaction!"

Qin Yu said: "I plan to do it at that time!"

Time passed by little by little, but the transaction still hadn't started. It seemed that both parties to the transaction were not anxious at all, and were waiting for the immortal emperors from other forces to come together.

"Brother Luo Yu, fly more steadily."

A very crisp voice suddenly sounded not far behind Wang Bin and Qin Yu, Wang Bin couldn't help turning his head slightly to look.

I saw a decadent young man flying around, and next to him was a very cute girl with big eyes that were very attractive, and people could not help but have a good impression of her.

"Master, there are two immortal emperor level masters again." Qin Yu noticed the situation behind him, turned his head to look at it, and said to Wang Bin helplessly.

"Just a little thing!"

Wang Bin said lightly.

I saw the cute girl and the decadent young man wobbly sitting not far from Wang Bin and the others. As soon as they landed, the cute girl took the young man's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Luo Yu, don't you come here this time!" You're hotheaded, there are a lot of masters in the Lan Huo Yun Tower."

"Yan'er, you don't have to worry, I'm sensible."

This girl called Brother Luo Yu, he is very handsome, but there is always a touch of melancholy in his eyes, and his whole person seems a little decadent, even his voice is full of decadence and melancholy, maybe it is this kind of Breath, it is more attractive to girls.

The girl named Yan'er sighed helplessly, then looked at the surrounding environment, and finally set her eyes on Qin Yu.

"Hi, hello, my name is Jiang Yan." This Yaner blinked her big eyes at Qin Yu.

"Hello Miss Jiang Yan, have you...have you met me in the past?" Facing the girl's accusation, Qin Yu was not at all stage frightened, and responded in a calm and generous manner.

Jiang Yan giggled and said, "No, I haven't seen you in the past. The first time I saw you today, I thought you'd come to talk to you. What's the matter? Are you not welcome?"

"Xiao Yu, this is your little lover's sister, your sister-in-law!" Wang Bin said, "Jiang Yan is Jiang Li's younger sister, the god of the gods. This time I came to the fairy world to see you, my brother-in-law. It's a pity that I fell into love!"

Wang Bin gave an introduction for free.

For that Jiang Li, I feel very ordinary, the other party has a lot of thoughts, but Jiang Yan is a little girl, innocent, cute and lovable.

"Who are you?" Jiang Yan asked warily.

"Jiang Lan called me senior, what should you call me?" Wang Bin laughed.


The little girl snorted a few times, and suddenly turned her head to find that her elder brother Luo Yu was drinking again while she was not paying attention, so she glanced at Qin Yu apologetically, "I'm sorry, elder brother Luo Yu drank again, I'm going to accompany him Alright, let's talk later."

After speaking, Jiang Yan flew to the side of 'Brother Luo Yu' to stop him from drinking any more.

In an inconspicuous room on the third floor of Lanhuoyun Building, there were two people.

A person in Tsing Yi, carrying a long sword on his back, is exactly the sword fairy costume.The other person was covered in a dark red robe, with snow-white long hair, and an absolute coldness in his eyes.

Tsing Yi Sword Immortal is Zhibai, Qingxue Sword Immortal, the first of the Eighteen Immortal Emperors under Emperor Yu's command.

As a sword fairy of the seventh-level Xuanxian level, his strength is estimated to be among the top ten in the entire fairy world. It will definitely be surprising that such a tyrannical strength will appear in the Lanhuoyun Tower.Because even if it is to protect the goods, it is not worth a seventh-level Xuanxian to appear.

In addition, the cold man with snow-white long hair is also a remarkable character.

The Blood Demon Emperor is undoubtedly No. 1 in the Blood Demon Way, and the second person in the Blood Demon Way is the legendary 'white-haired Blood Demon'—Xue Yileng! He is also a super expert at the level of a seventh-level Demon Emperor.

Two super masters gathered here.

Both of them are indifferent people, but at this moment, the two are smiling and talking.

If people who knew them knew that the green blood sword fairy 'Zhibai' and the white-haired blood demon 'Xue Yileng' would chat and laugh like this, everyone would be shocked.After all, the two rarely smile.

"Brother Zhibai, how many years have we not seen each other?" Xueyi smiled coldly.

"It's been... more than a million years." Qingxue Sword Immortal Zhibai also had a smile on his face, "I still remember the scene of going deep into the devil world to fight, if it wasn't for you... I would have been killed by someone long ago, recalling That scene, now has the feeling of blood boiling."

Xueyi sneered and said: "Well...I thought I was going to die that time, who would have thought that I would meet you when I was about to despair, you who was also hunted down. I really didn't expect that both of us survived .”

Zhibai sighed: "At that time I was only a ninth-level golden immortal, and you were about the same. After killing all the way, I finally broke through and reached the first-level immortal emperor. At the same time, I also killed a third-level devil emperor and two first-level devil emperors." , There are countless levels of demon kings!"

Both of them were silent in their memories.

How could they ever forget the battle of fleeing for their lives, the fierce fighting, and the lingering on the edge of life and death? This also made the two of them life-and-death friends.

Emperor Yu was able to establish a good relationship with the Blood Demon Emperor, and these two also played a big role.

"The two of us joined forces again this time, but we don't know which masters the Black Demon Emperor, Shura Demon Emperor, Qing Emperor, Xuan Emperor and other forces will send. Will it be enough for us to kill?"

Xue Yi sneered, and Zhibai laughed too.

(End of this chapter)

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