Chapter 765
Then, Tianlonghuang began to introduce the great gods.

Wang Bin looked carefully, these are the top bosses of the Zhengtian Legion.

"This is the Rifting Supreme, who controls the law of sharpness, is extremely fierce, and is invincible!" Tianlonghuang introduced.

Wang Bin looked intently, and the Supreme Master Liekong was holding a long sword, standing there, like a supreme swordsman, with arrogance and indifference.When he saw Wang Bin, he just nodded and didn't say a word.

With just one glance, Wang Bin felt the boundless sword energy, which seemed to cut and destroy everything.

"This is the Supreme Prisoner, who controls the law of winding and can bind all powerful enemies!" Tianlonghuang introduced: "He assists in winding the heaven, fixes the heaven, and slows down the movement speed of the heaven!"

"This is the Dongyue Stone Emperor, who controls the law of the earth, the strongest and the most powerful!"

"This is Xuanwu Supreme, who controls the law of water and the law of earth, with unrivaled defense and unparalleled attack!"

"This is the supreme being of life, who controls the law of life, and heals injuries first!"

After Tianlonghuang introduced them one by one, Wang Bin nodded one by one, and it was considered that they met each other.

These powerhouses are so powerful that they are not inferior to him in the slightest.

Then, two strong men came, namely Death Emperor and Slaughter Demon Lord.

The Emperor of Death, who controls the Avenue of Death, can catalyze the dead bodies into zombies, black warriors, etc., to assist in the battle; and the Slaughter Demon Lord, the more he kills, the more terrifying his combat power is.

At this moment, the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, the Supreme Lord of Rift, the Supreme Prisoner, the Supreme Xuanwu, the Supreme Life, the Dongyue Stone Emperor, the Death Emperor, the Slaughter Demon Lord, Wang Bin, etc., all gathered together and led an army of hundreds of millions to set foot on the expedition. road to heaven.

This is a road to death.

The weak wait for death, the strong seek death!
In the vast history, countless strong men embarked on the road of conquering heaven, and countless strong men perished and failed; however, there were still countless strong men who rushed away and fought for nine days.

Even if you lose, you have to tear off the flesh of Heaven and Dao.

Boom boom boom!
Everyone joined forces to bombard and kill, and immediately the void exploded, and a dark passage appeared, which seemed to lead to an unknown area, leading to an endless nether land.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Dragon Emperor entered first, and other strong men also entered one after another.

Passing through the passage, a vast continent appeared, vast and boundless. The continent has nine layers representing the nine heavens, and one level after another is killed. Only when you reach the ninth level can you encounter the way of heaven.At that time, it will be the real battle. If you can't break through even nine days, you won't even be qualified to be the enemy of heaven.


At this moment, roars flickered on the continent, and wild behemoths appeared one by one, all of which were remnants of the last era, or even before the last era.

The way of heaven has the power of good fortune, which can create some creatures; some creatures are so powerful that they get rid of the shackles of the way of heaven, embark on the road of self, and embark on the road of conquest of heaven.Afterwards, these heaven-defying races were all destroyed by the law of heaven, completely cutting off their children and grandchildren.

Only in the nine heavens, in the nine huge spaces, these heaven-defying creatures are kept in captivity, as experimental objects.

These test items are all celestial beasts.

Celestial beasts, with strong physiques and tyrannical bloodlines, have been transformed by the Dao of Heaven, and their fighting power is extremely terrifying, but they have no intelligence and are muddled like wild beasts

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

Immediately, the armies of both sides fought together.

Among these celestial beasts, there are ten peak celestial level beasts whose power is extremely terrifying.

kill kill kill!

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, the two sides fight together and confront each other.

At this moment, Wang Bin is with a heavenly master, this is the first time he has confronted a master of the same realm!

In the star-changing world, Hongmeng, Linmeng, etc. are not inferior to him in strength, but they are friends of Taoism. Even if they confront each other, they mainly learn from each other. They rarely fight to the death, bloody battles of life and death.

And at this moment, facing this celestial beast, there is no need to hold back, and use all means to kill the enemy.


This celestial celestial beast, with a wave of its hand, shot out waves of power of time, immediately covering its body with endless years, turning it into a force of retrogression in the world
This force of melting time hit the body of a celestial master, enough to cause a celestial master to continuously regress in cultivation, back to his boyhood and baby age.

"The power of time in the Dacheng realm!!"

Wang Bin frowned slightly, urged the power of time, and counterattacked away, which is also the power of time in the Dacheng realm.

Boom boom boom!
The two forces of time collided, and the forces offset each other and dissipated.

The sky-level beast roared, and its huge body came crashing into it, extremely ferocious.

Heavenly beasts have no spiritual intelligence, no IQ, they are just puppets of the Dao of Heaven, they don't know pain, they don't know death, and when they fight, they are brutal to the extreme.

Wang Bin waved his fists and charged towards them.

Boom boom boom!
After ten moves, Wang Bin bombarded him continuously, and the Heavenly Level Heavenly Beast perished on the spot.

And on other battlefields, other celestial beasts also went to death one after another, and the Tianzheng army also lost one-tenth of it.

The faces of all the people present were extremely heavy. The so-called Heavenly Beasts were actually the cannon fodder of the Heavenly Dao, which was used to consume the army of Zhengtian. This battle is not worth the candle...


With everyone working together, they blasted towards the void, and immediately a black hole appeared, which was leading to the second heaven.

kill kill kill!

Many teamed up to enter the second floor.

hoo hoo hoo!
In the second heaven, the clouds and mist are misty, and the vastness does not know hundreds of thousands of miles.In the fierce wind, all the clouds and mists were blown away, the earth trembled, and the endless giants in front of them rushed like a tsunami, as if the sky was about to collapse, and the second heaven shook wildly.

These giants were created from the giants of a certain era as a template.

According to legend, the giant family of that era brought great trouble to Heaven.In a rage, Tiandao wiped out the giant clan, and no trace of the giant was found in the human world.Only in the second heaven, the way of heaven stimulated the supreme mana to forge a new race of giants.

These new giants are no longer the Heaven-Defying Clan, but turned into lackeys of the Heavenly Dao, known as the Guardian Clan.

Boom boom boom!
The crowd came together to attack, and the two sides fought bloody together. After about an hour, all the [-] guardian giants were killed.And the Tianzheng army also lost a lot.

He just rested for a while, and continued to rush forward, entering the third heaven.

Constantly fighting, constantly killing, constantly rising forward, bleeding with every step up, countless strong men in the army of conquering the sky are dying; and these races that protect the way of heaven are also constantly dying off.

Above the fifth heaven, the clouds are dense, the place is full of evil spirits, and there are many skeletons on the ground.After careful identification, many of the skeletons are extremely mysterious. Among the chaotic rocks, there are countless ancient bones, all of which are from the last era, from the strong men of an even older era.

However, they all fell and died on the road to conquer the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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