Chapter 800 The Terrifying of the Law of Destiny

Standing in the void, it was just a few simple moves, that is, to kill the four heaven-level powerhouses, and immediately everyone present was dumbfounded, and there was a vague sense of fear.

Seeing a leopard in a tube, one can know two.

It was just a few simple tricks, and everyone present guessed that Wang Bin was very powerful, very powerful, and if he wanted to kill him, he would have to pay a huge price, the price was not small, and he might even fall.Some people backed down, but more people were just around the corner.

"I'll fight you!"

At this time, the void flickered, and a handsome man appeared, holding a folding fan in his hand, with a misty, mysterious aura, like looking at flowers in the fog, as if covered by a veil, it was always difficult to see his true face.

"This is the martial soul of destiny, the legendary god-level martial soul!"

"God-level Martial Soul, almost a legendary existence, I thought it was a false existence, but I didn't expect it to be real!"

"Three thousand rules, fate is respected, once the fate comes out, the laws of the heavens submit, this person is called Taixuan, he is the pinnacle of the heavenly rank, he controls the law of fate, if he makes a move, Dugu defeats the sky and will undoubtedly die!"

Everyone present spoke up, obviously not optimistic about Wang Bin, and didn't think he was going to win.

Destiny Martial Spirit is too powerful, it is born to restrain other Martial Spirits.

"This is the breath of destiny, the spirit of destiny!" Wang Bin sighed in pity, "Poor, pitiful, how pitiful, it's just the food of heaven!"

The Martial Spirit of Destiny is a god-level Martial Spirit. It seems to be lofty, powerful, and has endless mysteries. But if a monk has a Martial Spirit of Destiny, his fate is so sad.

"Dugu Baitian, today the deity will kill you to prove the position of God!"

Taixuan spoke, his tone was cold.

"The so-called God is nothing more than a slave of heaven!" Wang Bin said proudly: "A strong man will never be a slave, and a slave is not worthy of being a strong man! Take action, don't let me down!"

"Haha, a monk should follow the sky, but if you go against the sky, you will surely die in doom!"

Taixuan said with a sneer, urging the mana, and immediately the wheel of fate appeared above his head. The wheel was spinning, and the runes were flashing, and the fate of all living beings flashed in it, up and down, the stronger it was The more brilliant the evolved fate of a monk, the more blazing aura he has.

"I deprive him of his lifespan by fate!"

With a wave of Taixuan's hand, the wheel of fate was turned, and immediately a supreme law fluctuated, reducing his lifespan.

Immediately, Wang Bin felt that the lifespan of his body was being consumed rapidly, as if in the blink of an eye, his lifespan would be exhausted and he would fall into a desperate situation.This is restricted by the supreme law, just like in the river, one must adapt to swimming.

And in a certain world, it should be the law of the world.

Unless you leave this world, you will always be restricted and suppressed in various ways.

"Daluo is eternal, endlessly free, and destiny is nothingness!"

Wang Bin's mind flickered, and he blessed his body with the law of destiny he had comprehended. Immediately, his body changed. It is estimated that there is no trace.

This kind of physique, known as the Destiny Void Body, represents the escaped one, and represents the variables that are difficult to control by the Dao of Heaven.

Wang Bin stood still and smiled coldly, but his life span did not decrease a bit.

"In the name of fate, I will be doomed!" Taixuan urged the spell of fate again, and the boundless doom immediately descended, covering Wang Bin's body.It's just that the endless catastrophe came down, Wang Bin didn't move at all, it seemed to be extremely dull.

Taixuan used all kinds of destiny spells to attack again, but he didn't hurt a single hair, and it was extremely dull.

"too weak!"

Wang Bin waved his right hand, Dugu in his hand flickered, turned into a stream of light and slashed towards Taixuan.Taixuan urged the martial soul, and immediately the wheel of fate flickered, the art communicated with a certain supreme artifact, and immediately blessed it with endless power of fate.

Originally breathless, Taixuan, who was at a disadvantage, immediately seemed to have taken hormones, his cultivation was greatly improved, and his strength was constantly soaring.

Wang Bin's pupils shrank slightly, as if he had realized a little mystery.

The so-called Destiny Martial Soul is actually the projection of the law of destiny in the way of heaven, which descended on monks, and appeared in front of the world in the form of a wheel of destiny.

But at this moment, with the help of the Martial Soul of Destiny, Tiandao blessed Taixuan with enormous power to help him fight.

kill kill kill!

Immediately, Taixuan's aura rose sharply, and he attacked with a spell, which can be described as extremely fierce.

But still a little weak.

kill kill kill!

Wang Bin also waved his loneliness and came to kill.

After ten strokes, Taixuan's body exploded, and another heavenly master fell.

"Who else wants to fight! Who dares to fight with me!"

Wang Bin asked proudly, moving his eyes, but his expression became serious.

At this moment, the Dao of Heaven made a move, and the endless power of fate enveloped the monks present. Immediately, the luck of the monks present changed drastically, and the luck was consumed violently, turning into majestic power.

The monks present were enveloped by the power of fate, and the boundless aura of disaster invaded their souls. Their minds were a little crazy, and they seemed to have lost themselves.

There used to be many monks who were extremely shrewd, but when they met some protagonists of the era, their IQ immediately dropped continuously, and they often made mistakes that even a fool would not make.

The world calls it dizzy.

This is the frightening thing about the power of fate. It affects a monk's state of mind, causing a certain state of mind to continue to expand, his IQ to continue to drop, to make some unbelievable mistakes, and to do many foolish things.

At this moment, there are about [-] heaven-level monks who have descended here.

But most of the monks just came to watch the excitement, and had no intention of besieging him. After all, it was too unworthy to risk their lives for an illusory promise.Similarly, many monks are besieging him. After encountering setbacks, most of them will leave, and they seldom die.

However, at this moment, the power of fate was circulating in the Dao of Heaven, and the monks who were present immediately fell into madness, a little "fainted", and their IQs continued to drop.Many monks will join the ranks of besieging him, fighting to the death without retreating, fighting bloody to the end.

In the dark, the way of heaven plotted against the monks present; only a few people could wake up and escape.

"Doom, doom!"

Wang Bin said silently in his heart: "The way of heaven is really easy to calculate, killing people without blood. With my hand, slaughter the monks present. All living beings are involved in their calculations. Many people fell into the calculations and died after being calculated. cause and effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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