Chapter 807 Breaking the Wheel of Fortune
Then, after killing many celestial beasts, everyone quickly moved forward. Along the way, they entered the Nine Heavens unimpeded.

The chaotic light flickered, and everyone saw Tiandao again.

"Long time no see, Dugu Baitian. We meet again!" At this moment, Tiandao spoke, as if an old friend was talking.

"We meet again!"

Wang Bin said, "God, why don't you give sentient beings a chance to escape!"

Theoretically, as long as one reaches the realm of Daluo Jinxian, one can transcend the original world, traverse endless time and space, and walk in some shallow chaos. As long as one does not die, one will almost never die.You must know that the primordial master of the star-changing world, and the immortal emperor of the perfect world, is essentially the Great Luo Jinxian consummation.

In this world, the early stage of the heavenly rank is equivalent to the incomplete Daluo Jinxian; and the peak of the heavenly rank is at the consummation of the Daluo Jinxian.If the Dao of Heaven had no awareness of birth and did not hinder all living beings, many masters of the heavenly rank would have left this world long ago and went to other worlds.

Or, in the endless chaos, open up a vast world and become the master of the world.

It's a pity that with the birth of a sliver of consciousness in the Dao of Heaven, it hinders the transcendence of all living beings. Even those who are at the Defying Heaven level cannot escape, cannot leave this world, and can only be reduced to food for the Dao of Heaven.

"You guys want to go one step further in cultivation and transcend the shackles of the world; and I also want to take form and transcend the world!" Tiandao said: "I don't want to be the way of heaven, I just want to become a mortal! It's a pity that I still fall short A few. When I completely take shape, I will give all living beings a chance of life and let them go away!"

In all the heavens and worlds, there are quite a few ways of heaven, which get rid of the shackles, take shape, and become monks; if the way of heaven takes form, inheriting the luck of the world, they will become emperors of heaven and rule all beings in the world.

In other words, the moment when the Dao of Heaven takes shape and becomes the Emperor of Heaven will indeed not prevent all living beings from transcending, but...

"Maybe what you said is the truth..." Wang Bin said lightly: "It's a pity, I can't wait, and so can all sentient beings. Let's fight!"

"It's a pity, if you are willing to surrender, you will become the head of God!" Tiandao said.

"Let's forget about it. Some people's cultivation base is astounding, but they are bullying in their bones. When they meet a powerful strongman, they will kneel down and beg for mercy when they cannot beat them. But I can't, I don't want to bend my knees... since ancient times, no one has died. You have to die sooner or later!"

Wang Bin said indifferently: "Being beaten to death, I can only say that my skills are not as good as others, and I deserve to die, but if you want me to kneel down, forget it!"

"Then let's fight!"

Tian Dao shouted.

At this moment, the chaotic light flickered, and the Mieshi Damo appeared first, and then the wheel of fortune, the clock of time, the mirror of space, the map of five elements, etc., and the five great treasures of heaven appeared.To be precise, there should be a disk of life and death, which is also one of the most treasures of heaven.

It's a pity that meeting Wang Bin shattered the mark of the Dao of Heaven inside, and immediately lost control of the disk of life and death, and was no longer governed by the Dao of Heaven.

"Boom boom boom!"

The aura of Chen Laomo surged, endless demonic energy soared to the sky, and ghostly shadows flickered behind him, all the souls of the dead merged into them, the terrifying aura flickered like a volcanic eruption, and the surrounding laws trembled , like glass, shattered.

The ground under his feet, with endless destruction, seems to be the birth of a demon king of destruction.

A mighty aura surged, and Old Devil Chen showed the aura of suppressing the heavens. The violent aura crushed everything, swept the world, and suppressed all dharmas.

At this moment, Old Demon Chen stepped into the Heaven-defying level, the big dragon knife in his hand flashed and buzzed, and the terrifying aura on the knife resounded, with the aura of extinction, annihilating all things.


Human Wang Yuxin's aura is also rising, and she has also taken a crucial step, becoming a strong man against the sky. The great banner in her hand is flickering. , Destroy all laws.

Brush brush!
At this time, the body of Qijue girl shattered and turned into seven people.The aura of the seven people rose, and they stepped into the peak of the heavenly rank.Then, they quickly merged with each other, quickly broke the shackles, and entered the heaven-defying level.

The Qijue sword flashed in her hand, and the Qijue girl smiled, as if a goddess had descended, but she was a witch in her heart.

Chen Laomo, Qijue Nu, Ren Wang Yuxin and others have also stepped into the heaven-defying level.

The five heaven-defying masters gathered together, their aura soared into the sky, they each activated their magic weapons, and attacked the heavenly way. battle.

"Dugu Slash!"

"Magic battle in the world!"

"The devil swallows the world!"

"Seven Absolutes Slash!"

"Flood Crash!"

At this moment, the five heaven-defying masters each urged their ultimate moves, and the magic weapons in their hands were berserk, attacking the heavenly way.

"Fate turns!"

"A blow to destroy the world!"

"The birth and death of the five elements!"

"Time collapses!"

"The space collapses!"

At this moment, Tiandao also had a sense of dignity, urging the five magic weapons to attack, mad like a tide.

Boom boom boom!
Jiuchongtian is berserk, various energies are colliding, the two sides are constantly fighting, like a tidal wave of ultimate moves, tearing everything apart, destroying everything, the space of Jiuchongtian collapsed, and the world of martial spirits also collapsed Went out.

In the huge impact, all living beings died like ants.

The way of heaven urges the secret technique, and immediately the souls of all living beings enter the body, turning into the supreme tonic, and the endurance is increasing.

Wang Bin activated the reincarnation disk, and continuously absorbed the souls of all living beings, entered the reincarnation space, and absorbed as many as four layers.


Tiandao was angry and urged the five great soldiers to come crashing into him.

The two sides are fighting fiercely.

Gradually, the five heaven-defying masters fell into a disadvantage, and some couldn't hold on.Tiandao is too powerful, even if the five heaven-defying masters join forces, they are not the opponent of Tiandao, and they are still at a disadvantage.

"Crash the Wheel of Fortune!"

At this moment, Wang Bin broke out completely. The Xuanwu Armor in his body appeared, the Sky-Splitting Sword appeared, Houyi Bow appeared, Yuntiansuo appeared, Shi Gandang appeared, and all the magic soldiers gathered their strength to attack the wheel of destiny. .

The Great Demon Heavenly King, Chen Laomo, Qijue Nu, Ren Wang Yuxin and others also used their killer moves to attack the wheel of fortune.

Since the way of heaven cannot be killed, it will be severely damaged.

Among the many magic weapons waiting for Tiandao, the wheel of fortune is the most threatening.

The wheel of destiny, like the eyes of heaven, like a monitoring head, monitors all living beings, and every bit of living beings is controlled by it; and relying on the wheel of fortune, it limits the number of strong people and reduces the combat effectiveness of the heaven-defying army .

Boom boom boom!
The void exploded, violent energy and tyrannical laws hit the wheel of fortune, and immediately this supreme treasure shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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