Chapter 811 Unyielding Chen Battle

Time is passing, the tide ebbs and flows, generation after generation of strong men are rising.

Wang Bin sat in the land of reincarnation, watching the tide rise and fall.

There are three moons in heaven, one belongs to the Chen family, one belongs to his disciple, and the other belongs to his wife Luna.To be precise, out of the three moons, the Dugu family occupied two, which can be described as awesome.But Wang Bin wants to keep a low profile, he is pretending to be dead at the moment, and will not come out of the world.

Even if his son Tianmo was killed and his body was torn apart, Wang Bin did not make a move.

Sometimes, encountering doom is actually a good thing.

In the greenhouse, no big trees can grow.

There is always a price to pay for growth.

The so-called bloodlines are both strengths and weaknesses.It's like, it's very difficult for the heirs of the great emperor in the world that shrouds the sky to become a great emperor.Among the many descendants of the Great Emperor, only the Great Emperor Wushi broke the shackles and entered the realm of the Great Emperor.

He is a heaven-defying powerhouse with a strong bloodline, and the heirs he gave birth to are extremely powerful and can easily become top powerhouses. Dugu Xiaoyue, Dugu Xiaoxuan, etc., and his two daughters are all at the peak of the heaven rank.Heavenly Demon is also the pinnacle of Heaven Rank.

However, the so-called bloodline can only make them enter the peak of the heavenly rank. If they want to go further, it is very difficult to enter the heaven-defying rank.

Similarly, the demon lord also has many heirs, but most of them are stuck at the peak of the heavenly rank, and no one has entered the heaven-defying rank.

Fortunately, he was luckier. Among the four children, Dugu Xiaobai broke through the shackles and entered the heaven-defying level, surpassing his elder brother Tianmo and two older sisters.

Now, the eldest son, Tianmo, has suffered a catastrophe, and Dugu Xiaoxuan has also suffered a catastrophe, but he doesn't plan to go to help. It is actually a good thing that the children suffer a little more.


Boom boom boom!
On the moon, a great battle broke out.The excitement ended quickly, and Chen Zhan was captured!

At this moment, Chen Zhan was kneeling in the ancestral hall with his face covered in blood, wounds all over his body, and his breath sluggish.In front, the ancestors of the Chen family stood on both sides, looking at Chen Zhan coldly, with pity and pity.

Chen Zhan, one of the peerless geniuses of the Chen family, has outstanding aptitude. He has reached the peak of the God Emperor in just a thousand years. He is a peerless powerhouse.But because of his outstanding aptitude, he was selected as the ninth person and became the furnace for resurrecting the ancestors.

After learning the news, Chen Zhan chose to rebel against his clan, but was captured.

"Chen Zhan, this is the fate of the past generations. The best blood of my Chen family will be the ancestor of the resurrection!" Dazu Chen said, "You are the ninth person, why are you so stubborn!"

Compared with the previous eight ancestors, Chen Zhan has gone against the grain a lot.

In other words, this is the difference between the strong and the weak.

The strong are selfish, the weak are selfless, and the selfless make the selfish better.

"There is no need to resurrect the ancestors, I will surpass them!" Chen Zhan said unyieldingly.

"The Summoning Sutra, the ninth turn is against the sky, only the ancestors have cultivated to the ninth turn and entered the heaven-defying state, and your aptitude is good, but the strongest eighth turns to the end!" Chen Dazu said: "You are the ninth turn!" People, this is the fate of the ages!"

"I don't agree!"

"If you don't accept it, you have to accept it!"

Great Ancestor Chen performed a secret technique, sealed Chen Zhan's memory, and broke into the human world.

When you reach the realm of heaven, it is the moment when the fruit is ripe, and it is the most perfect moment; as for this moment, Chen Zhan is only the peak of the god emperor, and he is still too far behind, sealing his memory, and letting him go to the world to practice, stepping forward. The moment of entering the heavenly rank is the moment of harvesting the fruit.

Chen Zhan's memory was sealed, and he came to the human world and started a new life.

Wang Bin just glanced at it, then closed his eyes, ignoring all this.

The world is a chessboard, and all living beings are chess pieces. In a game with the law of heaven, if you want to win the game, you will always have to pay a price, and someone will always have to sacrifice.As for Old Devil Chen and the other eight seniors, they were all sacrificed to confuse and plot against the Dao of Heaven.

The Summoning Sutra was created by him, and he gave it to the Chen family. With little accumulation, he can slowly revive the ancestors without sacrificing the eight heroes of the Chen family.

It's just that some people are always greedy.

It has been a long, long time since the boss of the Chen family stepped into the peak of the heaven-level, but he has not yet reached the heaven-defying level; it seems that his blood has shackled him, and it seems that his ancestors' skills have shackled him, which has caused him to be stuck in the sky-defying stage. level peak.

It seemed that it was difficult to get in, so Boss Chen started to go on the wrong path, and started to fabricate a lie, which killed countless arrogances of the Chen family.

In fact, not only the ancestors of Chen Zhan’s lineage died, but the ancestors of other lines were also killed by Boss Chen one after another. He wanted to devour the souls of his ancestors, and the souls of all the talents of the Chen family, so as to break the shackles. Stepped into the heaven-defying level.

Great idea, but doomed to fail.

Even if Boss Chen succeeded and devoured all the souls, he might not be able to enter the heaven-defying level.

If it is really so easy to step into the sky-defying level, it is not called the sky-defying level.

As for Boss Chen, Wang Bin was silent when every one of Tianjiao was killed, and this was also calculated by him.

Death is actually a good thing. There is great terror between life and death, and there is great opportunity. Without experiencing life and death, how can you understand the true meaning of the Dao.


A tiger falls in Pingyang, but a tiger is still a tiger!

Chen Zhan is rising, his cultivation base has been abolished, and he has lost his memory, but he is still rising rapidly. In just 20 years, he has reached the realm of immortal martial arts, and he can be regarded as a generation of wizards.Then he got married and had children, and he had Xiao Chennan.

At the moment when Chen Nan was born, Wang Bin opened his eyes with a complicated expression on his face, but he closed his eyes the next moment, it is better not to get involved in some things.

Chen Zhan's family lives happily, which can be described as extremely happy.

Wang Bin looked at this scene with extreme envy.

It's a pity that, to fight against Heaven, Luna stayed on the moon, waiting alone; Xuanxuan, shuttled constantly in the time-space channel.There is a family that cannot go back, and a wife that cannot see each other. How sad, I want to cry a lot.

Chen Nan was on the rise, broke through the shackles at the age of ten, stepped into the ranks, and became a first-order warrior; at that time, Chen Nan was 16 years old, and his family's profound arts had just reached the Mahayana state of the second heaven, and he was dressed in a His cultivation base is No. 20 among his peers under the age of 1, which is the time when he is in high spirits.In that year, Tantaixuan approached Chen Nan. Before that, Chen Nan had already heard his name, and when he saw him, he was immediately astonished.The two talked about martial arts, and Chen Nan was amazed by Tan Taixuan's profound and profound knowledge. Later, the two fought again, and the outcome was undecided.

Since then, Chen Nan has been hopelessly immersed in the whirlpool of emotions. He is deeply infatuated with Tantai Xuan, but he has never expressed it.

During the days when Tantai Xuan was staying at Chen Nan's house, Chen Nan found out that she practiced a strange exercise every day, and that exercise produced a dull, pale yellow color and very little power.Out of curiosity, Chen Nan once asked her what was the use of this exercise.

At that time, Tantaixuan smiled and said nothing, after being questioned repeatedly by him, he said meaningfully: "This is an ancient miraculous skill, even if your skill is as powerful as the sky, it is difficult to understand its beauty without experiencing it yourself."

Soon Tantaixuan drifted away, and then heard rumors that she once again worshipped a cultivator who was about to break the sky as a teacher, and began to cultivate with the body of martial arts.

After three months passed, Chen Nan's nightmare began, his skill retreated greatly, and he fell from the cloud to the abyss.He felt that he was getting farther and farther away from Tantai Xuan. Under his shame, he no longer had any illusions in his heart. Tantai Xuan became an unattainable goddess in his heart, and he could only silently bless her in his heart...

Chewing suffering in loneliness, tasting bitterness in despair...

(End of this chapter)

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