Chapter 813
PS: These are transitional chapters.

If there is no accident, the relationship between the two will develop into love and become a loving couple.

It's a pity that fate is impermanent!
When Chen Nan was very young, his parents arranged a marriage for him, and his fiancée was a young lady from another famous family.That aristocratic family is not only well-known in the cultivation world, but also has a lot of power in the country, and the two families are considered to be a good match.

A few years ago, Chen Nan was regarded as a leading figure in the younger generation, but after the accident, he seemed to have lost all his brilliance at once, and rumors of his regressing skills were rumored, and all kinds of ironic voices came to him one after another.

As a result, Chen Nan's fiancée also had problems.

Young people have a circle of young people. The daughter of the family rented a mansion and organized a gathering among the children of the family. Many young talents among them were her admirers.At this party, she directly said that his future husband must be an upright hero, and she would never marry a trash.

The daughter of the aristocratic family was very proud, and her words became more presumptuous, from the code words at the beginning to the blunt words.

She went straight to Chen Nan, and said softly but proudly: "Chen Nan, I will not marry you, I don't want my husband to be a waste."

clap clap!

Two crisp slaps sounded almost at the same time in the hall, the scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone's eyes were focused on here.

The first slap was Chen Nan's slap to the young lady. His voice was unhurried: "If a woman is only beautiful on the outside, she is just a vase." He casually threw a vase on the table next to him on the ground, saying : "See, a broken vase is not good-looking. Its inside is not as smooth and beautiful as the surface, and it is even rough. The vase is just fired from dirty clay, and it is just a decoration after all."

The second slap was from Yuxin who slapped that young lady, and it was very loud.Although she is innocent and kind, she is very angry when she sees Chen Nan being so humiliated.Seeing Chen Nan making a move, she waved her palm subconsciously.Her words were very soft and gentle: "To be a human being, one must know self-esteem and self-love."

Chen's mother had already told Yu Xin about Chen Nan's marriage contract euphemistically, and also told her about the unclear state in detail, so Yu Xin had a very clear understanding of this matter.

Although she is pure and kind, she is no longer the ignorant girl of the past. She is smart and has already understood the meaning of Chen mother's words.

Being slapped by both of them at the same time, the young lady couldn't believe the facts in front of her. It took her a long time to recover. She touched her swollen cheek and screamed, "You dare to hit me? You trash How dare you hit me...I'm going to kill you!"

She seemed crazy, and first rushed to Chen Nan.

Yuxin's cultivation at this time has long been rare among the younger generation. She knows that Chen Nan's cultivation is not as good as before, and she is afraid that he will make mistakes, so she will step forward.

With a light wave of her hand, she took the young lady aside, and the young lady fell to the ground with too much energy, and there was a burst of laughter in the hall.Yu Xin quietly stretched out a finger from her sleeve, released a burst of energy, and closed one of her large acupoints, making her unable to move.

A few young people who admired the young lady, seeing her lying on the ground unable to move, hurriedly stepped forward to help her up.

At this moment, the young lady's face was ashen, and being so ugly was even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Chen Nan looked at Yu Xin and smiled. She didn't expect that she would make some small moves when she was so innocent. It is true that the environment affects people.But he was very happy. In the past, he always worried that she would suffer the loss of others. Now it seems that she has fully understood all kinds of human nature, so she no longer has to worry about her.

"Chen Nan, how dare you treat me like this?" After the young lady glared at Chen Nan, she began to stare at Yu Xin fiercely. She gritted her teeth, and it was only then that she realized Yu Xin's celestial appearance. She was extremely jealous.

Chen Nan said coldly: "We are family friends, I just discipline you for your father's sake. In addition, now I announce one thing, the engagement between me and you will be terminated, and there will be no relationship between you and me."

"You..." Miss Qianjin was really going crazy with anger, he didn't expect Chen Nan to be so straightforward, to break off the engagement first in public.

Although she always wanted to break the contract, she always thought that she should be the one who announced the news first, but she didn't expect to be told by the other party first, which made her feel shameless.

" kill him!" Miss Qianjin shouted to the children of the aristocratic families beside her.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, although they had extraordinary cultivation and strong family background, they dared not do anything to Chen Nan even though they had the courage to do so. It was their limit to help Miss Qianjin to embarrass Chen Nan just now.Who in the world does not know that Chen Zhan, the master of the Chen family, is unparalleled in the world. There are countless legends about him. He is the most legendary figure in this era. Who would dare to provoke him?
Seeing that none of those people came forward, Miss Qianjin was angry and furious, and said to Chen Nan: " are a good-for-nothing, whoever wants to marry you, I will break the contract if you don't tell me."

Yuxin stepped forward and said: "Everyone has seen your outstanding performance. Chen Nan will never marry you, because he will marry me in the near future."

Everyone in the hall was stunned. At this gathering of children of aristocratic families, the most dazzling and most eye-catching was not the daughter who had a marriage contract with Chen Nan, not the famous young heroes, but Yu Xin. This elf-like, fairy-like peerless beauty.

Her body is not stained with a trace of earthly vulgarity, her unparalleled appearance makes everyone fall, and her elegant and immortal temperament makes everyone intoxicated. Many people's eyes have never left her from the beginning.Hearing her words at this moment, everyone was extremely lost, and they were both jealous and envious of Chen Nan.

The young lady didn't notice Yu Xin at first, and she didn't realize her existence until she received a slap in the face. Looking at this stunning woman who was much stronger than her in every aspect, she felt jealous from the bottom of her heart.

"You... who are you? Why are you here? I didn't invite you!"

Yu Xin didn't answer, she took Chen Nan and walked out of the hall together.

She had been spoiled since childhood, but today she was often shriveled, and now she was ignored again. The lady was so angry that she fainted.

After walking out of the hall, Chen Nan said softly, "Thank you Yuxin!"

"Are you still being polite to me?" Yu Xin chuckled and said, "Do you think I've turned bad? Is what I did a little too much today?"

"No, it's not too much. I used to think that you were too simple and kind, and I was always afraid that you would suffer. But today I find that you are already able to protect yourself, so I don't have to worry about you anymore."

Yuxin laughed mischievously, and said: "You are saying that I have become bad in disguise, hehe, I think that woman is really bad, so I can't help but teach her a lesson."

Thinking of the embarrassment of that young lady just now, Chen Nan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Hehe, let's go, let's go home."

Happy people are happy in their own way, but tragic people are alike.

Once, Xiao Yan suffered a divorce, and Chen Nan also suffered a divorce.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan's fiancée, Nalan Yanran, is famous all over the world, and Chen Nan's fiancée is just passerby A and passerby B.

Chen Nan's engagement with the daughter-in-law was dissolved, and the turmoil at the party that day was over.Chen Nan and Yu Xin have known each other for more than two years, and their relationship became completely clear after that meeting. This is what Chen's mother is very happy to see.

The two young people who get along happily do not have any vigorous love vows. The two feel that as long as they are happy together, it is true that they are plain.If there is no accident, maybe in another year and a half, Chen's mother will seize the opportunity to marry the two.

(End of this chapter)

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