Chapter 818
The way of heaven is destroying the world, Wang Bin watched coldly, without a trace of expression.

As the saying goes, if you get used to it, it will come naturally!
He has experienced the destruction of the world by the way of heaven ten times, and as for such a small shattering, he has experienced it countless times. The number of times is too many, and he has to get used to it.

The way of heaven is being destroyed, Wang Bin said leisurely: "Once upon a time, I built a tomb of gods to bury the ancient gods. In the center of the tomb is the Great Demon King. With the power of all living beings and the power of gods, it nourishes the great gods. The Demon Heavenly King is constantly being conceived, the Demon Lord was born, and the Taiji Diagram of Gods and Demons was born. It is a pity that there are flaws in the Taiji Diagram of Gods and Demons. This time, I want to build a perfect tomb!"

"Now, I will build the second tomb of the gods. This is a perfect, flawless tomb of the gods, surpassing the first tomb of the gods!"

Wang Bin's figure flickered, and he landed at the junction of the Magical Continent and the Immortal Continent, and then performed secret techniques to start building the cemetery of the gods. This is the second time.

Attracted by the supreme magic power, countless falling corpses of gods and demons were attracted by an unknown force, and they all gathered towards an area where the ground was constantly shaking, churning like ocean waves.

Whenever a corpse of a god and demon falls there, a gap will be opened on the ground.Swallow the corpse of the god and demon, and then a small bag of soil surged up.

Gradually, the cemetery of the gods began to form.

Suddenly, Wang Bin flashed a flash of anger. In the distance, a woman was fighting against the hand of the sky. She seemed to be defeated and seriously injured.

"If I don't show off my power, I really think I'm a sick cat!"

Wang Bin said indifferently, a monstrous demonic energy surged from his body, and a burst of incomparably angry emotions suddenly shot up into the sky, permeating the world.

Boom boom boom!
Wang Bin took a step forward and stepped into the void, as if an unrivaled demon ruled the world.

It is different from the plainness of the past, but it shows arrogance and arrogance.

Boom boom boom!
Wang Bin punched out, and the bright light flickered. The fist broke the space between the human world and the heavenly world. A huge animal claw covering the heaven and earth above the sky was shattered by him!

"The so-called God, you are not my opponent!" Wang Bin said disdainfully as he smashed the huge beast claw.

At this moment, Wang Bin stretched his hand forward, holding a comatose young woman with his left hand. Even in a coma, the woman was shrouded in a faint holy glow.

"Little Moon, wake up, go home for dinner!!"

Wang Bin called softly, no more arrogance, only a trace of tenderness.

The long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and the woman opened her water-like eyes, and a look of shock flashed through her eyes immediately, her eyes were moistened immediately, she shed tears silently, and she hugged Wang Bin's neck like a koala Lie down on a big tree.

"Father, are you still alive?"

The woman was crying and laughing, as if she couldn't believe the facts before her.

"Little Moon, I really want to die, but I just can't die!" Wang Bin said with a smile, "Little Moon, hurry home! Mom is waiting for you at home!"

"Father, go back too!" the woman said, pleading, "Mom misses you too!"

This woman is none other than his daughter Dugu Xiaoyue.

It had to be said that his father was extremely unqualified.Dugu Xiaoyue is still obsessed with the memories of the past. At that time, she didn't have so much, she was just a child, and she often pestered her father.

"Little Moon, don't make trouble anymore, I still have something to do for my father!"

Said, Wang Bin waved his hand, opened the door of space, and sent Dugu Xiaoyue back to the moon.


The reassembly of the shattered giant palm is over, the animal claws are covered with large scales, and the sharp giant claws are as cold as a towering mountain of knives, which is breathtaking.

Faced with all this, Wang Bin sneered again and again, without taking the giant claws into his eyes at all, he shouted coldly: "The ancient gods will return one after another in 1 years, are you going to clear the field first? But this Avatars are too useless! They are far inferior to those Cangtian and Huangtian, let me smash them for you today."

Facing the legendary "Hand of Heaven", Wang Bin didn't feel the slightest threat, just like a chicken and a dog.

Taking a step forward, Wang Bin urged the power of time to kill him, and directly penetrated the giant claw.The body bursts out like a blade of light, splitting it into several sections!
The fusion of absolute power and absolute speed turned into the ultimate force of destruction, tearing everything apart and shattering everything.Smash that giant claw, and smash it again!In the end, it was torn apart and entered into a different dimensional space.

"Show your full body. Otherwise, it's not worth me to do it myself!" Wang Bin said lightly.

This incarnation of heaven is a little strange, not Qing Tiantian, Chaos King, etc., it seems to be a strange god.Not as tactful as those people, a little stunned, he suppresses everything when he makes a move, showing that he is awesome, and he doesn't know how to keep a low profile, which is the kingly way.


The void shattered, and a supreme coercion shrouded down, and a behemoth descended from the heavens, appearing in front of him.

This is a tall humanoid monster, its appearance is ugly, its whole body is covered with cyan horny scales, there are five sharp silver horns on its head, and its eyes are as huge as two bloody lakes.The sharp teeth in the wide mouth are like small ridges.It's really hideous and terrifying to the extreme.

There are sixteen arms left and right, but there are obviously a few broken arms at this moment, which have not been fully retracted, and seem to be fighting elsewhere.Every day my arm is like a mountain.It's too thick, long and huge, and the sharp claws on it are like mountains of knives.

Obviously, this is a strange incarnation of heaven, not Qingtian, Chaos King, Tai Shang and others.

The tall monster didn't say anything, but stared at him with its eyes, exuding a destructive and terrifying aura.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately the two sides confronted each other.

"Nianchao Eight Styles!" Wang Bin waved his hands and unleashed the ultimate ultimate move. This is the ultimate ultimate move condensed by the ninth generation, and it was born specifically for Tu Tian.

"The first form, reverse the chaotic time and space!"

Wang Bin played the ultimate ultimate move, and immediately the space was torn apart, turning into countless spatial dimensions, and strangled; time was also being torn apart, turning into countless time nodes.

Immediately, the tall avatar of the sky was torn apart and scattered in endless dimensions and endless time nodes.

The next moment, a huge force surged, and the incarnation of the sky gathered together again, but their vitality was severely injured, and it seemed that they couldn't bear it.

"Second Form, Reversing Chaos Yin and Yang!"

Wang Bin unleashed another supreme ultimate move, immediately the power of yin and yang was reversed, and the incarnation of heaven was severely injured again.

(End of this chapter)

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