Chapter 830 The Rise of the Scholar

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A group of rookies are being chased by zombies and staged a wilderness escape.

In the main temple, Wang Bin sat on the throne, looking at a ball of light in front of him.This ball of light is about the size of a fist, but there are scenes flashing in it, which are the scenes of rookies fighting zombies.

"I've already given you a chance. In this world, you should have seen a lot of zombie movies, and you should have experience... Besides, the movements of zombies are very rigid, their agility is not as good as that of humans, their running speed is not as good as that of humans, and their strength is not as good as humans. There is no wisdom!"

"As long as you don't be frightened by the appearance of the zombies, it's easy to kill the zombies, and it's not too difficult to escape!"

Wang Bin said leisurely: "This is a sub-question, it depends on whether you can grasp it!"

Calm, wise, just the foundation of the strong.

The first test is the simplest and the most basic.

If you die unfortunately, you will not die completely, but your memory will be erased, and you will be excluded from the main god space. It is destined to be the fate of mortals.


In the main god's space, a light flashed, and Li Ming's bewildered figure emerged.

"Huhu... I survived, I really survived... I am the only one who survived!" Li Ming panted heavily, a little unbelievable, although the task time was only three days, but for him It seems like three years is so long.

From hell, I walked back once.

Recalling the last scene, the scene of being chased and killed by dozens of zombies, even he thought he was going to die.

When the time came, the teleportation light enveloped him, and he escaped.

Among this group of people, there were about six people, and he was the only one who survived to the end.

At this time, the main temple flickered, and a bright light fell, and his injuries healed instantly.

And at this time, a reminder from the main god's space appeared, and rewards began to be distributed!

"What a magical main temple!"

Li Ming touched his body, and saw that all the injuries had healed and were intact.Being able to live up to now depends on courage and wisdom on the one hand, and luck on the other.

This is undoubtedly the space of the main god, but it is not the square he used to be, but a meadow, and there is a wooden house in the distance.

"The apostle of the Lord God can obtain a wooden house in the Lord God Space, and the monthly rent is five contribution points; he can also spend five hundred contribution points to buy a small wooden house as a permanent residence!"

"There are also medium-sized houses, with a price of about [-] contribution points!"

"If it's a villa, you need [-] contribution points!"

At this moment, the mechanical sound of the main temple sounded again, mainly introducing the house price and rent of the main temple.

Li Ming couldn't help complaining that he was also developing real estate in the Lord God Space, and he was desperate for money.

"One mission, 100 contribution points!" Li Ming pulled out the redemption list, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The ones that are too expensive can't be redeemed at all, you're just a pauper!"

Many extraordinary things are expensive, but those gold, silver, renminbi, diamonds, etc. are much cheaper.

For the strong, strength is calmness, as for money, it is just something outside of the body!


Zhao Lei is a high school student, and there are still three months before the college entrance examination.

It's just that his IQ is average, neither high nor low, neither high nor low, because of limited academic ability,
Especially physics is a bit of a headache. If there are no accidents, his chances of being admitted to university are very slim, and he needs to make up the exam for a year before he can be sure.

Recently, I have even had some headaches, some insomnia, and a vague fear of the college entrance examination.

After turning off the lights, just after Zhao Lei closed his eyes, a strong sense of weightlessness suddenly struck.

The next moment, Zhao Lei let out a scream, as if he had rolled off the bed and fell to the ground, and there was an even more impatient voice from Wu Mo: "It's time, get up!"

"what happened?"

Zhao Lei opened his eyes and found that he had come to a completely strange place.

Around him, there were several other men and women with the same puzzled and terrified expressions. There was only one black-haired man, with a fierce aura all over his body, staring at them coldly.

"Congratulations on coming to the Lord God's Dimension. You have entered hell and may face death; you have also entered heaven and have the opportunity to change your destiny. Whether you continue to be a salted fish or continue to be a dragon, the opportunity is in front of you!"

The man in the windbreaker introduced: "Now I will introduce some regulations of the main temple..."

The man in the windbreaker introduced him, and finally said: "As newcomers, you have a special benefit, that is, you have me as your guide! Let me introduce myself, my name is Fengshen, and I am a third-level martial artist!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands and immediately lifted a dumbbell weighing more than 1000 kilograms easily.

In the main temple, it is divided into two major cultivation systems: Martial Arts and Taoism.

Martial arts, tempering the body and condensing true energy, are divided into four levels: Acquired, Innate, Master, Transcendence, etc., and each great realm is divided into nine levels; Taoism, mainly tempering the soul, is divided into Taoism, Master There are four levels of gods, celestial masters, and earth immortals, but the realm is relatively vague, and there is no so-called nine-level division.

As for the latter, whether there is still a realm, the main temple did not say.

The third floor of the day after tomorrow seems to be very low.

But on the third floor of the day after tomorrow, he easily lifted more than 1000 catties of dumbbells, as if picking up a wine bottle, and blasted those strongmen and weightlifting masters on the earth!

Li Ming, a former rookie, has now become an old man Fengshen. After silently pretending to be aggressive in front of a group of newcomers, Li Ming is very straightforward and said: "Now, report your names and specialties... I will guide you to survive! "

"Back then, I didn't have such benefits!"

Many newcomers had a high death rate because they didn't adapt, which led to the main temple to ask some old people to take action and give guidance to help them quickly adapt to the environment and their roles.


After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Lei opened his eyes, and he was sleeping at home.

Turn on the lights, it's about three o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Dream, is it really a dream?"

Zhao Lei looked at his wrist, and a birthmark-like mark appeared immediately. With a slight touch of the spirit, a piece of information surfaced.

"is that true……"

Zhao Lei muttered, and casually picked up the physics textbook on the desk.

Immediately, a miracle happened!
The originally difficult and obscure physics topic suddenly became clear and much simpler.

"I exchanged for intermediate physics proficiency, and I am proficient in physics subjects. I am confident in the college entrance examination!"

Zhao Lei exclaimed happily.

Three months later, Zhao Lei was admitted to a prestigious university with excellent grades!
(End of this chapter)

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