Chapter 832 Magical Changes to the Earth
The earth is changing, and it is no longer the earth that the world is familiar with.

In the past earth, money and power were the mainstream, and whoever controls power and money is the boss; but with the appearance of the main temple, warriors, Taoists, bloodline warriors, supernatural beings, etc., were born one after another, and the power As the mainstream, the so-called money and power become vassals instead.

When a congenital warrior resists firearms without dying, and single-handedly kills a regiment of armed police, killing seven in and seven out, the so-called laws of the earth and the so-called violent government institutions seem pale and powerless.

Moreover, a real warrior will not be foolish enough to attack the army and attack the enemy's strengths with his own strength; instead, he will continue to walk in the dark, constantly assassinating, and once the assassination comes, no matter how good the defense is, It is also useless.

With the emergence of the main temple, the old order of the earth began to disintegrate;
With the birth of innate warriors, the old order of the earth began to collapse completely.

Various governments began to take action to form some special institutions. China called it the Dragon Group, Japan called it the Sakura Guard, the United States called it SHIELD, and the United Kingdom called it the Holy Knights.All kinds of names are very different, but the essence is the same.

Only superpowers can fight against superpowers.

As for the so-called firearms, so-called heavy weapons, nuclear weapons, etc., they can seriously injure or even kill innate warriors.

However, the price is too high. No one dares to use heavy weapons such as tanks and planes in dense urban areas; and no president dares to issue an order to bombard a certain city with nuclear weapons. The impact is too great.

When using a weapon, you should not only consider its power and lethality; you should also consider how the enemy will attack and how to retaliate!

The earth is changing, and the direction of future development has become blurred.

The main temple is developing, and a large number of warriors and superpowers are being born one after another.And the government, as the institution with the most resources and the most power, quickly recruited a large number of apostles of the main god. After all, no matter how powerful their cultivation was, they could not live in a vacuum. They had to contact all kinds of people and have all kinds of relatives and friends.

On the one hand, the government intensified the efforts of Zhaoan, and on the other hand, it increased the intensity of extermination. A large number of warriors were killed, and a large number of warriors were reused. After a period of chaos, the social order became orderly again. .

Warriors are also human beings, as long as they are not invincible, they must abide by the social order.

And warriors have also become a brand new class, beginning to occupy the mainstream of society; as for high officials, wealthy people, etc., their status has begun to decline.After the initial conflicts and disputes, many high-ranking officials and wealthy people increased their children's investment in martial arts and began to catch up.

The trend of history is such that no one can go against it.

Then, various martial arts courses began in various schools.

Martial arts courses accounted for an increasing proportion of the college entrance examination.It’s okay not to know English, because someone will help you as an interpreter; you don’t have to drive back, someone will drive for you; you can be poor in math, you can be poor in various homework, but you can’t be poor in martial arts.

Martial arts are on the rise, forming a brand-new civilization—martial arts civilization.

When various props, various medicines, and various knowledge in the temple began to spread to the society, they merged with traditional technology and developed rapidly.

Originally, modern technology stagnated after World War II.

At this moment, the slow-developing science and technology, after injecting new nutrients, soared rapidly again.

All kinds of weapons are born one after another. They serve the warriors and enhance the combat effectiveness of the warriors, but they also pose a threat to the warriors.

Gradually, mechs were born, electromagnetic guns, life potions, etc... Various black technologies that were unheard of in the past were born one after another. In just 30 years, the rapid development of technology has surprised many people.

Technological civilization is also promoting the development of martial arts.

Martial arts are on the rise, and warriors have become the most popular profession. The monthly salary of acquired warriors ranges from tens of thousands to millions; as for innate warriors, once they join the special structure of the country, they will be immediately named generals. higher status.

Following this, the collision between warriors and technology is also intensifying.

Many scientists are constantly developing various black-tech weapons, trying to kill the warriors; and the warriors are also improving their strength, striving to improve their strength. Nuclear weapons can't kill people, and electromagnetic guns can't kill them.

Both sides are competing.

Scientists, trying to make the warriors keep themselves safe, have become slaves of technology; and the warriors are also working hard, trying to make the world an era dominated by warriors.

This is an era of great change, and it is also an era of chaos, with all kinds of disputes inappropriate, all kinds of fights, all kinds of open and secret fights, and chaos.

It's just a simple 30 years, the earth is constantly changing, and it has been modified beyond recognition.

"Earth, won't be destroyed by me!"

Wang Bin was a little apprehensive, people on Earth were going to be cheated to death by him.

Don't change anything easily, because after changing, it will become worse.

In the World of Shrouding the Sky, Wang Binbi didn't intervene too much, he was afraid of interfering too much, and would kill Emperor Ye Tian; in the world of Yangshen, watching Hong Yi grow, he only intervened a little, and was afraid of killing Hong Yi .

In the world, there is no such thing as a so-called child of destiny, who only becomes the child of destiny by working hard step by step until the end.

Everyone said that Hong Yi was the son of Ji Yuan.

But Hong Yi said that the son of the era is like the throne, not a fixed person.After hard work, hard work, condensing the luck of heaven and earth, and possessing the supreme cultivation, he is the son of the era.Before the end, no one can guarantee that he must be the son of the era.

In many cases, too much intervention will cause the world to collapse to the extreme.

For example, in the fight against the world, he was a little nervous and interfered with Xiao Yan's life trajectory, so Xiao Yan did not meet the old man, nor did he get the Fen Jue.And without these cheats, Xiao Yan still has outstanding aptitude and has stepped into the realm of fighting saints.

In that world, Wang Bin presented Xiao Feng with the most powerful fighting emperor system.

As a result, Xiao Feng only reached the pinnacle of Dou Sheng, but failed to become Dou Di.

In the end, Emperor Huntian swept the world, the original protagonist Xiao Yan failed to grow up, and the protagonist he chose, Xiao Feng, also failed to grow up. In the end, no one could stop Emperor Huntian. Emperor Huntian killed many strong people and ruled the world .

The whole Dou Po world has become a tragic world.

In order to correct the world, Wang Bin reversed the time in Douqi Continent 30 years ago and corrected the mistakes of the past.

It was also this catastrophe that made him realize.

The traverser is not omnipotent, and the traverser cannot do whatever he wants... If he meets the Child of Destiny, if the two confront each other, they may lose.

(End of this chapter)

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