Chapter 842: The Origin of Heaven
PS: This is the third update, the fourth update will be later.

"No one can become invincible and strong by hard work, even me..."

Wang Bin took a deep breath, felt the changes in his body, left the cave, and traveled far away.

If you spend time, you cannot become a strong man, even if you are a reincarnated power.

When he came to this world, Wang Bin planned to practice hard for a period of time. After he became a heavenly king, he would go to some dangerous places to practice and obtain some resources and treasures.But in fact, at the peak of the emperor, he encountered a bottleneck and it was difficult to break through.

If you blindly practice hard work in closed doors, you may practice hard for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, but you may not be able to break through.

Therefore, he decided to walk around to gain opportunities and insights, so as to step into Tianjun.

In the new era, the world is infinitely large, and there are infinitely many strong people. No one knows how many immortal kings and heavenly kings there are between the heaven and the earth.Most powerhouses are very low-key, living in seclusion in a certain corner of the world, comprehending the laws and understanding the essence of the Dao.

Of course, there are also some strong people who are very active and have established huge forces.

For example, in the Immortal Realm, the Origin Immortal King established the Origin Heaven Court, commanding all the wilds and six unions, with hundreds of heavenly monarchs under his command, tens of thousands of emperors, masters like clouds, and the ruler of the immortal realm;
In the demon world, the lord of all demons opened up a demon court to gather a group of demons, which is also a deterrent to the world, and all the demon clans gather under his command.

There is also the first ancestor, the holy king, who created the divine court, and gathered strong men under his command.

Among the heavens and worlds, these three immortal king giants are extremely powerful.

Of course, there are also quite a few immortal kings, such as the Lord of Demons, the Mythical Old Man, the Nine-Nine Supreme Immortal King, etc., who have not established power and just practiced alone. Their disciples are extremely rare, but they should not be underestimated.

There are also many fairy kings whose lifespan is about to run out, and they are sleeping in some worlds, and they will not wake up unless something important happens.

In this world, the Immortal King is a giant, and the Heavenly King is the top powerhouse. As for the people below the Heavenly King, they are all ants... and at this moment, Wang Bin is in the state of ants.

This time, he plans to join the Heavenly Court of Origin.


Flying quickly, Wang Bin enjoyed the scenery of the fairy world.

At this moment, the Immortal Realm is only suppressed by the Immortal King of Origin, and the Immortal King of Creation and Immortal Truth have not yet been born.At this moment, the fairyland is just one of many big worlds, not the center of the heavens and worlds.

The Immortal King of Origin, who has just become an Immortal King, is still inferior to those old-fashioned Immortal Kings. Because of his lack of strength, the Immortal Realm is now being overwhelmed by the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm, and the God Realm.

Flying in the air, Wang Bin immediately saw big states and cities, walking around the world like ants. .

The world has been opened up for 1 years, and the world has become prosperous from the initial desolation.

At this moment, the Immortal World is densely populated, and some of them are descendants of Heavenly Lords. If a Heavenly Lord has three thousand concubines, it will be enough to create a race after ten thousand years. Some descendants of Heavenly Lords have a population of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

In addition, the powerful Immortal King stimulated spells and created races one by one.

The holy king, the ancestor of the god race, created the god race based on himself and blood; the origin fairy king also created the fairy race based on himself; Mozu.

The first ancestor, the holy king, created the god race. He was born as a monk in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers. He was born with great magic power, a strong physique, an endless lifespan, and a lifespan equal to the sky. His cultivation aptitude is extremely terrifying.

Originating from the Immortal King, the Immortal Clan created by the Immortal Clan is born as a monk in the Secret Realm of Longevity, and as soon as he becomes an adult, he will be in the Immortal Realm, and his aptitude is extremely terrifying;
The quality of the demons created by the Lord of All Demons is somewhat poor. There are many types of demons, and the reproduction speed is extremely fast, but the cultivation qualifications are uneven, some are extremely powerful, and some are extremely trash.

The creatures created by these fairy kings are called acquired creatures.

In those places where the heavens and the earth were born, the laws of the heavens and the earth collided, and the innate gods born were far superior to these acquired creatures in terms of cultivation speed and cultivation aptitude.The innate gods have just been born, they are in the realm of immortals, and then they can practice extremely fast. As long as the resources are sufficient, it is not a big problem to step into the immortal emperor.

However, when attacking Tianjun, there will be bottlenecks to varying degrees.

The realm of Tianjun is like a huge threshold, which has blocked many peerless powerhouses, and it is difficult to make any progress.

There are quite a few reincarnations of Heavenly Monarchs, even Immortal Kings, who encountered considerable bottlenecks when attacking Heavenly Monarchs.The so-called bottleneck of Tianjun will not be more difficult because of the so-called "experience" of being a Tianjun or even an immortal king in the previous life.

On the contrary, the bottleneck will increase because of the problems in the previous life!
At this moment, the population of the heavens and the world is increasing, with a population of billions of trillions. He is considered to be at the peak of all living beings, and he looks like an ant king.It's just an ant king, or an ant, not a king, but an ant after all.

About a month later, Wang Bin stopped, and in front of him was the Heavenly Court of Origin, an immortal dynasty.

I saw the vast city in the distance, layered upon layer, extending into the space of the alien plane, inhabited by countless creatures, as well as countless strong men, with a strong primordial spirit inside, guarded by various formations, terrifying to the extreme.

There are heavenly monarchs and immortal kings living in it.

"The Immortal King of Good Fortune is not here, the Immortal King of Truth is not here, the Immortal King of Origin is respected, and the Immortal King of Origin is the origin of the fairy world..."

Wang Bin exclaimed.

Brush brush!
Wang Bin stepped forward to participate in the assessment of the Heavenly Court of Origin.

The origin of the Immortal King, Megatron in an era, countless powerhouses in the Immortal World want to join it and become officials of the Heavenly Court, even the lowest rank nine officials are enough to show off outside, pretending to slap countless faces.

Every day, countless strong people come to participate in the assessment, trying to become one of them.


At this moment, Wang Bin came to a square. On the square, there were [-] stone tablets. A kind of fairy art was recorded on the stone tablet. Only a kind of fairy art, a trace of divine sense, entered the stone tablet and passed the examination. , is considered a member of the Heavenly Court.

Wang Bin came to a stone tablet at random. This stone tablet was about a hundred feet high, and there were characters engraved on it, which recorded a theory of immortal cultivation.

It is said that it was carved by the Immortal King of Origin.

With a movement of Wang Bin's mind, he entered a space in a trance, and saw a young man standing in front of him, with supreme majesty, "The disciples of the heavenly court are tested, and the origin swordsmanship is performed once; there is a stick of incense to comprehend the time!"

This boy is the Origin Immortal King.

In the stone tablet, there is a spiritual imprint of the Immortal King of Origin. After activation, it can test the disciples of the Heavenly Court.

As he spoke, the young man waved his long sword, and immediately an origin appeared, which exploded and evolved into laws, all things, energy, time and space, etc., as if all things and laws evolved from this sword.

"A sword of good fortune!"

The long sword in Wang Bin's hand flickered and turned into a stream of light, which is the evolution of the origin and the derivative of the origin.


At this time, the void shattered, and Wang Bin's divine sense returned to his body.

The stele flickered, and a token flew out and landed in Wang Bin's hands, on which it read: Rank Nine.

After passing the assessment, Wang Bin became a member of Origin Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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