Chapter 864 One Strike in 33 Days

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The majestic and incomparable Lord of Terror just now was about to be killed in the blink of an eye, and refined to become the nourishment for the 33-day treasure.

"Tianjun is the great tonic... The origin is strong and the blood is strong!"

Wang Bin sighed.

If it was in a peaceful age, it would be very troublesome to kill the Tianjun who was cultivated in the Twelfth Era, and it might attract the attack of the Immortal King.But now, the fairy kings are busy fighting for treasures, and there are constant battles, so there is no time to take care of other things.But now everything is nothingness and has turned into chaos, and the so-called secrets do not exist at all.Killing a person now would not be calculated by the Immortal King at all, it can be said to be the best time to kill and set fire.

"The Lord of Terror!"

At this time, the Tianjun present were shocked, and then they were furious!


The lord of war suddenly slapped out thousands of giant hands, killing them, showing the terrifying cultivation of the veteran Tianjun as soon as he struck.

"I am the lord of creation, and I will rule the ups and downs of the fairy world!"

Wang Bin slapped it with his big hand, the light of the gods shot out, the power of good fortune burst out, the holy body of good fortune flashed, and the terrifying power suppressed it, just one move broke the ultimate move of the Lord of War.

"Great Fortune Mahamudra!"

Wang Bin was as mighty as a prison, and with a slight shake, terrifying power burst out, and the huge handprints slapped down, destroying thousands of people.The eight heavenly monarchs present immediately vomited blood.

The road to war is also going backwards.


The aura of the Lord of War exploded, the golden battle armor was draped on his body, pieces of battle skirts appeared above the waistline, and a huge square sky painted halberd, carrying cutting and war.

This Fang Tian Huaji is a holy artifact, and among the holy artifacts, it is extremely ancient and powerful.

The halberd swayed, and immediately a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared, turning into a rolling battlefield, born for killing, and killing people surged. I don't know how many immortals were killed, and how many heavenly kings died under the halberd.

"War halberd!"

With a swipe of the halberd in the hands of the Lord of War, it was as if the heavens and the earth had been opened. The mammoth was cut and swept towards Wang Bin. Suddenly, the aura of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood expanded, filling the universe, and bursts of explosion sounds came from the void.

"Zhan Tianji, come out!"

Wang Bin waved his hand, and immediately among the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasures, Zhan Tianji appeared, waving the big halberd and striking it.

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the Lord of War backed away, losing to Zhan Tianji after all.

At this moment, another heavenly monarch, the lord of the center, made a move.

A bronze sword appeared in the hands of the Central Lord, with ancient patterns engraved on it, and it was also a holy artifact.

"Central ancient sword, kill!!" The central lord held the ancient sword and came to slay it. The human and sword merged into one, showing the cultivation base of thirteen epochs.

"Mie Tianjian, kill!"

With a wave of Wang Bin's hand, another ancient sword appeared, which was one of the 33 heavenly treasures, the Mietian Sword.

The Mietian Sword flickered, like a ghost or a god, and cut off an arm of the Central Lord with one sword.Then, the Thief Claw grabbed that arm, and the bronze sword, all of which fell into the 33 Heavenly Treasures, turning them into nourishment for advancement.

The lord of the center let out a scream, and the broken arm grew out again, and he took out another holy artifact and hacked it.

And at this moment, the Lord of War is also besieging.

These two ancient heavenly monarchs came to besiege and wanted to kill Wang Bin.

"too weak!"

Wang Bin sighed, the warm-up just now is over, now it's time for the bloody battle, and it's time to change the ultimate move.

"Sky Hammer, suppress!"

"Optimus Prime, suppress!"

At this moment, Wang Bin burst out completely, and two treasures blasted out.

The Thundering Hammer is one of the 33 heavenly treasures, a power-type treasure, relying on tyrannical power to suppress everything, destroy everything, and exterminate everything. It bombarded and killed the Lord of War. The move, smashed to pieces, and the body was bombarded and turned into a pulp.

Then, Optimus Prime slammed into the body of the central lord, and immediately the ancient lord's body was also turned into flesh.

33 Heavenly Supreme Treasures are so domineering and unreasonable.

The two ancient heavenly monarchs struggled, but all of them turned into nothingness. The flesh and blood of their bodies were swallowed by the 33 heavenly treasures, and three treasures made crisp sounds, and stepped into the holy artifact.

At the same moment, the Bending Sky Blade came and turned into a stream of light, and the eight Heavenly Sovereigns also fell.

It's comfortable!

Feeling the transformation of the 33-day treasure, Wang Bin smiled happily.

Sure enough, horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls!Killing and arson is the best way to get rich.Relying on his hard work to accumulate wealth, he will never try to refine it into a 33-day treasure in this life; relying on killing people and setting fires, the magic weapon will be advanced rapidly.

At this moment, Wang Bin entered the thirteenth era of cultivation.

"Monster, how dare you!"

At this time, a rumbling voice came over.

An ancient heavenly monarch came down, and it was the cultivation base of fifteen epochs.

"Young man, go to hell!"

This ancient Heavenly Monarch made a move. He has a cultivation base of fifteen epochs, while Wang Bin only has a cultivation base of thirteen epochs, crushing him in terms of combat effectiveness.

"33 days of treasure, nine times the attack!"

At this moment, Wang Bin urged the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure, and the power on his body was continuously superimposed, nine times the fighting power broke out, and the killing came.

Theoretically, at the peak of the 33-day treasure, it can burst out with 33 times the combat power, but now some treasures have not been successfully refined, and the combat power of the explosive transcendence is limited, only nine times the combat power.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, 33 rounds of the sun rose, and finally returned to one, turned into a terrifying force, came to kill, and bombarded the ancient emperor.

Immediately, the body of this ancient Heavenly Monarch exploded and fell on the spot.

At this moment, a huge crack appeared in the 33-day treasure, and it seemed that it would explode at any moment and be completely scrapped.

The so-called secret technique, at the low-level stage, can burst out with terrifying fighting power, ten times, twenty times, thirty times, or even more fighting power; , using some secret techniques, it is not bad to be able to explode twice or triple the combat power.

As for the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure, if it enters the moment of the Saint Grade Immortal Artifact, it can explode with 33 times the combat power.

However, it is only the power of one blow. After one blow, the magic weapon is on the verge of being scrapped, and it needs to be cultivated at any time to recover from the injury.

Boom boom boom!
After taking away the corpse of this veteran Tianjun, Wang Bin turned into a streamer and hid himself so as not to be attacked by some Tianjun.

After absorbing the body of the fifteen-era Tianjun, three more treasures transformed into holy artifacts, and Wang Bin's cultivation also entered the fourteenth-era cultivation base.

PS: Fourth more
(End of this chapter)

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