Chapter 867 Killing Immortal King Liangyi
When he was weak just now, Immortal King Liangyi came to attack, which was regarded as taking over the hatred, but now, they happened to be fighting together.

Boom boom boom!
The Immortal King War broke out again, Wang Bin urged the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasures, his whole body was full of power, 33 phantoms flashed, and the huge power blessed his body, urging the Good Fortune Fist, and bombarded him.

"Burning Heaven Palm!"

Between Wang Bin's swings, he unleashed the Good Fortune Fist, the power of which was doubling and increasing. When he struck out with one palm, the void was filled with burning flames, which seemed to burn everything.

"Liangyi Divine Fist!"

The Immortal King Liangyi played the supreme technique, and immediately the yin and yang qi circulated, turning into a huge Tai Chi, resisting it.

"Battle Legs!"

"Rongtian finger!"

"Tiantian hammer!"

"Gaitian Hand!"


"Kick into the sky!"

"Crash the sky!"

"Swallow the weather!"

"Heaven's Hand!"

"Crash the sky!"

After reaching the realm of the Immortal King, the Good Fortune Fist was completely perfected, and its power was also raised to the point of terror.

Wang Bin was unequivocal, one punch after another, one ultimate move after another, continuously, like a tide, bombarded and killed, the fighting power was extremely tyrannical, terrifying to the extreme, like the supreme god of war.

Immortal King Liangyi activated his ultimate move and came to attack, but he only resisted ten moves, but he collapsed at the touch of a touch, and he couldn't stop his body from being blown up.

"Come and save me!"

Immortal King Liangyi's body quickly came together, and he let out a cry for help.

When it reaches the realm of the Immortal King, it is full of vitality and hard to kill.

Every Immortal King has friends or allies. Even if they cannot be defeated, they are difficult to kill when rescued.

Brush brush!
The next moment, two fairy kings appeared, they were the Lord of the Temple and the Lord of Arbitration.

The two Immortal Kings urged their ultimate moves to attack, and the next moment, Immortal King Liangyi also attacked Wang Bin.However, when the three immortal kings shot, they all reserved three points of strength to prevent being attacked by others.Immortal King melee, you kill me, I kill you, may be a friend one moment, and become an enemy the next moment.

Really stupid, believing so-called allies, so-called friends, will only die miserably.

Boom boom boom!
Wang Bin urged the Good Fortune Fist, one against three, but he didn't lose the slightest bit.

In the battle, he is constantly tempering himself.

The world is different, the cultivation mode is different, the fighting method is also different, and the emphasis is also different. Fighting at this moment is just a good time to hone yourself, familiarize yourself with the fighting method, and familiarize yourself with the realm of cultivation... Of course, the master of the two ceremonies will also be killed.

Kill people to stand up.

"33 days treasure!"

At this moment, Wang Bin yelled loudly, urging the 33-day treasure, and came to kill him.

After entering the realm of the Immortal King, Wang Bin urged the origin of the Immortal King to nourish the 33-day Supreme Treasure. It's like a fairy king
After all, at this time, 33 holy artifacts were superimposed.

Buzz Buzz!

Tongtian Bridge, Rongtian Bracelet, Heaven-Stealing Claw, Sky-Sealing Lock, Heaven-robbing Ladder, Sky-Breaking Blade, Sky-Bombing Hammer, Remnant Sky Map, Tianhua Armor, Sky-Shaking Clock, Optimus Prime, Skyless Umbrella, Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron, Overlord Sky Spear, Void Sky Hook, Dead Sky Bow, Sky Breaking Arrow, Sky Shaking Spear, Dead Sky Cannon, Sky Opening Axe, Sky Burning Spear, Sky Binding Cable, Zhou Tianyi, Pounding Pestle, Sky Killing Mace, Sky Shuttle, Hate Tian Pan, Zhan Tian Halberd... These 22 treasures turned into a stream of light and entered the Zhi Tian Gate one after another.

The power of Zhitianmen is constantly superimposed, and it seems that it will turn into the gate of eternal life and devour the heavens.

The power of the 33 treasures was unified, turned into one origin, and came to be bombarded.


The power of destruction struck the forehead of the Lord of Yin-Yang. The Immortal King struggled and resisted, but it was useless, and his body exploded.

Wang Bin stepped forward and took the fairy king with a wave of his hand. The 33-day treasure shook, and immediately the fairy king's body shattered. Refining.

The 33-day treasure made a crisp sound, and the grade was rising.


With a crisp sound, the Thunder Hammer stepped into the artifact.

At this moment, Wang Bin also has the artifact of good fortune, and he can pretend to be aggressive to his heart's content.

However, soon became worried again.

Killing one fairy king is just letting one treasure into the artifact of good fortune; to make 33 treasures into the artifact of good fortune, wouldn't it be necessary to kill 33 fairy kings?But the problem is that there may not be 33 immortal kings in the heavens and worlds, accumulated over countless epochs.

At the beginning, in order to let the 33 Tian Tian Zhi Treasure step into the Holy Grade Immortal Artifact, he killed more than [-] Tian Jun.

Of course, in reality, this cannot be done.

If it is a weak Immortal King, one can make one treasure into an artifact; but if it is a powerful Immortal King, one can make two or three treasures into an artifact.

And he calculated that in order for the 33 Heavenly Supreme Treasure to become an artifact of good fortune, at least 21 immortal kings from the 25th era would have to be killed; if the immortal kings from the [-]st era had been cultivated, [-] would be needed;
The fairy king of the 22nd era needs eighteen; the fairy king of the 23rd era needs ten; the fairy king of the 24th era needs five; the fairy king of the 25th era needs two; the fairy king of the 26th era needs one.

If you want to rely on killing, it is almost impossible to make 33 a treasure, and step into the artifact of good fortune.

However, by constantly devouring all kinds of gods and objects, comprehending the Dao, improving the cultivation level, and instilling the origin of the Immortal King, he can refine the 33-day treasure.

A long way to go!

Seeing the fall of Immortal King Liangyi, the remaining two Immortal Kings withdrew, fearing that Wang Bin would chase and kill them.The fairy kings around looked at Wang Bin with fear.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the Gate of Eternal Life disappeared, seeming to be hidden in a strange plane node.

One after another, the air of eternal life flows out from the gate of eternal life, gradually forming a new world, the world above the world.This is the place closest to the Gate of Eternal Life, and also the most dangerous place, which is equivalent to building on a crater.

Then, worlds began to take shape, and a new era opened.

Most of these worlds are formed by spraying the gate of eternal life.

Seeing the Gate of Eternal Life disappear, many immortal kings suddenly lost their interest in fighting and disappeared one after another.

At this time, the void flickered, and the Immortal King of Origin came forward.

The next moment, the Immortal King of Truth also appeared.

Wang Bin was slightly nervous, and couldn't help asking: "I wonder what's the matter with the two fairy kings?"

PS: The third update, please subscribe, ask for a reward, and ask for all kinds of support.Soon some characters from Eternal Life will appear one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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