Chapter 878
At that time, Fang Qingxue was just eight years old, just a little girl.

At this moment, Wang Bin came to Fang's house.

"Miss Fang's family has outstanding aptitude, and she's a genius in Taoism. It's a pity to stay here! I'm Master Haotian, a true disciple of Yuhuamen, and I'm willing to practice Taoism with me!" Wang Bin asked, waving his hands as he spoke, A flash of lightning flashed in the void, pretending to be a wave of coercion in front of a group of mortals.

He waved and threw out the true disciple token.

Immediately, the mortals were stunned.

"It turned out to be Master Haotian!"

The head of the Fang family immediately showed some respect.

At this moment, Wang Bin is a true disciple of Yuhua Immortal Sect. When he came to the secular world, even the emperor of a country had to be respectful, let alone a small feudal official.

Although the Dali Dynasty has a vast territory and a population of hundreds of millions, in the eyes of the top ten sects of Immortal Dao, it is just a plaything.Like the Supreme Demon Emperor of the Devil Dao, if the Emperor Xiantian had a thought and was dissatisfied with the Dali Dynasty, he could wipe out the entire Dali Dynasty a hundred times at any time.

The subordinates of each of the ten sects of Immortal Dao control dozens of dynasties, and disciples who have cultivated to the mystical realm of supernatural powers come to secular dynasties, and those princes and nobles have to be treated as honored guests, for fear of not being well received.

There was no suspense in accepting the apprentice, and the little Loli immediately fell to her knees on the spot and chose to be a teacher.

"That's right, that's right, the Lolita cultivation plan starts with children!" Wang Bin nodded and said, very satisfied, the apprenticeship was successful.

At this moment, Fang Qingxue is still a child, has not yet had an adventure, and has not yet awakened the memory of her previous life.

Then, Wang Bin brought Fang Qingxue back to the Yuhuamen, and began to teach her carefully.

Body cultivation is divided into ten realms.

The first stage is health preservation, through regular, good diet, sleep and other cultivation, to keep the body full of energy.

Double realm, strength training, through running, weightlifting, jumping, hitting sandbags, kicking, squatting, somersaulting, walking plum blossom piles and other thousands of methods, exercise your limbs, waist and abdomen muscles Full and powerful, strength, and flexibility far surpass ordinary people.

Triple realm, moves.Practice a variety of moves, connect the strength of the limbs, waist and abdomen, align the bones, and mix the breath to form a whole.

Four realms, rigidity and softness.The whole body, the bones of the waist and legs, the back and shoulders, the strength of the elbows, wrists and palms are connected as one, and the energy and blood are harmonious.If you want to be soft, you can be soft, if you want to be hard, you can be hard.Flexibility, coordination, reaching a kind of limit.It rises like the wind, falls like an arrow, and is as flexible as a civet cat or ape.

Five levels of realm, divine power.After the whole body is rigid and flexible, further practice will make the physique stronger and stronger, possessing a thousand catties of divine power, as strong as a galloping horse, and when you move your hands, all parts of the whole body are like a well-trained army, moving vigorously and resolutely.Among the muscles and bones, the sound of thunder rolled.

Sixth level of realm breath, seventh level of internal strength, eighth level of bravery, ninth level of psychic psychic, and tenth level of magical transformation.

The tenth floor of the physical body is considered a low-level martial arts stage.

Above the magical transformation, it is a mysterious realm of supernatural powers!
Physical martial arts have been trained to the limit, you can tear tigers and leopards apart, and lift a thousand catties, but you are still a mortal; only on the basis of divine transformation, you can derive spiritual power, break through the door of supernatural powers, and step into the realm of supernatural powers, then you are a monk.

At the supernatural power level, one can breathe out water and fire, fly across the sky, control thunder and lightning, and kill people with flying swords.

There are also ten realms in the realm of supernatural powers, the realm of mana, the realm of true energy, the realm of Yuangang, the realm of Yin and Yang, the realm of heaven and man, the realm of returning to oneness, the seed of golden elixir, the catastrophe of wind and fire, the law of heaven and earth, and changing fate against the sky!

At this moment, Wang Bin is only at the six levels of supernatural powers, he can be regarded as an ant among ants, but he is enough to pretend to be a slap in the face among the younger generation of Yuhuamen disciples.

After urging the secret technique, it took only a moment for Wang Bin to arrive under a stretch of mountains.

"Ahead is Yuhua Xianshan, the foundation of my Yuhuamen." Wang Bin said.

Standing beside her is the little loli Fang Qingxue. This is the first time she has gone out. Looking at it, she can see infinite distances. Among the continuous mountains, there are peaks piercing the sky everywhere. They are as straight as arrows. It was full of flowers and built many palaces.

Countless thousands of waterfalls poured down from the mountain peaks, like countless jade dragons.

The sky is as blue as washing, like sapphire crystal, there is never a trace of dark clouds, the sun is shining brightly, soft and bright, and it is spotless.On those hundreds of mountain peaks, the pine trees are intertwined and their branches and leaves are curled up, showing an immemorial atmosphere.

In the deepest part of the mountain peak, among the misty clouds, there is still a huge city in the sky, floating like a mirage, making people think that they have come to the fairyland.

Fang Qingxue glanced at it, and was stunned by the scene like Tiangong Shengjing.

Just when Wang Bin came down to Yuhua Xianshan.

The long howling of the cranes went straight into the sky, one after another, seven or eight white spots in the distance, shuttled over like arrows, at first they were only the size of a fist, but when they reached the sky above the crowd, they turned into a bird that was bigger than a cow. Big crane.

These cranes are all very handsome, their heads are bright red, and their wings are torn apart, setting off a storm, especially the two claws of the cranes, like steel hooks, can pierce through gold and iron.

What's even more surprising is that there are young Taoist priests in feather clothes sitting on the backs of these cranes.

"Goodbye, Brother Haotian!"

Several Yuhuamen disciples cupped their hands and said respectfully.

Since he joined Yuhuamen, he has a dao name, and Haotian is his dao name.

"This is a small gift!"

As he said that, Wang Bin threw a few elixir bottles to everyone present with a wave of his hand, and then left.

"Senior brother Haotian, you are so generous!"

"Senior Brother Haotian has a strong cultivation base, after a thousand years, he must be the head of the Yuhua Sect!"

"It is said that Hua Tiandu recently had an adventure, and his cultivation has greatly increased. He may be the enemy of Senior Brother Haotian!"

The disciples present were discussing one after another.

Soon, a mountain peak as high as a thousand feet appeared in front of my eyes. There were green pines and cypresses everywhere, waterfalls and flowing springs, palaces one after another, standing on the mountainside, between the peaks, and on the top of the extremely high peak, there was even more There is a Tianchi with rippling blue waves, and beside the Tianchi, stands a more gorgeous palace.

Cranes, iron-winged rocs, golden-crowned eagles, white deer, white tigers, jade rabbits, peacocks and other spiritual birds and beasts walked up and down the mountain.

Numerous fields of Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng are lined up in the mountains, producing tens of thousands of elixir.

"Haotian Peak!"

These three big characters, at the foot of the mountain, there is a stone tablet.

This was rewarded by the Yuhua Sect after Wang Bin became a true disciple, representing a status symbol.

"Meet the master!"

At this time, all the beautiful maids greeted him at the entrance of the main hall.

Wang Bin nodded and entered it.

Sitting on the throne, Wang Bin looked at the maids around and said, "This is my apprentice, seeing her is like seeing me!"

"Yes! Greetings to the young master!"

Many maids paid homage to Tao.

"Ziyun, you are temporarily teaching Qingxue martial arts!" Wang Bin said.

"Yes, master!" The maid Ziyun nodded.

With that said, Wang Bin arranged everything for Haotian Peak.Just after the arrangements were made, the void trembled, and a huge aura oppressed it.

"Hua Tiandu is here again!"

Wang Bin laughed, another interesting thing is coming

(End of this chapter)

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