Chapter 887
Seeing Fang Han being subdued to the ground by Hua Tiandu's move, and taking away the Qisha gourd, the inner disciple surnamed Zuo screamed: "Elder brother, I hope you will take back the Lingfeng sword for me, ruthlessly To deal with the spies of this demon sect, it is best to abolish his martial arts, so that he can shock other disciples. Otherwise, our Yuhua sect has hundreds of thousands of internal and external disciples, and the roots are intertwined! Many true disciples are involved. Difficult to straighten out."

"Really? The Spirit Wind Sword is not on him, but you are right."

Hua Tian's eyes turned cold, and he was about to make a move.

"Brother Hua was ordered to rectify the disciples of the Yuhua Sect, but there is no need to go to war with a small disciple... I am here, how about asking you for favors?"

At this moment, a crisp sound came from the sky, and then a blue lotus cloud appeared in everyone's sight. The lotus cloud formed a huge lotus platform, and on the lotus platform sat a dreamy-eyed , the woman whose nebula changes, speaks, and has a pure feeling of smallpox blooming.

"Senior Sister Jialan!"

"Senior Sister Jialan..."

Many disciples were shocked when they saw this woman. It was obvious that this woman had an extraordinary identity.This woman is exactly "Xijialan" among the five most accomplished true disciples!
As soon as Jialan flew over, she slowly descended from the sky and landed on the ground. Her long skirt fell to the ground, and her blue hair was like a waterfall. Looking at Hua Tian, ​​she said slowly: "This Fang Han saved the lives of Yue'er and Yu'er. I, Jialan, owe him a favor, so I wonder if senior brother Hua will let him go for once? Senior brother is so powerful, it would be a disgrace to deal with a young disciple."

"Since Junior Sister Jialan interceded, I'll let him go just once." Hua Tiandu's face was cloudy, and he didn't see any movements. Fang Han felt a burst of relief in his body, the pressure in his whole body was relieved, and he stood up.

"Go away! In the future, I also heard that you used magic treasures to destroy my Qingming of Yuhuamen, and I will never forgive you!"

Hua Tiandu flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind hit, Fang Han couldn't even stand up, and was blown so that he rolled two somersaults on the ground.

Ye Yu and Xu Yue'er hurried over to help Fang Han up. Although Fang Han was disgraced and lost all dignity, they still admired Fang Han's courage to confront Hua Tiandu!Among the disciples of Yuhuamen, none dared to contradict Hua Tiandu like this.

"Yu'er, Yue'er, take him to my Jialan Peak! I'll talk to him later!" Jialan looked at the situation and said.

"I have something to say to Brother Hua!"

Suddenly, Fang Han broke out into loud words!With a violent shock, he stood up, his eyes were blood red, and he looked at Hua Tiandu! "Brother Hua, you accepted my magic weapon today and insulted my dignity. I am convinced because you are stronger than me. I don't know if you can give me ten years!"

"Ten years? What do you want to do? Could it be that you want to use these ten years to practice hard and seek revenge from me?" Hua Tiandu said contemptuously.

"That's right. I don't know if Senior Brother Hua dares to give me this time. If he doesn't dare to give me this time, he can kill me right away, or he can find other disciples to kill me secretly afterwards." Fang Han gritted his teeth, A voice burst out from between the teeth.

The surrounding disciples were all stunned by his behavior!An outer disciple dared to challenge the senior brother Zhenchuan!This troubled world has been bumped up!

It's as ridiculous as a farmer saying to the emperor, I want to take your throne!
"Hahahaha!" Hua Tian didn't expect Fang Han to be so courageous, "You ant-like little man, dare to challenge me, let alone give you ten years, even if you give you 100 years, it's nothing. Listen to me Alright, don’t make trouble for him in the future! I’ll let him train hard, let’s see how he will get revenge in ten years? Among my disciples of Yuhua Sect, it’s good to have a courageous person like you, and I don’t even have Hua Tian. You are so stingy, and for the sake of you, a little ant, I will go to great lengths to get rid of you. Then what kind of immortality and Taoism are you still cultivating? What kind of immortality do you want!"

Suddenly, Fang Han knelt down, pointed to the sky, and swore to the Tianmeng: "The emperor is above. I, Fang Han, will become a true disciple within ten years. I will fight with Hua Tian on the Tianxing Platform! If you don't defeat this person , I, Fang Han, commit suicide immediately, live forever, and be annihilated in ashes. As the emperor testifies, if Fang Han breaks his oath, the world will be destroyed, and both humans and gods will be killed!"

Seeing Fang Han suddenly swearing such a poisonous oath, Jia Lan was slightly taken aback!
The rest of the disciples were shocked at first, and then whispered.

"Such a person, after 100 years of practice, can't compare to Senior Brother Hua."

"I think his head was broken after being reprimanded by Senior Brother Hua."

"Will Brother Hua pay attention to him?"

"Of course not. What is Senior Brother Hua's status? Just treat him like a dog barking."

"He's really arrogant, but Brother Hua is really good at self-cultivation, I should have slapped him to death earlier."

"This person is not ordinary, he is using language to run on Senior Brother Hua, at least for ten years, no one else will trouble him, Senior Brother Hua still has to protect him, lest he be said to be afraid that he will grow up and harm him .”

"Who can't see this little cleverness? But he only has ten years to live. He is also the fastest at the moment. Ten years will pass in a flash, and he will regret it when the time comes."

Hua Tian even heard Fang Han make such a vicious oath, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he sneered: "You have the same temper as Fang Qingxue, and your courage is commendable, but your temper has entered the way of the devil. In ten years, I think you can grow to What kind of disciple, but judging by your temperament, it is difficult to step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers."

While speaking, his body disappeared in a cloud of mist, taking the Seven Evil Gourd with him.


In the Heavenly Punishment Palace.

Elder Tian Xing happened to see this scene, frowned slightly and said: "Hua Tian has passed, and Fang Han is also pitiful, he was killed as an example to others!"

"It is said that 3000 years ago, Linglong Immortal Venerable was a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. Because she learned an evil Taoism, she was beaten and killed by the Taiyi Sect. She wanted to abolish her mana, but she escaped. In a fit of anger, she re-established the sect. , actually created the Linglong blessed land, and finally became one of the ten sects of the Immortal Dao. The Taiyi Sect had no choice but, during many confrontations, the Taiyi Sect lost a few elders on the contrary!"

Wang Bin smiled and said: "Actually, with the strength of Lingling Immortal Venerable, it is enough to destroy the Taiyi Sect. Even if it is suppressed by a fairy weapon, the Taiyi Sect cannot change its destiny. It is a pity that the Taiyi Sect is the Taoist lineage of the Disaster Heavenly Lord and the Eternal Heavenly Lord. No. As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner!"

"It's somewhat similar to today's scene!"

"You mean, he will become another Linglong Immortal Venerable in the future!" Elder Tian Xing said puzzled, no matter how he looked at Fang Han at the moment, he was just an outer disciple, extremely ordinary and nothing magical.

"He has a map of the underworld!"

Wang Bin said spoiler again.

"Picture of the Underworld!" After saying this, Elder Tian Xing was also tempted, but for a moment, he seemed to have a clear understanding: "Why didn't you come here by force. Killing people to seize treasures is nothing more than normal, don't say you don't like it!"

"Ha ha!"

Wang Bin smiled: "I don't want to die yet. If I want to live, it's best not to touch the map of Huangquan. It is said that Emperor Huangquan's ascension to the fairy world was attacked by the Immortal King of Origin, and he fell. According to reason, the map of Huangquan should be in the Immortal King of Origin." Among the treasury, but now it has been thrown into the Xuanhuang World and obtained by Fang Han. If there is no calculation, the ghosts will not believe it!"

"Between heaven and earth, there are no random adventures, and the so-called adventures often contain the schemes of big figures. The map of the underworld, with the schemes of the Immortal King... If you don't want to die, you'd better keep a respectful distance!"

(End of this chapter)

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