Chapter 891 What If The World Tree Seedlings Don't Sprout?
The mainland of the South China Sea, where Wanguihai City is located.

A vast continent floating on the ocean, with cities, populations, and shops on it
In the ports along the coast, countless ships are moored, or come and go, and they are more than ten times more prosperous than the inland.Those ships include building boats, sailing boats, and five-toothed ships, giant ships, floating on the sea like mountains, and people walk up and down on the giant ships like ants. Those giant ships, I'm afraid it can carry a million catties, or even tens of millions of catties!

As soon as he approached this continent, Wang Bin saw some people flying around. Of course, most of them were wearing spiritual weapon vestments, or people who used top-grade magic talismans and hanging talismans. indivual.

In Wanguihai City, the largest shop is Xuangui Pavilion.As soon as Wang Bin landed in front of the "Xuangui Pavilion", several disciples greeted him immediately: "Which sect or faction do you belong to? Or are you casual cultivators? Are you here to sell things? Or to buy things?"

These disciples, dressed in robes, with whisks in their hands, their eyes shining brightly, their physical auras tyrannical, and their physical cultivation bases are all people of the eighth level of bravery and the ninth level of psychic realm.

This kind of realm, in the secular world, is a master of martial arts, but in the immortal sect, it is a junior disciple.However, the fly whisks in their hands emit a trace of mana, which seems to be a spiritual weapon, and there are many places with faint mana on their bodies, and there are powerful spiritual weapons or magic weapons hidden.

At first glance, he looked like a disciple of the sect who was worth a lot of money.

"True disciple of Yuhua Sect, this time I want to come to Wangui Immortal Island to buy some elixir and make alchemy. By the way, I will receive a reward." Wang Bin's breath bloomed slightly, and a strong wave of mana suddenly came out.

"Ah! Mysterious Ability Secret Realm! True Disciple!" These disciples from Wangui Immortal Island looked at each other, and their expressions became polite, "We have a distinguished guest!"

While speaking, two more disciples came out of the door. These two disciples had a higher level of cultivation. They were ten-weight physical bodies with a stable body and the realm of divine transformation. They declared a Taoist name to Wang Bin, "This senior brother, please Come in with us!"

Wang Bin nodded and followed the two disciples into the Xuangui Pavilion.

Xuangui Pavilion is really like a royal palace, with layers upon layers, the indescribably beautiful scenery, formations are set up everywhere, and the glow of the sun is faint.

"I heard that you Wangui Xiandao offered a reward for the capture of the vicious lone cultivators rampaging across the sea, the forty thieves. I killed No. 30 and eight Jue Ming island owners. This is his head. Can I receive a reward?" Wang Bin The head of the deadly island owner was taken out.

"Oh!" The two disciples who led the way saw the frozen head of Jueming Island Master, and one of them took a breath: "The Yuhuamen is really powerful, and let you go first. We also heard that the Taiyimen's A few true brothers are going to kill the island master of Jue Ming."

The other also hurriedly said: "We can't be the master of this kind of thing, but Senior Brother Hai can!"

The two disciples took Wang Bin to the front of a bronze hall, creaking, and the thick bronze door of the bronze hall was opened, and a man stood inside, standing upright like a javelin. With a calm breath and deep mana hidden in his body, he is obviously a master of the mystical realm.

"Friends of the Feathering Sect, please be polite. I am the true disciple of Wangui Immortal Island, Haishan."

"Fellow Daoist Hai, you're being polite." Wang Bin nodded, and walked into the copper hall. The door was slowly closed, and there was no sound at all, as if it were an independent space.

This copper hall, about seven or eight hundred steps square, is empty, with no decorations, but a lot of medicinal materials are temporarily placed in the middle, all of which are filled with large crystal jars.

Wang Bin randomly took out dozens of spiritual weapons and bought some things, which immediately moved Haishan's heart and made him secretly happy.

"I am practicing Tianmu Dafa, one of the eight great supernatural powers of the Yuhuamen. Can Haidao friends have Shenmu to improve their cultivation?"

"It's a coincidence that Daoist friend came here. I happen to have a piece of sacred tree here, which can assist your cultivation. I found it in the sea once. What do you think?" While speaking, Haishan made a move and a piece of tree flew to In Wang Bin's hand.

"Sure enough, it's a fragment of the World Tree!" Wang Bin was overjoyed, but there was no expression on his face.

This tree is about the size of a palm, twisted and twisted, like a human being, somewhat like ginseng, but without roots, the wood is purple-black, like red sandalwood, but not red sandalwood.

"If you are a fellow daoist, if you can have thirty more spiritual weapons, how about I give this treasure of heaven and earth to you?" Haishan looked at Wang Bin, and he could already see that this man was rich and powerful.

"Deal!" Wang Bin didn't bother to haggle over the price, so he grabbed thirty spiritual weapons. Hai Sheng's eyes twitched and he thought he had suffered a loss.

He picked some random things again, and with the reward from Jueming Island Master as collateral, Wang Bin left Xuangui Pavilion.

Fly to the sky above Wanguihai City, and study this piece of debris!
This piece of wood is a fragment of the World Tree!The tree of the world, also known as Jianmu, was a passageway between immortals and humans in ancient times. According to legend, people can climb directly to the fairyland through this tree!

But later, the tree was cut down by the ancestor holy king, cutting off the passage to immortals...

The World Tree was cut off, and countless fragments were scattered all over the world, one of which was in the hands of Haisheng.

Wang Bin dripped a few drops of Nine Suns Holy Water, and then catalyzed it with Qingdimuhuanggong. The broken pieces of the World Tree did not respond.

I poured a can of Nine Suns Holy Water continuously, but it still didn't germinate; I urged Qingdimuhuanggong, and I kept urging it, but there was no reaction.

The world tree fragments do not germinate, what should I do!
Looking at this fragment, Wang Bin frowned.

I felt a big hole.

After the World Tree was cut off, the trunk reached the God Realm and supported the God Realm, but it was a dry trunk with no vitality at all; after Pan Wu Xianzun got the fragments, he refined them into the Rage God Key.

In fact, there are many fragments of the world tree scattered in the heavens and worlds, but most of them lost their vitality and were difficult to germinate. Only this was obtained by Fang Han and turned into a seedling of the world tree.

"In other words, the fragments of the World Tree can only germinate if they fall into Fang Han's hands... Only if others get it by chance, it may not be able to stimulate vitality!"

Wang Bin was thinking, his mind was running, and he immediately displayed the Destiny Void Body. Above his body, there was an air of nothingness, and the air of fate was constantly flowing and changing, attacking the fragments.

At this time, it was activated again with the Qingdimuhuanggong, and watered the holy water of the Nine Suns. At this time, the fragments of the world tree were changing, giving birth to a trace of vitality, and the strong artistic conception of the dead tree reappearing in spring emanated from it.

On the palm-sized fragment, a tiny green spore protruded slightly, as if it had sprouted.As soon as the thin buds came out, a powerful woody air burst forth, billowing like a tide.He instantly felt that he seemed to be completely in a green ocean, and there were trees everywhere between the sky and the earth!
Continue to mobilize with Qingdimuhuanggong to cast more power of nine suns!

In an instant, there were more spores on the fragments of the "World Tree"!
Not long after, the sawdust had all changed and turned into a small sapling.

The roots of this small sapling are firmly plunged into the void, as if it is absorbing nutrients from the endless void. The leaves are oval and the texture is like a talisman. The texture of each leaf is completely different, it seems to be A piece of celestial script record.

"Is this the sapling of the World Tree? It's an amazing creation!" Wang Bin couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the world of eternal life, there are three great treasures, the world tree, the three life stones, and the 33 heavenly treasures. 33 heavenly treasures, representing the limit of the magic weapon and the limit of the refining device;
As for the Sansheng Stone, it is a natural divine stone, but it is no longer a magic weapon, and has the strongest material;

The world tree represents the ultimate spiritual root.

In fact, on the spot, relying on the strength of the first ancestor, the Holy King, and relying on the natural axe, the artifact of good fortune, he couldn't cut the world tree at all.It was only because some immortal kings were jealous and used their dark hands to help that the World Tree was cut off.

This seedling has the spirituality of heaven and man, and it is a natural magic weapon. It contains many more formations than the five prison kings, and those formations, like the organs of the human body, have their own functions, making heaven and earth are closely linked.

The tree of the world is like the link between heaven and earth, connecting the void of all worlds with its roots.

In ancient times, the Xuanhuang Great World was the largest world under the Immortal Realm, covered by the tree of the world, which continuously absorbed the spirit of immortals and the Qi of Yuanshi from the void. At that time, the Xuanhuang Great World was full of heavenly kings and immortals. Like a dog!
It's a pity that the world tree was cut off by the ancestor of the protoss, the holy king, and the Xuanhuang world has declined. Up to now, there are only two or three immortals, and there are as many secret realms as dogs...

If this seedling of the World Tree can be cultivated, it will be one of the greatest treasures he has obtained in the Xuanhuang Great World.

The world tree is the nemesis of the gods. With the world tree, it means that there will be a steady stream of magical fruits, longevity fruits, fairy fruits, and even heavenly king fruits.

As long as you eat the supernatural power fruit, the monk will enter the supernatural realm; if you eat the longevity fruit, you will enter the secret realm of longevity; Enter the realm of the king of heaven.

As for fairy king fruit...

"If the ancestor holy king is chopped down and refined into fairy king fruit, maybe a fairy king will be born!"

Thinking about it, Wang Bin was also stunned by his crazy thoughts.

In fact, the Tianjun of the Protoss is rarely killed by the World Tree and refined into Tianjun Fruit.As for the immortal king, there are only two people, the ancestor saint king and the end saint king.But the Holy King of the End was defeated and the seal was destroyed, leaving only the remnant soul.

Theoretically, only the ancestor saint king, a fairy king, is left in the Protoss.

It is extremely difficult to kill him and refine it into Immortal King Fruit, but it is still possible.

The world tree is simply a supreme treasure, which has evolved the cannibalism to the extreme.

At least, a cultivator at the tenth level of supernatural powers may not be able to step into the realm of longevity after being refined into a monk in the secret realm of longevity; Enter the secret realm of longevity.

It has evolved cannibalism to the extreme.

Without cutting down this tree, the Protoss would not be able to develop at all.The protoss are all the food of the World Tree, so the Xuanhuang World that owns the World Tree is constantly being suppressed.

Every ten thousand years, the Protoss came to clean the Xuanhuang World.

At this moment, it was time for the cleansing again, and the Protoss reappeared, ready to move, and another cleansing catastrophe was about to usher in.

(End of this chapter)

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