Chapter 907 Everyone is a villain, don't dislike each other!

At this moment, in Tiandu City.

Hua Tian began to kill wantonly, turning the blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of heavenly monarchs into his own power, and also imitating Fang Han's way of devouring the heavens.

It's a pity that Fang Han devoured the heavens and ate the way of the era; while Hua Tiandu had indigestion if he ate too much.

Then, the Gate of Eternal Life began spraying fetishes, and a large number of fetishes began to fall.

This round of divine object spray is almost comparable to the sum of sprays from more than ten epochs in the past. Fang Han even saw that in the void, a huge taixu god iron was attracted and landed, even more Many elixir seeds, the magic medicine of eternal life, also appeared in those gods and were digested by Yuanjie.

Fang Han got two-thirds of the first wave of sprayed fetishes from the Gate of Eternal Life, Hua Tian got more than half of the remaining third, and Ying Tianqing got a little half.

"Immortal King Good Fortune, why don't you go snatch it?" Linglong Immortal Venerable asked curiously.

"This is the Gate of Eternal Life, given to the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life. If I snatch it, I will invisibly owe the karma of the Gate of Eternal Life!" Wang Bin said lightly: "The Tao has no name, and the name of the strong is the Tao. God There is no form at all, and you can use false appearances to cultivate the truth. When your realm is high enough to create all kinds of things and create various artifacts at will, the so-called magic weapon is just a cloud!"

"Back then, a supreme being created the gate of eternal life, relying on the gate of eternal life, suppressed the heavens, and was invincible for an era; but later, that existence abandoned the gate of eternal life and left it to fend for itself. need."

At this time, ancient characters appeared one by one, including the legendary "King", "Emperor", and "Hou"... These tyrannical characters were surrounded by a group of weak ancient characters, and the stars rushed out, holding the moon. They were all robbed by Fang Han!

At this time, Immortal King Qing Yi made a move, but was beaten to death by Fang Han.

Fang Han's eyes moved, he looked at Wang Bin, and was about to kill the Immortal King Good Fortune, but the next moment, he felt chills, and he felt that once he made a move, he would definitely die.

Under Fang Han's attack, the seven god emperors of the protoss were refined into the seven swords, and the concubine Wumo was transformed into a maid.

Old Devil Fang is ferocious, showing up again.


The Gate of Eternal Life sprayed a fetish again, and it turned out to be another three-life stone!This Sansheng Stone is ten times larger than the one of Yuanshi Immortal King.


Fang Han used a secret technique to defeat Hua Tiandu, and with a wave of his hand, the Sansheng Stone was collected into his body.


At this moment, ancient characters were sprayed on the door of eternal life. There are tens of thousands of these characters!All the ancient characters flew out around a huge font. The strokes of this font are simple, but mysterious and incomparable, and it is much larger than all the ancient characters.If tens of thousands of ancient characters are all ants, then this font is an elephant and a Kunpeng.

A font, all the words add up can't compare.

This is the most powerful word "Tao" handed down from the Gate of Eternal Life.

The general outline of all ancient characters.

"This ancient character is more powerful than the Sansheng Stone. You must get it!" Fang Han didn't care that the Sansheng Stone hadn't been suppressed yet, so he immediately made a move, turning it into an ocean of immortality again. Among them, if he got these ancient characters, what fairy king would he be afraid of?

Huatian came to rob.

Unfortunately, it failed again!
Then, Fang Han stepped into the realm of the Immortal King and continued to improve until he reached the cultivation level of thirty epochs and stepped into the half-step Broken Realm.

At this moment, looking at Wang Bin again, Fang Han finally saw how powerful this Immortal King Good Fortune is. It turned out to be a cultivation base of thirty epochs, and a long time ago, he had stepped into this realm. It was terrifyingly powerful, powerful invincible.

The gate of eternal life was sprayed again, and many immortal kings descended one after another.

The Immortal King of Truth came first and rescued Hua Tiandu.

"Immortal King of Truth, your disciple, Lord of Death...these people were all killed by Hua Tiandu, yet you still want to rescue him?" Wang Bin teased.

"On the road to eternal life, there is only one choice, and that is to obtain the artifact spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, refine it, master the Gate of Eternal Life thoroughly, and explore the supreme mystery of the head of the heavenly artifact, only then can it be possible to break through the realm of the Immortal King , go one step further. There is no choice, although Hua Tiandu is vicious, but he is the only existence that can restrain him."

The Immortal King of Truth said.

"The Lord of Heaven under my command was also killed by Hua Tiandu, but I still support him against the spirit of the gate of eternal life. Compared with the way of eternal life, these disciples are all sacrificeable existences." At this time, Yuan Yuanxian Wang also said.

Wang Bin said disdainfully: "No wonder you are so weak. Comprehend too much forgetting love, you can achieve the realm of heavenly kings and immortal kings; comprehend too much love, you can step into half-broken, and even immortal state. It's funny to say, you step by step Cultivation, from sentient to ruthless, step by step from human to heaven; but the spirit of the gate of eternal life has abandoned everything, from ruthless to sentient, from heaven to human!"

"Hua Tiandu, although you are cruel and ruthless and killed our disciples, you are still valuable to us now, you know? We won't kill you, but you have to cooperate with us obediently, otherwise you will be embarrassed. Escape to death." Immortal King Yuanyuan landed, and after saying something, he patted Hua Tiandu's head.

"Seniors, it was me who was reckless." Hua Tian saw the rudder, nodded and bowed again and again: "I know now, everything is under the control of the seniors. I still can't jump out of the palm of the seniors. From now on , Everything is listened to by the seniors, I will do whatever you call me."

"That's not bad." The Origin Immortal King and the Truth Immortal King glanced at each other, watching another tyrannical aura descending from the void, and it turned out to be another Immortal King. This Immortal King is also an old man, but tall and powerful. Meng, holding a mirror in his hand, his whole body is filled with the aura of mythology.

"Fang Han, you are fine." The mythical old man came down, and the breath of the fairy king spread: "If you kneel down and beg us to admit your mistakes, we can still seal you up, without using special means to torture you, let you Die cleanly and comfortably, if you resist, I am afraid that Hua Tian will corrode your life bit by bit, plant cancerous tumors, and make you feel unprecedented pain, and you will not be able to survive or die."

Looking at this scene, Wang Bin couldn't bear to watch it any longer. Usually, all the fairy kings are quite smart, but when they met Fang Han, their IQs kept dropping, turning towards [-].

"I welcome the arrival of all the immortal kings. You are all creatures under the heavens who have grown to this point. To me, they are all treated equally. They are all the people I bred. I gave birth to you and gave you mana. , you are not omnipotent, but I am omnipotent." Fang Han said generously: "If you will accompany me through the next era, I welcome it very much. If you want to destroy the arrival of the new era, I will be the first to kill you .Of course you are my conceived existence, you are equivalent to my sons, and you are not qualified to talk to me. Wait until all of you fairy kings are here, and then tell me clearly."

"Don't be so generous!" Wang Bin said indifferently: "I'm not a good thing, many fairy kings are also villains, and you Fang Han is a big devil! Everyone is a bunch of villains, don't be disgusted with each other!"

Why is the Gate of Eternal Life sprayed with fetishes?Just because in each era, the Gate of Eternal Life needs to absorb a large amount of chaotic energy, process these chaotic energy into countless gods, countless worlds, and countless Dao laws, and then spit them out, creating the heavens Myriad worlds. "

"Why is there a great catastrophe again and again! It is only because of the balance of life and death, and only because of the energy balance. Some worlds exist for too long, consume too much energy, and do not generate energy, which will destroy the balance invisibly, and make the gate of eternal life overload too much. It's too big, it's too much."

"What benefits does the Gate of Eternal Life get in each catastrophe?"

"Every time the world is destroyed, some heavenly kings and some immortal kings will die. These dead heavenly kings and immortal kings, the remaining sources of various laws will be absorbed by the gate of eternal life, and promote the transformation of the gate of eternal life."

"The gate of eternal life can continuously transform and upgrade. One is to continuously absorb all kinds of chaotic vitality and temper itself; the other is to continuously absorb various sources of immortal kings and emperors."

"In every era, some immortal kings and countless heavenly kings will be born. In three thousand eras, there are so many immortal kings and heavenly kings born. They have absorbed the life origin and various laws of these immortal kings and heavenly kings. The Gate of Eternal Life is getting stronger and stronger, and its strength has no bounds."

"However, the unreconciled resentment of those dead fairy kings and heavenly monarchs has continuously accumulated. It has accumulated for three thousand epochs. The resentment formed is so huge that it has gathered into a cancer, and the spirit of the gate of eternal life has also been affected. He was seriously injured, and had to leave the gate of eternal life, and reincarnated in the outside world to rebuild."

Speaking of this, Wang Bin looked at Fang Han and seemed to be a little mocking: "You claim to be the father of all living beings, and you have no qualifications at all. If there is such a father, he will kill his son to prove the Tao!"

"Back then, in the mortal world, in the Ascension Heavenly Palace, there was a human empire, and countless demons, like planting crops, used to restrain the power of faith, or blood sacrifice artifacts; and us heavenly kings, fairy kings , is also kept in the supreme artifact of the Gate of Eternal Life, and the destruction of the world every era is a big harvest!"

"We fairy kings seem to be superior, but we are not much different from those heavenly demons!"

"You..." Fang Han was stunned, feeling ashamed and indignant at being told some black history.

At that time, he was still the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, the high heaven, without human emotions. In his eyes, the so-called heavenly kings and immortal kings were just ants.

Ants, looking unhappy, just trampled to death.

No one would feel guilty or uneasy for stepping on an ant to death.

But after reincarnation, with human feelings, he became a member of all sentient beings, and the black history of the past was told again, but he couldn't hang on.

(End of this chapter)

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