Chapter 913 Chaos, God of Chaos


In the chaos, the chaotic air current is surging.

"You are the supreme delicacy, if I eat you, my cultivation will definitely improve!" said the giant, "I am the God of Chaos, Chaos!"

As he said that, Chaos waved his fist like a god of war, coming to kill with supreme power.


Wang Bin stepped forward, waving his fists to kill.

Immediately, as if hitting a big mountain, the huge force bombarded the body, the violent law tore the body, and the energy of destruction hit the meridians one after another, and was immediately knocked out thousands of miles away.


Wang Bin immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Damn bad luck!

He had just killed Fang Laomo, and before he could take a breath, he met Chaos, which was simply bad luck.

In fact, the chaos is huge and boundless, and there is no end at all, and the worlds are like stones in the sea, they are far apart from each other, and they are constantly moving, and it is almost difficult to touch each other.Maybe in the chaos, walking for millions of years, may not encounter a living person.

Even if you encounter them by chance, most of them are weak in cultivation.

But he is good, he just left the world of immortality, not long before he encountered the sage of the way, Chaos.


Chaos took a step forward, the muscles all over his body surged, and the violent power surged, like a tide, his physical body was tyrannical to the extreme, his strength was tyrannical to the extreme, breaking all laws with force, destroying all laws with tyrannical strength Almost indestructible.

But Wang Bin was inferior physically.

"33 days treasure!"

At this moment, Wang Bin's mind moved, and the supreme soul power surged. Immediately, all the chaotic energy with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was controlled. Countless chaotic power condensed and evolved rapidly, turning into 33 days. treasure.

This is not forged from a magic weapon, but from the condensed power of countless chaos, which essentially belongs to the category of "qi soldiers".

It can gather and disperse freely, and can launch a violent attack at any time, which is no less than a magic weapon.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The 33 ten-day treasures condensed from the chaotic air evolved various laws and struck away with arrogant power.

Chaos waved his fist and hit it like a forged iron. The treasures were shattered one after another and turned into smoke and dust.But at the next moment, the power of chaos condensed again, and it was derived into a new treasure, which came upon impact.

Qi soldiers, that is the transformation of Qi, as long as the power of the soul is not exhausted, they can continuously gather various magic weapons and attack.

These air soldiers all evolved according to the law, and came with the power of the law to kill them.

Like a rolling tide, with supreme power, it comes to kill.

Chaos is extremely tyrannical, relying on a pair of fists, destroys everything and is invincible.Just approaching Wang Bin, Wang Bin retreated quickly, opened a distance, and continued to use the energy of chaos to gather air soldiers to kill them.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The two sides confronted each other and fought together, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

The sanctification of the soul is good at mobilizing the power of chaos and the laws of the heavens. With the power of chaos as the foundation and the laws of the heavens as the backbone, the condensed Qi soldiers are extremely powerful, not inferior to the so-called innate treasures.

Qi soldiers, gather and scatter freely, strike more fiercely, and kill more terrifying!
The physical body is sanctified, the body is condensed into a supreme divine weapon, immortal and indestructible, the attack is fierce and simple, and the strength is tempered to the extreme. No matter what law is crushed, it will be crushed with one punch.

There is no difference between the two methods of sanctification, but only the difference between strength and weakness.

Bang bang bang!
The two confronted each other and fought with each other using their unique skills.

The chaos in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was completely shattered, and the terrifying air of chaos hit all directions, stirring endlessly.

The fierce battle has been going on for ten years, but there is still no winner!
Wang Bin was panting a little, but he felt that the power of his soul was exhausted, and he couldn't bear it; Chaos was also panting, his body was like a magic weapon, and he was also exhausted, and he couldn't bear it.It's just that neither side has compromised or backed down.

If the state is not as good as others, it is excusable to retreat appropriately.

At this moment, there is not much difference in strength between the two sides, but they retreated and left, which would leave a shadow in their hearts.

"Death spear, kill!"

At this moment, Chaos seemed to be angry, the blood all over his body was burning, and the endless law of death condensed on the palm of his hand, turning into a spear. The spear shook, and immediately a mountain of white bones appeared in the void. Mountain Blood Sea appeared.

Countless undead were howling, and countless desperate figures were flickering, sweeping towards the endless chaos with the air of death.

The spear of death was condensed, and Chaos let out a long roar, the spear of death in his hand trembled, locked on Wang Bin's soul, and came to kill him with one move.

In an instant, Wang Bin felt that it was difficult to escape.

This spear of death evolved from the burning of Chaos' blood, and its power is increasing.

"Judgment Gun!"

Wang Bin was also angry, his soul was burning, with the law of fate as the core, and many laws as the auxiliary, it turned into the supreme spear of judgment, with the breath of judgment, came to kill the king.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The spear of death collided with the spear of judgment, colliding with each other, and the surrounding world was darkened.


The next moment, the spear of death pierced Wang Bin's body, and Wang Bin's body exploded immediately.

At the same time, the spear of judgment stabbed Chaos' body, but there was no bloodshed, but the power of soul annihilation hit his soul, and immediately his soul was severely injured.


The spear of death stirred, and Wang Bin's body exploded immediately.


The gun of judgment exploded, and immediately Chaos' soul was injured again.

As if all the power had been consumed, the Spear of Death dissipated, and then the Spear of Judgment also disappeared.


The trauma of the soul made Chaos furious, like a wild beast, coming to kill and bite.


The body was shattered, but Wang Bin ignited his soul and charged towards Chaos.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, the two sides were entangled, various laws collided, various souls collided, and the physical body collided.

But Wang Bin's physical body was relatively weak, and it was quickly shattered; but this is not the end of the battle, but the beginning.Wang Bin's soul impacted and obliterated Chaos's soul. This Chaos God's soul was shattered and reassembled again and again.

"Replenish the spirit with the soul!"

At this moment, countless qi and blood burned and turned into the power of the soul, supporting Chaos's soul.

"Parasite Art of Hongmeng!"

At this moment, Wang Bin was performing secret techniques, absorbing the power of Qi and blood, making up for the loss of soul, and continuing to fight.

The two sides fought together again, confronted each other, tore apart, and fought.

The battlefield is changing, but the tragedy continues, no one flinches, flinching is death.

Time is passing by, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years... At 10 years, Chaos' soul collapsed, and he cried out unwillingly: "I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!"

"go to hell!"

Wang Bin punched out, and immediately Chaos' soul died.

The God of Chaos has fallen!
The next moment, Wang Bin's spirit was trembling, and he was almost about to collapse.

This battle was too difficult, almost perishing!

Victory is on the line!
"I'm going to sleep!" At the moment of victory, Wang Bin felt endless fatigue, and began to fall into a deep sleep. In the deep sleep, he cultivated his soul.In the deep sleep, make up for the injury of the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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