Chapter 917 Alien Version Chen Xiang Saves His Mother!
At the beginning, Wang Bin fought against Chaos, and both sides suffered losses.

Chaos fell on the spot, and Wang Bin also fell asleep.

As a result, Chaos' body slowly fell down and evolved into a world.And from the corpse of the saint to the world, this is a long process, which has gone through hundreds of millions of years.During these hundreds of millions of years, five creation gods were gradually born.

Then, Wang Bin also woke up, took advantage of the trend, and became the sixth creation god.

In this battle, Wang Bin defeated Chaos, but Chaos also has merits, especially the secret of physical sanctification, which made him salivate.

At the moment of waking up, Wang Bin's strength has been growing rapidly. At this moment, he has recovered the strength of the Heavenly Dao Saint, and his cultivation base is still rising. As long as he wants, he can leave this world at any time and go to a more advanced world.

Just to gain insight into the cultivation method of Chaos, to gain insight into the mystery of the sanctification of the flesh, to stay in this world, and to observe the birth and death of the world.

"Chaos incarnated into the world, but he did not die at all. Everything in the world is a part of his body. The so-called five gods of creation, and the gods and kings behind them are all his secondary personalities. This world is constantly changing. Evolving, the whole process is pointing to a result—the world is shattered, Ragnarok!"

"When the world is shattered and the gods are destroyed, he will wake up, restrain the minds of all beings, resurrect himself, and improve his cultivation!"

Wang Bin sighed.

The soul is sanctified, the soul is immortal, no matter how much injury you experience, you can't die completely, and return again and again against the sky.The body is sanctified, the body evolves into the world, the world is me, I am the world, all beings are me, and I am all beings.


Walking on the ground, Wang Bin had three little guys beside him.

At this moment, the world is still desolate. On the ground, ancient trees are overgrown. There are no human beings born, only a few dozen gods.While walking, while teaching the three guys, the strength of the three little guys is constantly rising.

The lower gods, middle gods, and upper gods have reached the peak of the upper gods in just ten thousand years, only one step away from the main god.

"In the realm of the Lord God, the law of control is going to perfection, but it can beat the God of Creation!" Wang Bin said: "When you step into the realm of the Lord God, you will be able to save your mother!"

"Teacher, thank you!!"

The three little guys thanked.

Then, the three little guys practiced hard, trying to hit the main god realm, but time was passing by, ten thousand years passed and stopped, 10 years passed and stopped, million years passed and stopped, ten million Years have passed, and it is still stagnant.

It seems that the main god realm is a big threshold that blocks all the gods.

Even the three of them, who can be called the sons of luck, have a bottleneck.

Creation God, representing the world personality, unique existence;
In fact, even if he stepped into the main god realm, he was not as good as the Chuangshi God, but at least he was qualified to wrestle with the Chuangshi God.Some veteran main gods can even compete with the Creator God!
"Teacher, we can't wait any longer!"

On this day, Uranus, the god of the sky, said: "I'm going to save my mother!"

"But we are still at the peak of the high gods, and we can't bear the power of the creator god!" Pontus, the god of the ocean, said steadily.

"Yes, step into the main god and then make a move!"

The mountain god Uriah also spoke, choosing to be prudent.

"Austerity cannot become the main god, and a bloody battle is required..." Uranus, the god of the sky, said: "It may break through in the bloody battle, step into the main god, rescue the mother, or die in the bloody battle!"

At this moment, the three brothers had a disagreement.

It was as if in the prehistoric world, Sanqing had a disagreement.

In the end, the three decided to kill to hell.

Boom boom boom!
The second battle of gods broke out!

Above the sky, endless stars are flashing, the starry sky is fluctuating and changing, the power of the starry sky is boundless and endless, suppressing towards hell; the power of the mountain is surging, attracting the power of the earth, hitting hell ;
The sea is undulating, fluctuating to its heart's content, submerging into hell.

The gods are the incarnation of the laws of the world, and they can mobilize the origin of the world to attack the enemy.

Oh oh oh!
The hell was ringing, and a vast dark abyss appeared, endless, and seemed to swallow everything. The power of the starry sky, the power of mountains and rivers, and the power of the ocean were all swallowed up.

As if it wasn't enough, the endless abyss continued to expand to the ground, swallowing the earth, as if it wanted to evolve the space on the surface into a vast hell, and it wanted to evolve this world into a hell world.

Originally, the hell world only exists under the earth, it is only a part of the world, and it cannot be regarded as the dominant one.

But at this moment, Tartarus, the god of hell, wants to expand hell to this world, turn the world into a hell world, and gain absolute control over the world.

At that moment, he is no longer the God of Creation, but an existence comparable to the Father God Chaos.

The power of hell swept over and invaded everything.

Oh oh oh!
Above the sky, the goddess of the night came down and began to invade the starry sky, confronting Uranus, the god of the sky.

One is the goddess of the night, and the other is the god of the sky. The theocratic power of each other's planes and domains overlap with each other. If your theocratic power grows stronger, mine will be relatively weak.As a result, they collided with each other, and they were doomed to be incompatible.

The two gods of creation joined hands and came together to kill them. Immediately, Uranus, the god of the sky, Uriah, the god of the mountain, and Pontus, the god of the sea, were compressed. .

Oh oh oh!
The void is flickering, endless light shines on the world, and the sixth God of Creation, the God of Light, appears.

The endless light confronts the darkness, the light and darkness collide, entangle each other, cancel each other out, and regain a little disadvantage.

The next moment, the God of Darkness appeared, also attacking.

Among the six creation gods, Tartarus, the god of hell, Erebus, the god of darkness, and Nix, the goddess of the night, all have dark attributes. The same attributes make them have common interests and are easy to unite together. .

Once the world turns into an endless region and an endless abyss, the cultivation of these three creation gods will greatly increase.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, the sea was invaded, the mountains and rivers were crushed, the starry sky was swaying, and the light dimmed. It seemed that defeat had become a foregone conclusion.

The next moment, a huge aura surged, and Uranus, the god of the sky, broke the shackles and stepped into the realm of the main god.

Boom boom boom!
Uriah, the mountain god, and Pontus, the god of the sea, also entered the realm of the main god.

Originally at a disadvantage, they immediately became evenly matched.

"Summon the Mother Goddess!"

The three gods glanced at each other, urging the original divine power, and injected it into the earth. The earth was trembling, as if a heart was beating. Gaia, who was suppressed in the depths of hell, immediately felt the huge power poured into her body. In the middle, the cultivation base skyrocketed again.


The seal began to shatter!

A flash of light flashed, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth, appeared on the vast battlefield!
The scales of the battlefield are changing again, the earth is surging, the sky is suppressed, the ocean is swept, the light is invaded, the mountains and rivers are suppressed, the three major creation gods are retreating, the abyss is suppressed, suppressed To the depths of the earth.

The darkness began to dissipate and the world became bright again!

(End of this chapter)

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