Chapter 919 Kill Dad to Prove!

Chapter 918 Kill the old man to preach!

Gradually, Gaia was extremely heartbroken by her husband's evil deeds, and she decided to overthrow her husband's rule, but her strength alone was far from enough, and she could only ask some sons for help.

Gaia, the first queen of gods, secretly recalled all her children.

"My child, you have a sinful father. If you are willing to listen to me, let us punish your father for his shameless deeds!" Gaia used the gray flint derived from the godhead to develop it into an extremely huge sickle , and told his children about his plan.

Hearing these words, no matter whether it was the god of the Cyclops, the man of the hundred-armed giant, or the gods of the twelve titans, they did not dare to speak, and their hearts were extremely terrified.

Because it was their father, Uranus, the great king of the gods. When he saw this old man, he trembled nervously.

Titan, originally meant to be a tense person.

Twelve Titans are twelve nervous, scared, and trembling gods!
"Mother, I am willing to help you!"

The powerful and cunning youngest son Cronus spoke out, the most courageous, and began to kill his father to preach.

Hearing the younger son's answer, Gaia, the mother of the earth, was overjoyed. She handed the huge jagged scythe to Cronus and told her plan.

As night falls, the goddess of the night shows her divine power, covering all living beings!
The giant sky god Uranus has come, he embraces the earth goddess Gaia and asks her for love, the sky clings to the earth!

At this moment, Cronus, who was hiding in the earth, appeared. He quickly cut off Uranus's genitals with a huge sickle, and the splashed blood sprinkled on the earth, causing the earth mother to cover Asia gave birth to the three Furies: Alecto - Goddess of Restlessness, Megera - Goddess of Envy and Disiphone - Goddess of Nemesis.

There were also the Melières, the White Oak, the Nature, and the multitude of Giants.

Cronus threw the source of his father's evil into the boundless sea, and gave birth to a young girl, Aphrodite, the goddess of waves.

God King Uranus roared in anger and pain. He wanted to punish his son, but he was horrified to find that the divine power was slowly disappearing, and his body became illusory. The huge power of the God King flowed to the Cronos.

Boom boom boom!
There was a scream, and the first god king Uranus, his soul was broken, and he was going to perish.

Boom boom boom!
Cronus absorbed the luck of the heaven and the earth, his cultivation level rose steadily, and he integrated the power of the god king, but it took a while.Once he passes through this dangerous period, he will be called the new God King; but if he fails, he will be reduced to someone else's wedding dress.

For Gaia, she completed the preaching of killing her son and her husband; while for Cronus, he completed the preaching of killing her father.

"Buying ** is really dangerous!"

Wang Bin's face was sweating, and it was more dangerous than the world of immortality. Compared with these Greek gods, Fang Laomo was simply Bai Xiaochun, a pure white rabbit.

The world of Greek mythology is too dangerous.When you marry a wife, you have to worry about killing your husband to prove the truth; when you have a son, you have to worry about killing your father to prove the way.When rubbing against beautiful women, you must also prevent them from being cut off and becoming a eunuch.Buy **, this world is too dangerous!
"Rumble rumble—"

A huge change took place between the heaven and the earth, and the suppressed four great creation gods appeared.

In an era without the suppression of the god king, the God of Creation is the strongest.

The creation gods gathered together, wanting to compete for the light that belongs to the god king.

The four creation gods stared at Cronus covetously, as if looking at Tan Mei.


The third battle of gods broke out completely.

Earth Mother Gaia, with her sons, assisted Cronus to fight against the four creator gods.

Nix, the goddess of the night, was dressed in a dark robe and had a slender and beautiful figure. She was with Erebus, the god of darkness. At this moment, they were married.

As for the God of Hell, he was seriously injured in the last battle of gods, so he can only cultivate.

During this period of time, the head of the god of hell turned into a green grassland.

After the marriage between Nyx, the goddess of the night, and Erepos, the god of darkness, they gave birth to Aether, the god of space, Hermola, the god of day, and Charon, the god of crossing the River Styx. She also gave birth to the hateful god of doom, the black god of death and death, and she also gave birth to the gods of sleep and the gods of sleep.Even alone begot the god of slander, the god of sorrow, the god of sorrow, and the sisters of Hesperides.

These gods belong to the second generation of gods, and their power cannot be compared with the creation gods, but they are also a lot of combat power.

Tartarus, the god of hell, and Eros, the god of love, stood together to form a tripartite force.

However, in comparison, only Gaia, a creation god of Cronus Fang, appears to be even weaker.

Boom boom boom!
The war of gods broke out again, and the fight was in full swing!
In Greek mythology, the gods are divided into different ranks, and Chaos, the ancestor god of chaos, is the most. He is the derivative of the gods and the origin of everything.

Then there is the king of gods, the king of gods, who rules over all gods and surpasses the god of creation.As for the creation gods, they are the oldest gods. Although they are not as powerful as the god kings, they are only slightly inferior to the god kings. They also have the immortal seal and are immortal.

But God King will fall instead.

As the saying goes, the creator god of iron, the god king of flowing water.

Under the creation god is the main god.

Because of the particularity of the creation gods, there are only six and cannot be increased.

The main god can have the power comparable to the creation god, but he will always be inferior to the creation god, and even worse than the god king.

At this moment, the three major forces are fighting together again, and the world is in turmoil.


There were bursts of explosions in the sky.

Confronting each other, Gaia circulated her divine power and turned into an indestructible shield, resisting the siege of the four great gods and creator gods.

The nature of the earth predestined that this ancient god might not be much different from other creation gods in terms of attack power; but in terms of defense power, he was the No. 1 creation god.

Immediately afterwards, the second-generation gods also fought together, and many advanced master gods fought bloody battles in full swing. They were worse than the creation gods, but they were also earth-shattering.

The vast power of the gods covered the endless heaven and earth, and the heavens and time and space were all condensed at this moment. The powerful power of the Creator God was perfectly displayed. Under the collision of divine power, the entire heaven and earth exploded violently, which was destined to make the heavens tremble !
Endless power swayed across the entire world, terrifying divine power and laws shredded all time and space, the sky was dark, and the surging charm power was everywhere!

After a fierce battle for a while, Gaia, the goddess of the earth, was the first to retreat under the siege.

At this time, a terrifying breath flashed, this is the breath of the king of gods, and the second king of gods, Cronus, was born!
(End of this chapter)

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