Chapter 929 The Inner World: The World of Norse Mythology
After his cultivation was improved, Wang Bin's figure was flickering, standing in the void, as if between nothingness and reality.

Immediately, the world is ups and downs like water waves, and amazing changes are taking place. The essence of the world is undergoing shocking changes. It is like a mirror, seeing the other side of the world.

"So that's how it is... This is actually the Outer World, and there's also an Inner World!"

Wang Bin's eyes flickered, seeing the truth of the world.

"The inner and outer worlds rely on each other and are separated from each other. It is difficult to touch. Only by tearing off the mirror barrier can we see the other side of the world!" Wang Bin's mind was fluctuating, a little stunned, but it was taken for granted.

In the past, he couldn't see through it at all, just because Chaos was blinding him;

But now, my mind is brighter and brighter, I have insight into the truth of the world, I am not confused by external illusions, and I see a more real world.


Wang Bin urged the power of the mind, the power of the mind changed, hit the barrier, and immediately a big hole appeared in the void.

The figure flickered, like a fish, entering the world.


As if the waves were flowing, the next moment Wang Bin appeared in a strange world.

This strange world is somewhat similar to the world of Greek mythology, but there are too many differences.

Here, there is a huge tree, towering above the earth, the canopy supporting the sky, there are worlds on the leaves, and worlds on the trunk, and the whole world is derived from the whole world.

"This is the World Tree... Chaos, the God of Chaos, created the world with my origin!"

Wang Bin frowned.

It's just that this world tree is very different from the world tree in the immortal world.

The power of urging the mind silently penetrated into the way of heaven, and immediately one message after another was entered into the mind, "This is the world of Norse mythology..."

The world of Nordic mythology is a world of bloody violence.

When the world first opened, there was no sky and no land. In the thick fog, there was only a golden gap. The north of the gap was the "land of fog", and the south of the gap was the "land of fire".

In the interlacing of hot steam and ice, Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giant, and a huge cow named Odumbra were born.Ymir survived on the milk secreted by Odembra, and Odembra licked the salt grains on the ice.

Afterwards, Ymir transformed into Mimir, the wisdom giant, and Bestra, the giantess, which belonged to the family of the frost giants.In addition, under the licking of the cow, the ancestor of the gods appeared in the ice.

Bully gave birth to Bol, and Bol and the giantess Bestra gave birth to Odin, Willy, and Fei.

The giants and the gods were quite at odds, and the two sides started a war.Later, Ymir was killed by the gods, the giants were defeated, and the remaining giants fled to Jotunheim, and continued to hold hatred for the gods.

The gods used Ymir's body to arrange the earth and sky.Ymir's head became the sky, his brain became the cloud, his body became the earth, his blood became the ocean, his bones became mountains, and his hair became trees.When Ymir's body rots and grows maggots, these maggots become elves and gnomes.

Odin ordered four dwarves with strange powers to support the four corners of the sky, and then Odin captured the flames of Muspelheim, turned them into stars, moon, and sun, and set the four seasons.The gods took ash branches and made man, and elm branches made woman.

Odin gave them life and soul, Willy gave them reason and action, Fei gave them emotion, appearance and language, this is the ancestor of human beings.

On Ymir's body, the world tree grew.

The world tree supports the whole world and has evolved endless creatures.

"Interesting world... The frost giant Ymir and the cow Odembra are two creation gods, one is the ancestor of the giants, and the other is the ancestor of the protoss. These two creation gods can be regarded as Taoist companions relationship. Only later, Ymir was killed by the protoss... It seems that the cow Odembra was also killed!"

"The two tragic creation gods were actually killed by the descendants of later generations!!"

"After the body of Chaos died, it evolved into the five great gods of creation, Gaia, the goddess of the earth, Tartarus, the god of hell, Erebus, the god of darkness, Nix, the goddess of the night, and Eros, the god of love. The five creations With the joint efforts of the gods, the world of Greek mythology is formed!"

"After my body died, I evolved into the frost giant Ymir and the cow Odumbra, and then these two creation gods were killed by the gods of later generations, and evolved into giants, gods, elves, and dwarves."

"The gods are divided into two tribes, the Asa gods headed by the main god Odin, and the Vanir gods led by the god of the sea Niord. Because the gods killed the two creator gods, Mingming Cursed by the Creator God, Ragnarok will descend!"

Wang Bin's mind was running, and he immediately analyzed the true colors of the world.

When the two fought together back then, Wang Bin fell, and Chaos also fell.

Chaos' body evolved into the outer world, which is the world of Greek mythology; while Wang Bin's body evolved into the inner world, which is the world of Nordic mythology.

Chaos's physical body is sanctified, and the evolved world is extremely huge and extremely complicated; while his physical body is only at the level of the Daluo Jinxian, the evolved world is relatively narrow, and there are many flaws in it.

Chaos's soul is weak, and it can only be that his soul is entrusted to all living beings and sleeps in the subconsciousness of all beings; while Wang Bin's soul is strong, and after experiencing calamities, he is the first to awaken himself, and even has a vest. Six Creation God, the God of Light.

The world of Nordic mythology is an incomplete world, but because Wang Bin is proficient in the way of reincarnation, the world presents infinite reincarnation.

At the beginning of the world, the world was in chaos, and the giant cows of Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, and Odumbra, the ancestor of the gods, were born.Then, the two creator gods were killed, entering the age of the gods, from the beginning to prosperity, and finally to the twilight of the gods.

In the dusk of the gods, the gods are going to be destroyed, the world is going to be destroyed, and it turns into chaos.

In the endless chaos, vitality was born, and the giant cow of Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, and Odembra, the ancestor of the gods, were born.Then Nuanwei Chuangshi Shen was killed...

The world does not move forward in a straight line, but reincarnation continues, the moment the world ends, and then the world begins again, infinite reincarnation, infinite reincarnation!
Death is not the end of life, but another beginning!
Wang Bin sat in the void, constantly observing the evolution of the Norse mythology world, without intervening, just observing and gaining insight into the mysteries of the world.

After No. 18 reincarnations, suddenly, the void shattered, the barrier that hindered the two worlds disappeared, and the two worlds were completely connected.But at this time, the will of heaven was in motion, and thoughts came to the hearts of the gods.

Kill the gods of another world, and your cultivation can go a step further!
Boom boom boom!
The drums of war are beating, the world war has broken out completely, and the war of the gods has broken out.

Greek gods VS Nordic gods!

(End of this chapter)

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