Chapter 938 Transcend Chaos!

"The path of cultivation itself is the path of life evolution. Ordinary people's lifespan is only a hundred years, and their strength is weak; but when they embark on the road of cultivation, their lifespan is constantly increasing, from a thousand years to ten thousand years, and a million years. Longevity has become eternal life; as for strength, it has changed from smashing mountains with one punch to crushing planets with one punch, and destroying the world with one punch! However, cultivation needs to absorb energy, and the higher the level of life, the more it needs to absorb high-level energy... When you reach the Daluo Jinxian, you have achieved eternal life, and there is no danger of life span dying out. As long as you don't get killed, you will almost live forever! When you reach the realm of a saint, it is even more powerful!"

"However, in essence, we need to eat energy and absorb high-level energy to survive. When we reach the realm of saints, we can absorb the energy of chaos and transform it into innate spiritual treasures. Innate treasures can create the world, but in essence it is the transformation of energy... "

"Once the energy of chaos is exhausted, we saints will die too!"

Wang Bin said suddenly.

Speaking of an extremely absurd and extremely impossible theory.

The energy of chaos is exhausted!

Chaos is vast and boundless, without end, no one can measure the size of chaos, just say that chaos is like the sea.And a great world, like a stone, scattered in the sea.When you arrive at Daluo Jinxian, you can absorb the energy of chaos to make up for your own losses, and use the energy of chaos as raw materials to make various items.

It seems that in theory, the sea on the earth will never dry up, because the sea water is too much and too big, and it can continue to circulate.

And the chaos is too big, the air of chaos is too much, and there are worlds that are constantly being shattered, forming a perfect cycle, and the air of chaos will never be exhausted.No one can drain the chaos, just like no one can drink the water of the sea.

But Wang Bin raised an impossible question.

"What do you mean?" Wang Lin's mind flickered, as if he had realized something.

"Sage of the Great Dao, act as Chaos, and be the creator of Chaos!" Wang Bin said with a smile: "Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, is the creator of the world; Saint of the Great Dao, be the creator of Chaos!!"

Wang Bin made some guesses.

After 3000 years of discussion, each left
Wang Bin's figure flickered, and he began to trudge through the vast chaos, descending into worlds, and began to search and trudge.It turned out to be disappointing again and again.

At a loss again and again, it seems that he is the only saint who is right.

"Where is the other side? I am the other side bridge, beyond chaos!"

At this moment, Wang Bin's mind was flickering, and the power of his mind was running, running to the extreme, and began to tear apart the chaos, and began to transcend the chaos.

Gradually, we encountered bottlenecks and obstacles, and it was difficult to break through.

Just like a person on earth, no matter how he walks on the earth, he always wanders around the earth and cannot leave the earth; at this moment, Wang Bin is also trapped in this chaos, no matter how he walks, he is also in this chaos. Can't get out of it.

"Blood burning!"

At this moment, Wang Bin's qi and blood were burning, turning into terrifying power, blessing his mind, and the power of his mind flickered, turning into a huge drill bit, tearing apart constantly, as if he wanted to transcend the chaos.

It's just that soon the resistance is increasing, and the constraints are also increasing, and it is difficult to move forward, and it is difficult to move forward.

Just like a person, if he wants to fly out of the earth, he needs less power at first, but the higher the distance from the ground, the greater the resistance, which is almost impossible.

Human beings cannot fly out of the earth until they create powerful rockets; similarly, they cannot break free from chaos without tyrannical strength.

"Burning Soul!"

At this moment, Wang Bin began to work desperately, all the energy, blood, spirit, and all kinds of all kinds were burning, turning into majestic power and detached power.

Everyone in the world is pursuing longevity and eternal life, but he has been looking for death.

At this moment, I gave up everything, just to break away from chaos!
Once, I worked hard to transcend the world; now, I work hard to transcend chaos!

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, Wang Bin mobilized all the power, turned into a supreme force, and tore it away.

Boom boom boom!
Ninety-nine percent of his power was exhausted, but the resistance was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, Wang Bin stopped, his breath kept falling, and he fell to Daluo Jinxian.This is the first time to attack chaos, trying to escape from chaos, but failed!

Everything is taken for granted!

After all, transcending chaos is not that fun, and failure is extremely normal.

The first time he failed, Wang Bin summed up his experience while recovering his cultivation. Failure is the mother of success.In fact, it takes countless mothers to be successful.

Time passed, and three years later, Wang Bin's cultivation had returned to its peak, and he began to attack Chaos again.


Summing up his experience, Wang Bin began to attack Chaos again.

There is a feeling that he is not the No.1 of Chaos Shock, nor is he the last one.

Boom boom boom!
The surrounding void is exploding, endless chaotic air is surging, entering the body, turning into transformed power, life is sublimating, power is constantly rising, turning into majestic power, constantly impacting, constantly beyond.

The chaotic airflow with a radius of a million miles fluctuated violently, as if it was about to explode.

"Did you make it?"

In the distance, Situ Mingyue was worried, her mood was extremely complicated, she seemed to expect him to succeed, but it didn't seem like she wanted him to succeed.At the moment of transcending chaos, it is the moment of parting from each other. The man's ambition is everywhere, but this time it is too far away!

At the beginning, in the world of the tomb of the gods, they fought for the fierce battle of heaven.

Now that they have defeated the Dao of Heaven, they are transcended, immortal and immortal, with infinite life.But this is not the end, it's just the beginning. He still left and embarked on a journey, constantly fighting, even if there are many stunning beauties, it is difficult to keep him.

"Master, you must succeed!"

Xiao Zi's expression was complicated.

In the past, in the world of immortality.Just thinking about defeating the gate of eternal life, detached from the world.Now, having defeated the Gate of Eternal Life, she has become a top existence in the chaos, and her body has transformed into a supreme artifact.

It's just all of this, not the end, just another beginning.

Conquering the heavens and the world, this place is not his belonging, it is just a passerby.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the strength of Wang Bin's body was consumed violently, and at the moment when he was about to exhaust himself, a thin layer of obstacles appeared.It seems very thin, but it is extremely tough, difficult to break, and unfathomable.

"This is the chaotic membrane!"

Wang Bin's mind moved, as if he had thought of something.

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(End of this chapter)

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