Chapter 942 A reincarnation is a year

The five declines of heaven and man are the fourth decline, and the decline of the primordial spirit is coming! !

At this time, the air of chaos surged, condensing into a huge war drum, making a dull sound, with an endlessly oppressive atmosphere.

The drums sounded one after another, echoing in the void, bringing even more heavy pressure.

Listening to the sound of the drum, Wang Bin could only feel that the primordial spirit was failing, and a trace of black decay appeared on the primordial spirit out of thin air, and the primordial spirit began to rot, like a broken apple, collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye. dim.

After the soul was sanctified, Wang Bin's primordial spirit was extremely tough, even if a divine weapon hit it, it would be difficult to injure the primordial spirit.

But at this moment, the primordial spirit is rapidly depleting and fading, and a huge sense of weakness spreads in the body.

"The fire of the soul, the fire of the will, burn the primordial spirit!"

With a thought in Wang Bin's mind, he mobilized the power of his mind, which turned into a burning flame; the power of will burned a lot, turning into a burning flame.

Boom boom boom! !

I saw the vast flames burning and walking, burning the primordial spirit, and the traces of black energy in the primordial spirit were burned away, and they continued to die, and they continued to be destroyed.The primordial spirit is changing, and the runes are flashing one after another, carrying the charm of ancient good fortune.

Chi Chi! !
A trace of dense black energy emerged from the primordial spirit, and more and more of these black energy turned into demons, demons, and demons, constantly expanding and eroding, resisting the fire of the soul and the fire of will.

Another month passed, Wang Bin destroyed all the black energy, and the primordial spirit became more tenacious, with countless mysterious Dao lines intertwined, which was extremely mysterious.

Yuanshen Tribulation, passed!
The void flickered, and lust came down.

Immediately, waves of depletion began to erode Wang Bin's feelings.

But soon, Wang Bin had a strange feeling, "There is something wrong with the decline of lust!"

His cultivation time is too short, and the speed of progress is too fast. He has not experienced the five declines of heaven and man, but the other younger brothers have experienced the five declines of heaven and man.The so-called decline of lust is mainly to reduce the resistance of monks to lust, and finally make the mind indulge in lust, sinking forever, until falling.

At this moment, his lust is declining, but it is extremely weird, constantly erasing his emotions, making him too forgetful.

"There are two ways to kill people with lust. One is to indulge in lust and lose oneself; the other is to erase emotions and become too obsessed with love and become a puppet of heaven. The former method is for those who have always been weak and have a weak heart. , still has some effect!"

"Most of the monks who can be sanctified are tough in character and firm in will. The so-called temptation of lust and sinking of lust have no effect at all. Instead, they use various secret techniques to make them lose their feelings, just like Fengyun Wuji became the main god, but lost General feelings!"

"Fengyun Wuji, who has lost his feelings, is actually dead!"

"People live because they have desires and desires, and they have the seven emotions and six desires. Once the seven emotions and six desires are erased, they are essentially dead!"

At this moment, the decline of lust is coming, as long as Wang Bin is willing to walk on the road of forgetting love, and become indifferent, like the heavenly way, the decline of lust will be easily overcome immediately.

It's just that he doesn't want to.

"I live because I have feelings, the desire to become stronger, and I like beautiful women. If these feelings are deprived, I might as well die!"

Wang Bin smiled lightly.

At this time, the power of exhaustion is even more terrifying, sweeping over.

Ten years later, the power of exhaustion dissipated.

Wang Bin survived the five declines of heaven and man.

Looking outside at this time, I saw Xiao Zi, Xiao Shu, Xuan Xuan, Situ Mingyue, and a familiar person.They guarded the side, waiting for him quietly.In fact, many of the people present have experienced the five declines of heaven and man, but their power is relatively weak, far from being as fierce as him.

"Don't worry, I'm still alive!"

Wang Bin laughed.


Time is passing, and in the blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed.

Analyzing the mystery of the five declines of heaven and man, and thinking about the power of exhaustion, Wang Bin discovered that the five declines of heaven and man contain terrifying causal power.

As long as the energy of chaos is continuously absorbed, the five evils of heaven and man will continue to descend.

The five declines of heaven and man contain the power of destruction, and they are almost sure to kill; but as long as they experience the five declines of heaven and man, no matter whether it is the body, soul, or mana, they will be tempered, and their cultivation will be slightly improved.You must know that at his level, it is very difficult to advance even if one is still at a standstill in cultivation.

However, at this moment, Wang Bin's cultivation level has improved slightly.

"One reincarnation is one year!"

Wang Bin sighed.

The lifespan of a mortal is a hundred years, and the lifespan is calculated in years;
But when it comes to immortals, the lifespan is several million years, tens of millions of years, and it is customary to calculate lifespan in terms of epochs.


When talking about a fairy, it is often said that he lived several epochs.

As for the Da Luo Jinxian, who has transcended the world, it is no longer possible to calculate it in eras, but in world years.A world, from birth to destruction, is a world year.It is often said that such-and-such Da Luo Jinxian has lived for several, dozens of world years.

As for the saint, it is calculated by reincarnation.

Every time a chaotic cleansing is experienced, it is a reincarnation.

Therefore, saints often use five reincarnation saints, six reincarnation saints, seven reincarnation saints, and ten reincarnation saints.

In every reincarnation, the sage has to experience the five declines of heaven and man.

If you hang up directly, forget it.If he survived the calamity without dying, his whole body would be tempered and his cultivation would be improved.

Theoretically, the more reincarnations one goes through, the stronger one's strength will be.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, Wang Bin only went through one reincarnation, but his strength is so strong that it can completely blow out those saints who have gone through five, ten, or even a hundred reincarnations.

In fact, according to the calculation of life span, he is very young, and the time for the five declines of heaven and man has not come at all, but he is too powerful and will transcend chaos, so chaos came to cleanse him in advance to destroy him.It failed.

"After all, the chaotic sea has no will to be born, but only a vague idea. A human body with intelligence cannot eliminate viruses; let alone a chaotic sea with only dim consciousness, how can it destroy my pests!"

Wang Bin thought about it.

In fact, the more powerful an existence is, the harder it is to give birth to wisdom.

It is easy for a beast to give birth to intelligence, but it is difficult for a world to give birth to intelligence.

In the heavens and worlds, among the many worlds, most of the worlds only have hazy consciousness; only a very small number of worlds are born with consciousness, with spiritual wisdom, like human beings, with emotions and desires, and with calculations.

At this moment, the chaotic sea he was in had only vague thoughts, but no spiritual wisdom.

These vague ideas, sensing Wang Bin's strength, cast a doom, but disappeared later!

(End of this chapter)

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