Chapter 958 Chasing and Killing the Immortal King

Boom boom boom!
The tide of destruction swept over everything, the tide of death fluctuated, and the turbulent flow of destruction wiped out everything. The berserk force locked Wang Bin's position, irresistible, almost fatal rhythm.


At this moment, Wang Bin felt the breath of death.

When I came to the world of the Holy King, I started from being weak, fought fiercely step by step, and grew up step by step. I encountered too many powerful enemies and too many invincible characters. Never felt the breath of danger.

But this time, Wang Bin felt the danger of death, the breath of death.

"Great fate, the wheel of fortune!"

Between life and death, Wang Bin's comprehension is improving, the comprehension of the Tao, the comprehension of the law, and the rapid improvement. The once vague Great Destiny Art is now approaching perfection, and the power of destiny is flowing, turning into A series of fate runes.

The fate runes are constantly flickering up and down, densely packed, undulating, and constantly gathering, turning into a huge roulette—the wheel of fortune.Once the wheel of fortune is condensed successfully, it can grasp the destiny, manipulate everything, and affect the luck and life trajectory of countless people.

Boom boom boom!
The wave of destruction swept across, drowning Wang Bin in an instant.

"Finally killed him..." Zhu Xianwang said with emotion: "No, he is not dead yet!"

At this time, the destructive energy dissipated, and Wang Bin stood in the void, immortal, without any injuries, while the wheel of fate under his feet was spinning, connected with threads of fate, entangled the changes of the general trend of the universe, and the movement of all things. birth and death.


72 Wang joined forces and came again.

As a result, the wheel of fortune was turning, and these violent energies missed again.

Boom boom boom!
One after another, the destructive forces tore through and came to kill again. The wheel of fate was turning, and all kinds of things were immediately resolved.

All kinds of ultimate moves, all kinds of destructive energy, come to kill one after another, the fury to the extreme, the destruction to the extreme, the ferocity to the extreme, like raindrops, continuous bombardment, but Wang Bin is turning the wheel of fate, and immediately everything Invincible, standing in an invincible position, it is difficult to hurt at all.

"Life and Death Disillusionment Thunder!"

Wang Bin pointed his finger, and immediately in the void, a dream force flashed, and the terrifying thunder and lightning that hadn't bloomed came.

"72 king shields!"

At this moment, King 72 activated the secret technique and turned into a shield to resist.

"Spirit birth and destruction thunder!"

Wang Bin condensed another lightning method, his mental power flashed, and he came to kill.

Boom boom boom!
The shield shattered, and at this moment, King 72's joint attack technique was shattered, and King 72 vomited blood from his mouth and suffered a lot of injuries.

kill kill kill!

Wang Bin took a step forward and punched out, and immediately the barbarian king's body exploded and was beaten into a pulp; he punched out again, and the body of the Sky Demon King was also blown up.One punch after another came, and the kings who were present immediately perished one after another.

"Brothers, retreat quickly, I will stop it!"

As expected of being the big brother, King Zhu Xian was the first to resist.

"I'm coming too!"

At this moment, Tuntian King also stood aside, helping Big Brother.

Boom boom boom!
kill kill kill!

The battle broke out again, and it seemed that they were invincible, and they were no opponents, but King Zhuxian and King Tuntian still resisted in front, guaranteeing the retreat of the brothers.

In the world of intrigue and self-deception, family ties are weak and love is weak. It can be said that it is extremely rare for King Zhuxian and King Tuntian to value brotherhood so much.

But... still want to kill!

Now that the battle has begun, all the enemies must be killed. The dead enemies are the best enemies.

"Elephant, go after them!"

At this moment, Wang Bin waved his hand, and immediately the elephant appeared, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the remaining 72 kings.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the elephant is also cultivating the god-elephant prison-suppressing strength, and its strength is extremely terrifying, not inferior to him in the slightest. The power of destruction is fluctuating, and it just blows up the five kings with just a few punches.

"I will resist him!"

At this moment, Tuntian King shouted loudly and resisted in front of the elephant.

Boom boom boom!
The ultimate moves collided, and the two unrivaled monsters fought together.

Boom boom boom!
The body of King Swallowing Heaven changed, and it immediately turned into an ancient giant snake spanning the sky and countless planes, fighting with the elephant. The snake's mouth opened, as if it wanted to swallow the elephant into its belly.

Snakes swallow elephants.

However, at the moment of devouring, a sudden ray of light exploded, and all the scenes disappeared.

The elephant forcibly tore apart, and the body of Tuntian King exploded. The next moment, the body was reassembled and turned into a giant snake.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, the two sides confronted each other. It seemed that in terms of attributes, King Tuntian restrained the elephant. During the repeated confrontations, the elephant defeated King Tuntian, but it was difficult to kill him; It's getting richer.

Boom boom boom!
During the confrontation, King Zhuxian was injured repeatedly, and finally couldn't hold on anymore. He turned into a stream of light and fled away. If he didn't run away, he might perish.

Wang Bin urged his spells, came after him, and kept moving towards the upper layer of the void.

At this moment, the area where the Great Wilderness Immortal World is located is only an Immortal World derived from the thin air of chaos.The more you go to the upper level, the stronger the chaos will be, the higher the level of the fairy world will be born, and the more powerful people will be born.Seeing that he was invincible, King Jade Immortal moved forward to the top.

The void was changing, and the figure of King Zhu Xian flickered, and he fled to the fifth-class fairy world.

It's just that there was no time to catch his breath, the spear of judgment came to assassinate him, and King Zhu Xian flickered to avoid it, but this fifth-class fairy world suffered disaster, and a big hole was pierced.

King Zhu Xian coughed and continued to run.

Running all the way, countless fairy worlds were affected, countless immortals suffered, and were affected one after another. If you run fast with good eyesight, you save your life;

kill kill kill!

The more he ran, the more sluggish King Zhu Xian's aura became. Relying on his firm will, he continued to run.

In the blink of an eye, I ran to the No.18 fairy world.

The next moment, King Zhu Xian entered this fairy world, and Wang Bin also entered it, and the war broke out again.

"Who is making trouble here!"

At this time, a mythical monk appeared, turned into a destructive light, and attacked Wang Bin.

Wang Bin shattered the attack with a wave of his hand.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, King Zhu Xian turned into a streamer and continued to flee.

Just as Wang Bin was about to continue chasing and killing him, it was this cultivator in the Mythical Realm, urging his long sword to kill him.

"court death!"

Wang Bin snorted coldly: "The gates of hell, flood the fairy world!"

At this moment, the gate of hell behind them appeared, and the underworld race rushed out of the gate of hell one by one. In an instant, endless demons flooded the fairy world, killing and destroying everywhere.

Sensing the breath, Wang Bin continued to chase and kill!

(End of this chapter)

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