Chapter 971 Create Heaven

"Heaven kills, earth kills, people kill, god kills, ghost kills, fairy kills, demon kills, the seven kills gather, and slaughter the heavens!"

On the palm of the Supreme True Demon, the magic words of ten thousand dao flashed, the ten thousand words gathered, and the ten thousand characters changed, turning into a sword of lore, carrying endless aura of calamity, killing and coming, the world was turned upside down, and the torrent of calamity swept everything.

"Picture of the King of Myriad Realms, Kings Gather!"

King Jade Immortal urged the animation scroll, and immediately the picture unfolded, and the phantoms of the kings flickered, condensing on the top of the scroll, and the aura of the king suppressed all directions.

Why is the king?
If the opponent is not good, he will run over him.

Why is the king?
Even if they are obedient, they have to be crushed.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, following the attack of King Zhuxian, other kings such as Tuntian King, King Gouli, and Wilderness King also blessed King Zhuxian with their own power, and the power of the 72 kings was fused and integrated into one, turning into a terrifying force. come under pressure.

As for bullying the few with more!


In the world of comprehension, there is only the theory of victory and defeat, there is no right or wrong, winning is the best way, as for the rest, they are all scum!

Boom boom boom!
The king of ten thousand realms communicated with the power of ten thousand realms, and the violent power surged, turning into a tide of destruction, sweeping in, and suddenly the body of the Supreme True Demon was hit, and his body was blown up on the spot, turning into a a magic word.

Practicing the spirit of suppressing prisons of idols, the body is transformed into countless particles, and each particle is a statue. During the fierce battle, countless particles surge, and the power of countless gods bursts out; body, turning the body into particles, each particle is an ancient character of calamity.

Boom boom boom!
The Supreme True Demon was blown away, and countless shattered particles were changing, absorbing the power of Zhu Xian, smelting into the particles, quickly assembling, and re-condensing the body.

Boom boom boom!
King Zhuxian broke out, and the 72 kings' powers merged into one, blasting out nine times in a row, all of which blasted the Supreme True Demon.

But the next moment, the Supreme True Demon condensed his body, absorbed the power of calamity, and his body quickly recovered, becoming stronger and more radiant.Heavenly calamity, human calamity, heart demon calamity, thunder and fire calamity, life and death calamity, etc., all kinds of calamities are blessed on the body, the more violent the calamity, the faster the cultivation base will be improved.

"The Great Seal of the 72 Kings!"

At this moment, King Zhu Xian made a move, and waved his hand to make a mark; Jie Tun Tian Wang, Gou Li Wang and others also made killing moves one after another, turning into a series of runes, constantly rotating, hooking together, turning into a supreme seal , the town kills.

If it can't be killed, then keep sealing it, wear down its vitality, and finally suppress it completely!
"Havoc Ancient Cannon!"

The body of the supreme true demon shattered and turned into ancient characters of calamity, and the ancient characters of calamity condensed and turned into a cannon with flashing magic patterns, depicting the demon god of hell, the evil of the heavens, and the darkness of the heavens , the negative emotions of sentient beings, etc., are all gathered on it.

Boom boom boom!
The cannon rang, and the vast light of doom flashed, turning into divine punishment, and impacting on the 72 kings.



Amidst bursts of crisp sounds, the seal of the 72 kings shattered on the spot, and the Supreme True Demon's figure flickered, turning into a stream of light, and escaped from the trap.

"Picture of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, suppress!"

At this moment, the mountains and rivers changed, the huge picture scroll swept down, the picture scroll flickered, the mountains and rivers inside and outside were all in it, the palaces and pavilions flickered in it, the gods and immortals flickered up and down, the power of 72 kings was melted into one, and turned into a vast force, suppressed.

"The Jade of the Sage!"

At this time, at the heart of the Supreme True Demon, a bright jade appeared, flashing the brilliance of saints and the breath of many benevolent people.

The jade of the sage is the condensed form of the true devil's supreme will, combined with the changes of the sky, the earth, the essence, the punishment of the gods, the holy catastrophe... all kinds of inconceivable powers, non-material, non-spiritual , not void, not thinking... It represents the highest essence of the magic way, surpassing the category of demons, and has become a sage.

The devil is extremely Taoist!

The end of the magic path, for the sages!
At this moment, a bright light flickered, and the Jade of the Sage collided with the King of Myriad Realms with a holy light and a majestic aura.

The king and the saint collide together, and the two avenues confront each other, cancel each other out, and annihilate each other!

"Endless hell, ten thousand demons added!"

At this moment, the supreme true demon urged the sage's jade, and immediately the [-] demon generals under his command gathered around, entered the sage's jade, blessed the sage's jade, smelted it into his body, cultivated For continuous elevation.

The devilish energy surged, like a tide, covering the sky and the sun, and the dark devilish energy enveloped the country that was hundreds of thousands of miles away, as if it was about to turn into a hellish world.

At this moment, the origin of the God Realm rang, and a huge amount of luck descended on the 72 kings as their reward.

"Kill, Maha Maha!"

The supreme true demon urges the sage's jade, the monstrous power surges in the body, the law of the gods trembles, it seems to be in fear, it seems that it is difficult to bear such a terrifying force, a black claw rises into the sky, and turns into the supreme Horror, torn apart.

"Zhu Xian kills God!"

King Jade Immortal activated his ultimate move, and all the power was fused into one, rushing towards him.

Boom boom boom!
The two big bosses fought together again, extremely fierce and brutal to the extreme.Constant fierce fighting, constant shopping, after a long time of fierce fighting, King Jade Immortal felt a little weak in strength, and retreated away in a blink of an eye.

The Supreme True Demon gasped for breath, but did not go after him.

In the confrontation just now, the Supreme True Demon had a slight upper hand, the advantage was extremely weak, more than enough to defeat, not enough to kill.Once the shopping continues, it will only be a lose-lose situation.Therefore, after losing a move, King Zhuxian left first, and the Supreme True Demon did not go after him.

"King Immortal Zhu is worthy of being a peerless arrogance!"

The Supreme True Demon was amazed, his figure flickered, and he continued to attack all parts of the God Realm.

A hundred thousand miles away, the map of the King of Myriad Realms flashed, and 72 brothers appeared one after another.

King Jade Immortal sensed the aura of the magic weapon. At this moment, cracks appeared on the map of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, and he had already suffered a lot of injuries.If you continue to go shopping, the loss outweighs the gain.

As for going forward to slay demons and demons, uphold justice, etc... Let's go to sleep!

Sitting in the void, Wang Bin saw the scene of the invasion of hell, and saw the scene of the battle between King Jade and the Supreme True Demon. , some hole cards have not yet been played.

"It's my turn!"

Wang Bin said with a smile: "Supreme holy law, create heaven!"

I'm the savior, it's time for me to play, it's time for me to perform.

It's shameful that the left hand fights with the right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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