Chapter 974 The God Realm is at its peak, and there is no gathering in half a step!
After a while of beating, the Lord of Yaoguang joined the heaven and was canonized as the high priest, presiding over various sacrifices, rituals, and governing the country.

With the joining of the Lord of Yaoguang, Heaven's luck has greatly increased, and the luck is like fire.

Immediately, a pattern of one civil and one military was formed in Heaven, with the high priest governing the vast territory under his command, and the king of idols as the grand marshal, leading the army to conquer the world.

Wang Bin, as the supreme ruler, sits on the top of the heaven and rules with his bow.

The war continued, and the fighting continued. Wherever it went, people's heads rolled, countless gods were suppressed, and the marks of their souls were engraved in the imprints of the gods.

Gradually, the number of gods is increasing. With the addition of the imprints of the gods one by one, the power of the imprints of the gods is constantly superimposed, and the horror is to the extreme. King of Worlds map.

"Creating Angels..."

Wang Bin stimulated the mana to create angels again.

In the mortal world, Wang Binming realized that gods and demons are one, and transformed the demons in hell into angels, which were the first batch of angels.

Angels are like the way of heaven, without human emotions, just like a weapon, what they have is infinite loyalty to the master.However, the angels created at that time were only defective products, but at this moment, it is to create a perfect grade.


Violent explosions resounded, and waves of destruction surged. Wang Bin unleashed the power of the gods to suppress prisons. Various laws were imprinted in it and merged into the angels. A huge body appeared, which was exactly the perfect angel. For the Archangel.

The body of this Archangel is cast with holy light, the cut version of the imprint of the gods is in front of the heart, which becomes the source of power; the cut version of the disc of civilization is in front of the brain, used for calculation.

Just born, he has the cultivation base of the supreme god, and his computing power is terrifying to the extreme, which can be used to govern the country.

A perfect god stone was absorbed and merged into the archangel. Immediately, the archangel split and turned into a new archangel.

It is constantly splitting and creating, and every time an archangel is created, it is a waste of a large amount of materials and a huge amount of luck.In the end, [-] archangels were born, whose cultivation was comparable to the peak of the supreme god; and another hundred angel kings were born, comparable to the main god!

Then, the Archangel and the Celestial Master began to be assigned to various key departments and began to manage the world.

The archangel, the king of angels, is essentially a weapon. There are no emotions, no corruption, no selfishness, no various schemes and tricks, and everything is done according to the procedures.As a result, the government is clear and bright, the government and the people are up and down, extremely clean, and the luck is also enhanced like never before.

The Archangel can be used to fight, and can also absorb the luck of the dynasty, and it is constantly splitting. The number of them depends on the size of the dynasty, and the size of the dynasty's national fortune determines.They promote each other, forming a virtuous circle.

In any dynasty, as long as it is an official, there are desires, and the desire to rescue leads to corruption and corruption, which leads to the decline of the entire dynasty's ability to operate and the gradual aging of parts.The Archangel Wang Bin forged, the Angel King, is equivalent to a "robot".

But at this moment, relying on the "Archangel" and "King of Angels", with their huge computing power and ruthless principles, they manage the dynasty, handle all kinds of things, do things in a logical manner, and do things in strict accordance with various systems. Corruption was all but eradicated and a strong order was established.

All kinds of forces are integrated and intertwined, and they cannot be cleaned up. Some interest groups, even a talented emperor, cannot be governed, but Wang Bin immediately dealt with the mess with a sharp knife.

In a short period of time, the luck of the dynasty was quickly integrated, and the luck was boiling.

Everything was moving towards perfection, but Wang Bin felt a little uneasy.


Time is passing, and another century has passed.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, Wang Bin's body exploded, and his soul was also shattered. Only a thought, a brand of will still exists, between nothingness and reality, and between nothingness and reality.

"Half-step Wuwu, it's finally done."

The next moment, Wang Bin condensed his body and soul again. As for the godhead in his body, it disappeared when he stepped into the realm of infinity.

The so-called godhead is essentially a bridge.

When stepping into the realm of the gods, the godhead is condensed; but when you transcend the main god and step into the half-step Wuwu realm, the godhead is shattered again, and you walk towards great freedom and freedom.

At this moment, looking at the God Realm and the chaotic sea again gave me a brand new feeling.

"There are no good people in the God Realm!"

Wang Bin sighed and closed his eyes again.

The war between angels and demons, the war between hell and heaven is still going on, but Wang Bin seldom makes a move, only the king of idols makes a move, defeating the Supreme True Demon, defeating the evil god, defeating the king of immortals, and establishing the foundation of the infinite world. On the prestige!
The reputation of the master is very low, far less famous than the king of idols.

But everyone was terrified in their hearts. The King of Idols was terrifying and invincible, and the supreme ruler was extremely terrifying.Everyone can guess one or two about the strength of the Idol King, but no one knows the strength of the Supreme Ruler.

Boom boom boom!
At the moment of stepping into nothingness, the terrifying aura swept towards the God Realm, and ordinary gods did not feel it; but the powerhouse above the Supreme God felt that terrifying aura.

In front of Banbu Wuwu, the so-called supreme gods, main gods, etc. are all ants.

"This deity has broken the shackles, and it's time for me to advance!"

At this moment, Supreme True Demon sensed the change in breath, and said happily in his heart.

The gods and demons are originally one. At the moment when the supreme master has stepped into the half step of nothingness, all kinds of cultivation experience, Dao perception, etc., have been smelted into the mind of the supreme true demon.

Boom boom boom!
The shackles were broken, and the supreme true demon stepped into the realm of infinity.

Then, the King of Idols stepped into the realm of Wuwu.

Three months later, King Jade Immortal stepped into the realm of infinity.

Then, Demon Master, Swallowing King, Cthulhu, No. [-] Demon General, Dugu Invincible, High Priest and others also broke the shackles one after another, and stepped into the half-step Wuwu realm.

Immediately, the God Realm was transformed into three major forces, the gods of heaven belonged to one branch, with the supreme master, the king of idols, the high priest, etc., the three masters were suppressed by half-step masters, and the masters under their command were like a cloud;
The lineage of kings consists of 72 kings, among which two half-step powerhouses such as King Zhuxian and King Tuntian sit in command;

The group of demons in hell has the supreme true demon, the first demon general, etc., and the two half-step Wuwu powerhouses are suppressing them.

In addition, there is the lineage of the demon clan, represented by demon masters; the lineage of the evil gods, with the suppression of evil gods.

The God Realm immediately entered its heyday, with strong men like clouds, masters emerging in large numbers, and half-step boundless masters, there are as many as nine masters.

(End of this chapter)

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